MNLGLL Meeting Minutes


Attendance taken at main table – Separate Sheet –(Added below)

Meeting called to order by Rob Hoxie and Rob Hansen at 8:28pm

Notes taken by Michael Merchant – League Secretary

Open remarks to membership – Any open questions that are burning before we start the meeting.

Finances –MarkDeitelbaum

  • Report next meeting, stand looks strong for revenue, big increase over last year

Secretary Report – Mike Merchant

  • N/A

Player Agent – Gary Schulte

  • N/A

Presidents Report –Rob Hansen/Rob Hoxie

  • Baseball Operations – Hansen
  • All Star Schedule – making sure that all fields are NOT double booked. We are hosting 28 total games.
  • Carol Thomas is running the home games and organizing all the help needed, she will be sending out info soon.

Umpires - Joe Trapani

  • a

Marketing – Mark Kaminski

  • A

Equipment - Dan Maxwell

  • Turn in will be July 5th, 6:45 – 7:30 at Gehrig field. Please ensure that all equipment is organized and ready! It is the coaches responsibility to get the equipment there, labeled on the bag, for your team.

Fields –Carl DeProfio

  • Lights went out on Wed night at Clarkson again, we have an electrician looking into it. There is a way to power it back up, through the breaker. Electrician has provided an estimate to look into a possible fix. Cable may not be able to handle what we have, estimate is $850, will take 1 day. Question is do we want to try this fix, and HOPE it fixes the problem.

Concession–Scott Worzel

  • Not in attendance.

Fundraiser/Sponsorship – Paul Goglia

  • Raffle – Paul is digging through the open list of who owes Raffle Tickets, and will be contacting the coaches this week. Signage will be up during the all star games.

Commissioners Update:-

  • none tonight

Old business –

  • N/A

New business–

  • Motion to replace the wiring at the box, and to replace bulbs if needed be for up to a $1500 expense. Joe Zarnoch, Brian Black – 2nd the motion. No oppositions, motion passed to spend UP TO $1500 on this repair.
  • Wood Bat League –
  • Need volunteer for scoreboard
  • Need a PUSH on the 12’s
  • Lombardi and McCullough are each managing a team, and will be supported by the hunters
  • Running a hitting clinic, proper warm up with each team, play ball!
  • Raffle prizes, etc…

Motion to adjourn –

First -, All in Favor–Ron, Jay 2nd. Meeting Adjourned at 8:58pm

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