Week Ending 14th October 2016 Newsletter No.06

KS2 Family Learning Workshop
All parents and carers of KS2 children are invited to come and attend our Family learning Workshop, on Wednesday 19th October at 9am, in the school hall. There will be lots of fun, practical activities that you and your child can engage with. We look forward to seeing you there.
Send a Sign to Someone Special.
During the half term holidays, Miss Haunch will be trekking to Gaddins Dam. It is situated high on the wet and windy moors. It also has the highest beach in England and is the perfect spot to 'Send a Sign to Someone Special'.
This is how you do it:
1) choose a favourite soft toy belonging to the Someone Special.
2) Think of a special message (it needs to be a nice one. "Xxx it's over, I'm leaving you" is probably not a good choice for example).
3) Bring your toy and message to Washacre Primary and give to the office or to Miss Haunch.
4) Pay £10 for transportation, photograph and certificate.
5) Watch this space.
For the £10 you will get the pleasure of surprising Someone Special when your message and soft toy are aired on this Facebook set, which has over 1500 followers. Your soft toy will love you for having let it go on an adventure and will tell you all about it when it comes home. You will get an Adventurer Certificate.
However, most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your £10 helped to pay for a 'holiday of a lifetime' for one of our children.
Attendance 7.10.16-13.10.16
Reception / 93.5%
Year 1 / 95.8%
Year 2 / 99.3%
Year 3 / 96.5%
Year 4 / 97.3%
Year 5 / 98.2%
Year 6 / 97.1%
The attendance winners this week are Year 2 well done 
Date for the Diary
  • Year 5 class assembly Thursday 20th October at 9am.
Breakfast club
We have availability in our breakfast club from 8.15am -8.50am we charge 50p per day which should be paid in advance. / Open Day
Reminder that our open day is next Thursday 20th October from 9am-3pm, please share with friends and family to come and have a look round, we look forward to seeing you.
EYFS Tapestry
Reminder to EYFS parents, please fill in the form & let us have email addresses in order to start using Tapestry. Also we are enjoying looking at the photographs & observations that parents/carers are sending in to us.
3-4Year Nursery Parents
After consultation with the Dentist and Speech and language therapist we are trying to encourage the children to give up their dummy to the dummy fairy, we have been working on this within nursery and have purchased a book called “Bea gives up her dummy”. This is available to parents if they would like to borrow it to read at home with a view to being able to help their child give up their dummy. This will have a positive impacted on your child’s development.
Next Week’s Dinner list 17.10.16
Monday / Battered Fish with Potatoes and beans / Chocolate and mandarin Square
Tuesday / Pizza with potatoes and salad / Ice Cream
Wednesday / Meat pie with mash potato and vegetables / Jelly
Thursday / Chicken wraps or cheese Flan with potato wedges / Mixed Fruits
Friday / Burger and chips / Homemade biscuits
Dinner money
If your child is provided with a paid school lunch then £6.25 must be paid on Mondays. Failure to do so will result in a phone call home requesting a packed lunch.
Please inform the school office if your child wants to change from packed lunches to school meals and vice-versa, to avoid unnecessary charges.
Thank You.

Your Child, Your Community, Your School