Name of district: Gilbert Public Schools


Address: 140 South Gilbert Road

City: Gilbert

State: AZ

Zip code: 85296

Type of intern candidates your district is willing to accept (check all that apply):

- Ed.S.

- Masters

Name of district contact for school psychology internship: Julene R. Robbins, Ph.D. NCSP


Phone: 480-497-3322

In which parts of the internship fair will your district participate (check all that apply):

- 9:00-10:00 AM Meet-n-Greet

- 10:00-12:00 PM Interviews

- 1:00-1:45 PM Interviews

Is the internship funded: Yes

If so, what is the typical salary: $27,000 plus benefits

How many interns do you anticipate hiring this year: 1 or 2

How are interns in your district placed: Placed with an experienced school psychologist

Please briefly describe what experiences an intern in your district would receive: Interns will be placed in both elementary and secondary settings to enable them to fully experience the age ranges and concerns of students with whom they will work when certified. Additionally, GPS will ensure that they also experience a wide array of cases, disability types, ages and experiences to fully prepare themselves for practice after graduation.

Please describe how supervision is provided to interns in your district: Both elementary and secondary supervising psychologists will meet and directly supervise all activities of the intern. Since the intern will work in two schools, they will work with two supervisors. Additionally, the Lead Psychologist is available for additional supervision as requested.

Will the supervisor(s) provide 2 hours of direct supervision for every 40 hours worked: Yes

How many hours do interns typically accumulate throughout the year: 1500

What other information should intern candidates know about your district or internship experience that is not listed here? GPS Department of Psychology asks that interns full participate with the department in their committee structure, and professional development activities. Additionally, we request that each intern plan and present a professional development activity focusing on work done in the District or outside research project.

Are there at least two licensed doctoral psychologists on staff in the event that a doctoral candidate wishes to receive supervision consistent with a future pursuit of licensure: No

Do you require students to apply to the district ahead of time: Yes

If so please provide directions for students on where to apply (physical address/email address/website) and what portfolio materials to submit: Go the GPS website: and complete an application for psychologist. Currently, the District does not have a separate internship application. Please be sure to indicate that the position requested is an internship position in the application.