Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Board held at 11.30am on Friday 24 October at the University of London Union, Malet Street, London

Attendance: Lenny Barry Chairman

Nigel Mayglothling Senior Vice Chair

Neil Walker Senior Vice Chair

Tiger De Souza Student Vice Chair

Dan Feist Student Vice Chair

Al MacEwen Honorary Treasurer

Alex Stacey London

Vicki Putson North East

Sam Inman North West

Sam Crooks Scotland

Dan Hamilton South Central

Kirsty Williams South East

Ed Blockley South West

Mike Harding Wales

Stewart Ross Non Student England

Niall Sturrock Non Student Scotland

Ian Campbell Non Student Wales

Zena Wooldridge University & Colleges Sport

G. Gregory-Jones Chief Executive

Jim Ellis Sports Administration Manager

Dave Rogers Finance and Office Manager

Apologies: Jim Brown Trustee

Sir Maurice Shock Trustee

Bill Slater Trustee

Ben Shenton Student Vice Chair

Trish McFarland Non Student Northern Ireland

Catherine Marston Universities UK

Malcolm Brown International Sport Committee

Phil Attwell National Sport Committee






/ That with the amendment to the name of the alternative Student Board Member for the North West to read Rachel Washington in place of Amy Spencer, the minutes of the meeting held on Friday 25 July 2003 be signed as a true record of the proceedings.



Matters Arising



Elections (E03/35)


/ Members were informed that CJ Lee had tendered his resignation as Chair of the Member Services Committee owing to pressure of other commitments. Stewart Ross, Non Student England, and previous member of Member Services Committee, had offered to assume the chairmanship for the remainder of the year.



/ That a vote of thanks to be recorded to CJ Lee for his work on Member Services Committee.


/ That Stewart Ross be appointed Chairman of Member Services Committee for the remainder of the year 2003 – 2004


/ In response to a question on the appointment of SMG Chairs the members confirmed Steve Coupland duly appointed as Chair of Karate. This had not been clear at the previous meeting.




/ The Management Accounts for the period ending 31 July 2003 had been circulated along with explanatory notes, plus details of sports specific budgets, expenditure and variances.
The Treasurer informed members of satisfaction with the final year outcome in which proposed budget deficit had been significantly reduced. He re-emphasised that balanced budgets had been set for 2003 – 2004 and 2004 – 2005. It was noted that the Auditor’s report presented to the Treasurer had commended the Association on its financial controls and no issues of concern had been identified.
In response to a query on the apparent World University Games overspend against budget, it was explained that in setting the budget only the Sport Council grant was identified, since at that stage support from National Governing Bodies was unknown. Team size and therefore personal contributions were inextricably related to NGB grants thus the WUGS budget was a rolling exercise. In overall terms only £30,000 of Association money was included in the £340,000 expenditure on World University Games. It was agreed that a note should be issued to members explaining the NGB grant / team size relationship and the problems caused by the UK Sport Council’s financial year and that of the Association being different.


/ That the Management Accounts for the period ending 31 July 2003 be noted.



Business Plan

/ A paper detailing the proposed Business Activity Plan for the year 2003 – 2004 had been circulated. Members were reminded that although lead officers and staff had been identified for each element of the plan, responsibility for delivery was with the Executive Board and each individual should be prepared to contribute to one or more of the activities agreed.
It was noted that in some instances the timelines had not been identified, however these would be produced by Committees at their next meetings, and be in place for the next Executive Board meeting.
The document, updated as appropriate, would be presented to each successive Executive Board meeting for information and adjustment if required.
The Treasurer emphasised that whilst the principles of the plan might be agreed members would need always to be aware of marginal costs vis a vis marginal revenue and if necessary
refine the plan accordingly. The document, updated or as appropriate, would be presented to each successive Executive Board meeting for information and adjustment if required.
/ Resolved
/ That the proposed Business Activity Plan for 2003 – 2004 be adopted.



Office Group Meetings

/ The minutes of the Officer Group Meetings of the 24 July, 18 & 30 September and 6 October had been circulated and were presented by the Chairman who directed the attention of members to specific issues viz:-


/ 24 July


/ European Year of Education through Sport - the Association would bid to host the 2004 EUSA General Assembly in conjunction with a sports seminar for which EYES funding would be sought


/ BUSA Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year – it had been suggested that the categories of awards associated with the BUSA Sportsman/Sportswoman should be extended possibly to include such areas as “best administrator”, “best president” etc.
/ Members expressed some concern that too many categories could reduce the value of awards to both recipient and the general Association membership, but the presentation of awards at Divisional level was considered as a possibility which merited further investigation.
The principle of extending the BUSA Awards categories was agreed, and a paper detailing options available should be circulated for member consideration and comment.
/ 18 September


/ Butterfield Lecture and 10th Anniversary Dinner – the provisional plans for the Butterfield Lecture on 17 June were noted, along with a list of potential speakers.


/ Website development - it was noted that the Association had contracted two companies Nu Earth and Etype which would seek to maximise benefit of website advertising in both short and long term.
/ 30 September


/ Acquisitions and Alliance – Chairman reported that discussions with BUSC were ongoing
/ 6 October


/ Regional Sports Boards - members noted the potential for working links between the Divisions of the Association, and Regional Sports all of which had FE/HE representatives in membership.
/ It was agreed that Divisional Chairs and Secretaries should be encouraged to meet with local UCS representatives to ensure a consistent HE voice. Zena Wooldridge offered to draft a brief paper outlining an HE strategy for sport vis a vis Game Plan.


/ Media coverage – members were informed that the Association, along with twelve other National Governing Bodies, had entered into contract with Freesport a company committed to placing minority sports on the Freeview platform.
/ Resolved
/ That the minutes of office Group Meetings of 24 July, 18 & 30 September & 6 October be
noted and action taken thereon endorsed
E03/45 / International Sports Committee
A paper detailing the participation in the 2003 World University Games and the success of the Association’s team had been circulated. Several issues were drawn to the attention of members viz:-
(i) / The winning of seventeen medals which was the highest total ever achieved in a Games by a GB team.
(ii) / An overall finishing position of 7th in the Medal table which was above such teams as USA
(iii) / The total support received from all National Governing Bodies of Sport involved.
(iv) / The attendance of Bill Sweetenham, Performance Director of the Amateur Swimming Association and his subsequent commitment of GB swimming to the next two Games.
It was noted that a full colour poster promoting the successful GB team had been produced and circulated and a colour brochure was being printed and would be distributed in the near future
Members acknowledged their responsibility to promote the success of the team, and its contribution to the BUSA profile both locally and at Divisional Meetings
E03/46 / National Sport Competition Committee
The minutes of the 24 September 2003 meeting of the National Sports Competition Committee had been circulated. In the absence of the Chair of that Committee they were presented by the Senior Vice Chair (NW) and specific issues were highlighted viz
(i) / The request by thirteen additional sports for BUSA Championships status. Application packs containing the criteria for adoption of new sports had been distributed accordingly.
(ii) / An invitation to members interested in serving on Sports Management Groups was to be issued in General Posting 13.
(iii) / Confirmation that arrangements would be made to accommodate swimmers with a disability within the BUSA championships. Further guidance on the Disability Discrimination Act and the implications for BUSA Championships generally would be sought.
(iv) / Significant expansion of the rowing and equestrian championships which would necessitate a request to F & H Committee for enhanced budgets.
(v) / The support in principle for a Rugby Union National Premier League subject to the resolution of two or three problem issues.
Some concern was expressed by members that the proposed Premier League could force a student to choose between club and university and with the former offering financial enticement University teams could suffer the withdrawal of performance athletes. It was also suggested that the proposal included a significant number of Saturday games which would mitigate against the Wednesday sport campaign.
Members noted that a number of issues had been referred back to the Rugby SMG and a full response would be presented to the next meeting of National Sport Competition Committee and thereafter to Executive Board.
(vi) / The problems created by proposed FIH rule changes in January which would be mid season in the BUSA calendar, albeit BUSA rules would not change until following season.
(vii) / The granting of BUSA Championship status for the 2004 – 2005 season to the sport of Modern Pentathlon.
(viii) / The ongoing discussions with the All England Netball Association concerning a potential block affiliation for BUSA members
It was acknowledged that block affiliation in other sports could be of benefit to the Association’s membership and Sports Management Groups would be requested to investigate the possibility of such an agreement within their sport, ensuring better value and service to students.
That the minutes of the 24 September meeting of the National Competition Sport Committee be noted and action taken thereon endorsed.
A paper outlining terms of reference for a review of the domestic representative sport programme had been laid on the table. The Chairman explained that a fundamental review of the programme was essential to ensure that it had full support of and gave value for money to, the membership. With the addition of the players who participate in representative sport to the list of stakeholders to be consulted the terms of reference were approved.
E03/47 / Divisional Meetings
Reports from Divisional Meetings had been circulated viz::-
(i) / London 18 September 2003 – it was confirmed that individuals who had volunteered to assist with Member Services projects would be contacted within the next week.
(ii) / Midlands 13 August 2003 – in the absence of the Divisional Representative the item on election of the student representative to the International Committee, referred to Executive Board, was deferred
(iii) / South East 22 August 2003 – members noted that the matter of Officer Accountability referred to the Board would be covered by a subsequent report from South East Division, discussion was therefore deferred
(iv) / Wales 10 October 2003 – no matters referred to Executive Board



10th Anniversary celebrations

/ A paper detailing suggested events to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the formation of BUSA had been circulated. Any comments or additional suggestions were to be submitted to Chief Executive. The major event of the year would be the Butterfield Lecture and Dinner on 17 June to which the Association’s Patron HRH The Princess Royal had been invited.



Calendar of meetings

/ A calendar of Association meetings for the year 2003 –2004 had been circulated and also posted on the website www.busa.org.uk.
E03/50 / Any urgent business
Bishop Burton College
Members were informed that Bishop Burton College which had previously competed as part of Lincoln and Humberside had recently adopted independent status the outcome institution being FE/HE. Entries had been accepted from the institution earlier in the year, when part of the University, and it had been requested that such entries be permitted to stand for 2003 – 2004. Members agreed that since the eligibility rules were under review the college would be permitted to complete in the 2003 – 2004 championships. Thereafter the eligibility rules, current or revised would apply.
That Bishop Burton College be permitted to complete in the 2003 – 2004 BUSA Championships. The future membership of the college to be reviewed following the proposed report on member eligibility
E03/51 / Close of meeting
There being no further business the Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 3.50pm.