Dear Colleague

Exit Questionnaire

As part of the University’s commitment to improving our employment practices, we recognise the importance of seeking feedback on your experiences during your time with the SwanseaUniversity. I have therefore enclosed a questionnaire designed to offer you the opportunity to comment in complete confidence.

The information you supply can reflect your positive experiences at the University and can be used to share good practice, but equally the University would like to know if there are any negative factors that may have contributed to your leaving.

The information you give will be used for the purpose of monitoring and evaluating employment trends, and to identify areas that need to be addressed to improve the retention of staff. This information will not however make any reference to you personally.

Although completion of the questionnaire is completely voluntary I would like to encourage you to complete it and to feel free to offer additional comments to any of the questions asked. Your completed questionnaire should be returned to Mrs B S Lewis, Equal Opportunities Officer, in the envelope provided.

Thanking you in anticipation of your co-operation.

Yours sincerely

D G Williams

Director of Human Resources


Forms/Exit Questionnaire (20.05.05)


Exit Questionnaire


Part 1 - Personal details

1.School/Department: ______

2.Staff Group:______

3.Length of Service

0 - 1 year / 1 - 2 years / 2 - 3 years
3 - 5 years / 5 - 10 years / 10 - 20 years

Part 2 - During your employment with the University

4.What attracted you to SwanseaUniversity(please tick all that apply)

Location / Working environment /

Training & Development opportunities

Salary /

University Reputation



Job /

Department Reputation


Other-please specify

Career prospects


Hours of work

Pension scheme


Staff Benefits

5. How did the reality of working for the University compare to your perception (rank 1 to 4, with 1 very satisfied, 2 satisfied, 3 dissatisfied and 4 very dissatisfied)

Location / Working environment /

Training & Development opportunities

Salary /

University Reputation



Job /

Department Reputation


Other-please specify

Career prospects


Hours of work

Pension scheme

/ Staff Benefits

6. How would you rate the following experiences whilst employed by the University (rank 1 to 4 as above)?

Induction/initial training / Working relationships within team /

Opportunities for career progression

Formal training courses / Recognition of your contribution to the team /


Appraisal / Staffing levels /

Social aspects

Communication with your line manager /

Hours of work


Working relationships between departments

Communication within the University /

Volume of work


Facilities for staff

Supervision and guidance /

Balancing home, family and work responsibilities


Interaction with staff in your department

Management style /

Job variety



Opportunities for personal development

7. Why are you leaving the University (please tick all that apply)?

Relocation / Physical work environment /

Career change

Career progression / Relationship with line manager /

No longer need or want to work

Working environment / Flexibility /


To travel / End of fixed term contract /

Work overload

Retirement /

Ill health


Relationship with colleagues

Redundancy /



Management style

Care responsibilities /




Lack of scope /

Return to education

/ Other-please specify

8. What is your destination on leaving?

Another HEI in UK / Student in UK /

Self employed in the UK

HEI in an overseas country / Student in an overseas country /

Other employment in the UK

Other education institution in UK / NHS/General Medical or general dental practice in UK /

Other employment in an overseas country

Other education institution in overseas country / Health Service in an overseas country /

Not in regular employment

Research institution in the UK /

Other public sector in UK



Research Institution Overseas /

Private industry/commerce in UK


Other please specify

9. Did you make anyone aware of the reason(s) for leaving your current post?

Yes-please specify /


10. SwanseaUniversity is committed to eradicating all forms of harassment and, in order to help identify potential problem areas, is seeking to gain statistical information to inform policy. During your employment with the University, have you been exposed to any form of discrimination or harassment?

Bullying / Sexual orientation / Membership of a Trade Union or political
Sexual / Religion / Age
Racial / Disability

11. What did you most enjoy about your job? ______


12. What did you least enjoy about your job?______


13. Can you suggest any improvements that would have made working for the University a more rewarding experience?


If there are any issues that you would like to discuss in confidence please contact a member of the Personnel Department.

Part 3 - Equal Opportunities Monitoring Data

SwanseaUniversityhas an Equal Opportunities policy which, in order to be effective requires that we know more about who leaves the institution. The information gathered would show if we are offering equality of treatment and opportunity to all areas of the community that we serve. Monitoring can also tell us if we are falling short of this ideal, in which case we can then concentrate on finding solutions and making changes based on factual information. Without this information we will not know if our equal opportunity practices are working.

To enable the University to pursue its Equal Opportunities policy effectively, you are asked to complete this section to assist the University in monitoring its commitment to equal opportunity. The information provided will be entered on confidential databases within the Personnel Department and will be released to other bodies such as the University’s Equal Opportunities Committee and the Higher Education Statistical Agency only in an anonymous statistical format.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Please fill in the relevant information using capital letters or tick where required.


Tick the appropriate box to indicate your gender: Female


Ethnic Origin

Choose ONE section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your background. Please note that the ethnic categories below are based upon those as prepared by the Commission for Racial Equality.

AI am White:

 White – British

 English  Scottish  Welsh  Other – Please write in ......

 White – Irish

 White – Other – Please indicate ......

BI am of Mixed Background:

 White and Black Caribbean

 White and Black African

 White and Asian

 Any other mixed background – Please indicate ......

CI am Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Asian Scottish or Asian Welsh.




 Any other Asian background – Please indicate ......

DI am Black, Black British, Black English, Black Scottish or Black Welsh.



 Other Black background – Please indicate ......

EI am Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Chinese Scottish, Chinese Welsh or other ethnic group.


 Any other background – Please indicate ......


My Nationality is: ...... (according to passport)


My date of birth is: ......


Under the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) a disabled person is defined as someone with a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect upon their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Under the terms of the Act, do you consider yourself to have a disability?  Yes  No

If yes, please tick the category(s) that apply to you:

 Dyslexia Physical co-ordination

 Blind/Partially Sighted Lifting or moving objects

 Deaf/Hearing impaired Multiple disabilities

 Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties Speech

 Personal care support Manual dexterity

 Memory, concentration, learning difficultiesA disability not listed

 An unseen disability (e.g., diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)