Thursday, November 20, 2003

The Hemphill Independent School District Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the HISD Cafeteria with the following members present: Lloyd Ford, Stephen Crowell, Bob Russell, Janis Speights, Carolyn Wych, Roger Gay, and Steve Conn.

Also present were Mike Terry, Superintendent, Sally Butler, Business Manager, Becky Nix, Jean Edgar, Stephanie Corley, C. J. O’Neal, Jimmy Clark, Steve Mills, Doug Botts, Jack Cassidy, Kay Upshaw, and Vickie Lightfoot.

Lloyd Ford, School Board President, called the meeting to order.

Bob Russell gave the invocation.

Lloyd Ford led the pledge to the flag.

Carolyn Wych recited the Hemphill ISD Mission Statement.

The AEIS Report (Academic Excellence Indicator System) presentation was given by Kay Upshaw. Mrs. Upshaw indicated that Hemphill I.S.D. rated quite well overall, but there were areas of weakness that the district has already implemented improvement strategies.

The Board approved the minutes from the Regular Board meeting on October 16, 2003 on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Roger Gay, passed unanimously.

The Board approved the minutes of the Special Board Meeting on October 28, 2003 on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Bob Russell, passed unanimously.

The Board approved the handcut checks and bills for the month of November 2003 on a motion by Steve Conn, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.

Sally Butler, Business Manager, presented the financial report for the month of October 2003.

The Board approved the October financial report on a motion by Roger Gay, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously.

The Budget Amendment was moved to later in the meeting.

Mr. Terry, Superintendent, briefly summarized the report items for the Board.

Enrollment for November was Elementary 356, Middle School 312, and High School 287 for a total of 955.

The Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Angelina College has come up for renewal.

TEA has issued the 2002-2003 School Report Cards and they will be sent out to parents with the next report cards.

Mr. Botts updated the board on the computers received from NASA and the distribution.

The stadium construction’s official start date was November 17th. The weather hindered progress, but they started moving dirt Thursday, November 2003.

Paula Horton has submitted her resignation to be effective December 12th. She feels led to devote more time to complete her degree. She has done an excellent job and will be missed. Applications for this position are being accepted until Friday, November 21, 2003.

Mr. Terry then presented the Superintendent's Recommendations.

The Superintendent recommended approving designation of fund balance as follows:


Capital Expenditures for Equipment$ 100,000


*Recommend an additional @2,000,000 be designated for future construction.

The Board approved the designation as presented on a motion by Roger Gay, seconded by Janis Speights, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended approving SSA Agreement with Lufkin Regional Day School for the Deaf.

The Board approved the SSA Agreement with Lufkin Regional Day School for the Deaf on a motion by Bob Russell, seconded by Carolyn Wych, passed unanimously

The Superintendent recommended consideration of Activity Building parking lot, whether to continue preparing area for parking or whether to landscape area.

The Board approved consideration to develop a plan for partial parking and partial landscaping on a motion by Bob Russell, seconded by Stephen Crowell, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended consideration to purchase metal building from Chance Construction for $8,000.00

The Board took no action.

The Superintendent recommended consideration of bids for Construction Manager-At-Risk for Field House project.

The Board approved the bid submitted by Cox Contractors in the amount of $639,300.00 on a motion by Roger Gay, seconded by Janis Speights, passed unanimously.

There were no Student Overnight Trips. No action was taken.

The Superintendent recommended approving the following Trust Property Bids:

  1. Pendleton Harbor – Lot T-92, Suit T-166 / Jeannine Lyons - $100.00
  2. Pendleton Harbor – Lot 636, Suit T-100 / James Hardy - $450.00
  3. Pendleton Harbor – Lot 805, Suit T-158 / Vickie Lightfoot - $200.00
  4. Pendleton Harbor – Lot 806, Suit T-167 / Vickie Lightfoot - $200.00

The Board approved the Trust Property Bids as presented on a motion by Carolyn Wych, seconded by Roger Gay, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended approval to join the Alvarado Intervenors in the West Orange-Cove Case.

The Board approved joining the Alvarado Intervenors in the West Orange-Cove Case on a motion by Janis Speights, seconded by Bob Russell, passed unanimously.

The Superintendent recommended approval of Tractor bids presented by Jack Cassidy.

The Board requested that Mr. Cassidy obtain prices on John Deere tractor and bring before the Board next month. No action was taken.

The Superintendent recommended approval to dispose of Pentium 200 computers.

The Board approved disposal of the computers on a motion by Roger Gay, seconded by Bob Russell, passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned into Closed Session at 8:30 p.m.

The meeting resumed Open Session at 9:15 p.m.

The Superintendent recommended accepting resignation by Laura Smith – Middle School Teacher / Special Education.

The Board approved resignation on a motion by Roger Gay, seconded by Steve Conn, passed unanimously.

Sally presented Budget Amendment #4 for the 2003-2004 school year, which consisted of the following changes: To record revenue and expenditures for bus repairs in the amount of $8468.00 from 199-00-5745-00-000-4-00000 to 199-34-6299-00-999-4-99000 / To record revenue and expenditures for 8th Pilot program in the amount of $500.00 from 199-00-5829-93-000-4-00000 to 199-11-6399-93-041-4-21000 / To record expenditures for stadium building in the amount of $700,000 @ 199-81-6629-01-999-4-99000.

The Board approved Budget Amendment #4 as presented on a motion by Stephen Crowell, seconded by Bob Russell, passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. on a motion by Roger Gay, seconded by Steve Conn.


Lloyd Ford, President Robert H. Russell, Secretary

Hemphill Board of Education Hemphill Board of Education