Lecturer survey

Question 1 (Browser)

What Browser version do you use?

·  Netscape 7.2 or later

·  Internet Explorer 6.0 or later

·  AOL 9

·  Mozilla 1.7

·  Firefox 1.0

·  Other Browser

Question 2 (Browser)

If you selected Other Browser, explain

Question 3 (Technical set-up)

How would you describe your experience of setting up your computer system to work with WebCT Vista™ : (You may select more than one answer.)

q  I had trouble installing Sun Java run time environment.

q  I had trouble installing the latest browser version.

q  I had trouble tuning my browser for WebCT.

q  I had to contact TLEI/IT to help me with the technical set-up.

q  I experienced no trouble at all.

Question 4 (Technical set-up)

How long did it take you to set up your computer system to work with WebCT Vista™ ?

·  1 to 15 minutes

·  16 to 30 minutes

·  31 minutes to 1 hour

·  More than 1 hour

Question 5 (MyWebCT)

Which of the following functions on the MyWebCT page did you use? (You may mark more than one block)

q  To Do List

q  My grades

q  Course list

q  Campus announcements

q  The weekly calendar

q  Personal bookmarks

q  Campus bookmarks

q  Who’s online

Question 6 (MyWebCT)

How did you customize your MyWebCT page? (You may mark more than one block)

q  I changed the colour

q  I re-organized the page layout, i.e. moved the functions

q  I hid some of the functions

q  I did not want to change anything

q  I was not aware that the MyWebCT could be customized

Question 7 (MyWebCT)

Did you find the notification of new activity that took place within the module valuable? (e.g. icons indicating new discussion messages)

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not notice it

Question 8 (Tabs)

The Teach and Student Tabs confused me.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not notice them

Question 9 (WebCT Tools)

Which of the following tools did you find useful? (You may mark more than one block)

q  Announcements

q  Discussions

q  Mail

q  Chat

q  Who’s Online

q  Assessments (Quiz and Survey)

q  Assignments

q  Calendar

q  Syllabus

q  Grade book

Question 10 (WebCT Tools)

Please motivate why you found the tools selected above to be useful?

Question 11 (Announcements)

The Announcements tool is a quick and easy tool to keep my students motivated and on track.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

Question 12 (Announcements)

I used the Announcements tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Type = P

Question 13 (Announcements)

For what purpose did you use the Announcements tool?

Question 14 (Discussions)

The layout of the Discussion tool is more user friendly.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

·  I do not know, as I have not used the Discussion tool previously

Question 15 (Discussions)

I used the Discussion tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Type = P

Question 16 (Discussions)

For what purpose did you use the Discussion tool?

Question 17 (Mail)

The layout of the Mail tool is more user friendly.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

·  I do not know, as I have not used the Mail tool previously

Question 18 (Mail)

I used the Mail tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Type = P

Question 19 (Mail)

For what purpose did you use the Mail tool?

Question 20 (chat)

The layout of the Chat tool is more user friendly.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

·  I do not know, as I have not used the Chat tool previously

Question 21 (chat)

I used the Chat tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Type = P

Question 22 (chat)

For what purpose did you use the Chat tool?

Question 23 (who’s online)

The Who’s Online tool is a quick and easy tool to display active participants in the course.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

Question 24 (who’s online)

I used the Who’s Online tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Question 25 (quiz/survey)

The layout of the Quiz/Survey tool is more user friendly.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

·  I do not know, as I have not used the Quiz/Syrvey tool previously

Type = P

Question 26 (quiz/survey)

For what purpose did you use the Quiz/Survey tool?

Question 27 (assignments)

The layout of the Assignments drop box is more user friendly.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

·  I do not know, as I have not used the Assignment tool previously

Question 28 (assignments)

The Assignments publications feature is useful.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

Question 29 (assignments)

The submission of drafts not to be graded is a useful feature.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

Question 30 (assignments)

I used the Assignments tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Question 31 (calendar)

The layout of the Calendar tool is more user friendly.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

·  I do not know, as I have not used the Calendar tool previously

Question 32 (calendar)

I used the Calendar tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Question 33 (syllabus)

The Syllabus tool is a quick and easy tool to display general information about the course.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not use it

Question 34 (syllabus)

I used the Syllabus tool

·  Once a week

·  Once a month

·  Once during the semester

·  Not at all

Type = P

Question 35 (syllabus)

For what purpose did you use the Syllabus tool?

Question 36 (Grade book)

Which of the following options did you experience as positive changes to the Grade book? (You may select more than one answer.)

q  The fact that the left hand columns are fixed

q  The Create a column function is much more visible

q  The Export to spreadsheet function is much more visible

q  The fact that it is a lot easier to select a number of students and send them all an e-mail directly from within the grade book

q  The Column settings can be changed

Question 37 (Grade book)

The audit history made it useful to see who has made changes to marks and why.

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not notice it

Question 38 (Grade book)

Please provide any other comments about the functionality of the Grade book.

Question 39 (FAQ page)

Did you use the Frequently Asked Questions page loaded under the Campus bookmarks?

·  Yes

·  No

·  I did not notice it

Question 40 (Positive aspects)

What features of WebCT Vista™ did you experience to be positive and why?

Question 41 (Negative aspects )

What features of WebCT Vista™ did you experience to be negative and why?

Question 42 (Suggestions)

What suggestions can you make to improve this WebCT Vista™ course?