Name:______Regents Review Sheet #4

Period:______U.S. History and Government

Date: ______Mrs. Smith

Federalist Era

Washington’s Presidency (1789 – 1797) – No political party

Judiciary Act of 1789

Hamilton’s Financial Plan

·  Get the country out of debt

-Bond Plan

*People who sold bonds to speculators argue


*New Capital Compromise

·  Build a strong economy

-National Bank

*Farmers Argue

-Protective Tariff

*Farmers Argue

-Whiskey Excise Tax

*Backcountry Corn Farmers Argue

Whiskey Rebellion

Unwritten Constitution

·  Cabinet

·  2 Terms in Office

·  Political Parties

Federalist Party v. Democratic-Republican Party (Jeffersonian Democrats)

Proclamation of Neutrality

Washington’s Farewell Address

Adam’s Presidency (1797- 1801) - Federalist

Election of 1796

Alien and Sedition Acts

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Antebellum Era

Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency (1801-1808) – Democratic Republican

Election of 1800

Marbury v. Madison

Presidential Treaty of the Louisiana Purchase

Embargo Act

Non-intercourse Act

James Madison’s Presidency (1809-1817) – Democratic Republican

War of 1812

James Monroe’s Presidency (1817-1825) – National Republican

John Quincy Adam’s as Secretary of State

·  Adam’s Onis Treaty

Federalism Court Cases

Missouri Compromise

Monroe Doctrine


·  Henry clay’s American System

·  Northern Industrial Revolution and Immigration

·  Southern Plantation boom

·  Western Territorial Expansion

John Quincy Adam’s Presidency (1825-1829) – National Republican

Election of 1824 “Corrupt Bargain”

Andrew Jackson’s Presidency (1828 – 1837) - Democrat

Electoral Changes

§  Increase in Suffrage

§  National nominating conventions

§  Secret Ballots

Spoils System

Bank War

Tariff of Abominations debate

Nullification Crisis

Force Bill

Indian Removal Act: Trail of Tears

Martin Van Buren’s Presidency (1837-1841) - Democrat

Whig Party appears

Panic of 1837

William Henry Harrison’s Presidency (1841-1841) - Whig

Log Cabin campaign

30 day Presidency

John Tyler’s Presidency (1841-1845) - “Whig”

End of the Whig Party

Reform Movements of the 1840’s

Public Schools Feminism

Care for the Mentally Ill Women’s Rights

