June 12, 2017

Absent: Representative Koutnik

Also Present: Board Chair Clark


Karen Sullivan reviewed the Environmental Assessment Form Parts I, II and III for Ag. District #3 and #8. The Solid Waste Committee, as lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) reviewed the recommendations of the Agriculture Farm Preservation Board, for Ag. District #3 and #8, and declared the projects to have no significant environmental impacts. Therefore, Representative Kennedy moved for approval to issue a Negative Declaration under SEQRA. Seconded, Powers. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan requested acceptance of recommendations of inclusions and removals of Ag. District #3 and #8 results. Representative Powers moved for approval. Seconded, Kennedy. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan requested approval to adopt the NYS Unified Solar Permit process for Otsego County. Representative Powers moved for approval. Seconded, Kennedy. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan requested approval to extend the contract with Care Environmental, Resolution No. 129-20150401, noting there were (2) one year extensions allowed under the original contract and this is the last opportunity to do so. Representative McCarty moved for approval. Seconded, Powers. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan requested approval of the MOU with Otsego Soil and Water for the 2017 Ag Plastic Collection. Representative Powers moved for approval. Seconded, Kennedy. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

Danny Lapin of the OCCA gave an update concerning the Ag. Farmland Plan and distributed a list of action items/priority projects that the plan will address, noting the recommendation is for someone to spearhead the implementation of the plan. Representative Marietta stated having a central point of contact or a county manager position could help with the implementation of the plan. The committee discussed Ag Economics and what is involved in hiring an Ag Implementation Specialist.

Karen Sullivan requested approval to schedule an open comment period in the month of July regarding the first draft of the Ag Farmland Plan. Representative Kennedy moved for approval. Seconded, McCarty. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan stated Jordan Clements of Soil and Water is not available to give the District Report.

Karen Sullivan presented and explained the following spreadsheets:

-Solid Waste Totals 2014-2017 noting in May 3765.7 tons were collected, credit received of $10,467.66

-The Billing/Rebate report for May 2017 including inbound/outbound totals, noting 3,045 bags were collected at STS and 2,113 at NTS, friable material from the demolition of the Cooperstown Motel was handled outside the County

-Solid Waste & Recycling Budget 2017

- Mattress Recycling Stats, two shipments are going out

-Recycling Costs for May 2017

Karen Sullivan gave the following updates:

-  Ag Plastic collection held May 11th at NTS

-  Has attempted to contact Town of Cherry Valley regarding contamination, has received no response, outlined next steps

-  Public Hearing in July before the Board Meeting regarding District #3 and #8

-  Would like to schedule work at the NTS to take place late summer

-  NYS Snow Mobile Grant Program-MOU with clubs ended May 31, 2017

Karen Sullivan requested approval to renew the MOU with the clubs in the amount of $800. Representative Kennedy moved for approval. Seconded, Powers. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

-  User Fee Appeals Board meeting will be held June 23rd at 10 a.m.

-  Recycling rebate submitted-$4,053.32, email from DEC that the rebate will continue

Karen Sullivan presented a letter from Revolution Solar regarding joining the Energy Improvement Corp (EIC). The EIC is NY State’s PACE provider and uses the PACE model to provide financing. Board Chair Clark stated she has asked a representative of PACE legislation to speak at the September Board Meeting and is waiting for confirmation.


Representative McCarty stated there were concerns brought up at the Board Meeting regarding trucks transporting natural gas traveling through the County particularly on State Route 205 and State Highway 28 noting that speed and safety issues are of concern. The committee would like to speak with Art Klingler in Emergency Services regarding an emergency plan should there be an incident involving a truck transporting natural gas and research the possibility of monitoring the area for speed enforcement.

Representative Marietta presented two resolutions for consideration—(1) Carrying out a Study to Create a Central Point of Contact/County Administrator/Manager to guide Otsego County’s Agricultural and Energy Policies and (2) Carrying out a Study to Create a Central Point of Contact/County Administrator/Manger to Strengthen Recycling and Waste Activities. The committee suggested discussing the matter at the next Strategic Plan Implementation meeting and from there a recommendation can be made to the Administration Committee.

Representative Powers moved for approval to enter an executive session to discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person. Seconded, Kennedy. Total: 2,243; Ayes: 1,895; Absent: 348 –Koutnik. Motion carried.

The committee did not reconvene.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Monday, July 17th at 9:30 a.m. at the County Office Building.