AOA IT Committee

Meeting Minutes

May 16th, 2012 – 10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.

  1. Call to Order – Steve DeLuca, Chair at 10:05 AM

Attendees: Anthony Colvard (Associated Students, Inc., Cal Poly, SLO), Dustin DeBrum (Educational Web Services, Cal Poly, SLO), Steve DeLuca (Associated Students, Northridge), Rachel Raynoha (Research Foundation, San Diego),Andrew Singletary (University Union, Sacramento), Eumi Sprague (Cal Poly Corporation, Cal Poly, SLO), Jason Stovall (Associated Students, Inc., San Jose), Majid Zahedi(Forty-Niner Shops Inc., Long Beach)

  1. AOA Website Redevelopment Project

Dustin DeBrum updated the members that the project’s first priority was completing the content for the conference. The next priority was to work on the redesign of the site by refreshing the look and feel of the sites. The project is anticipated to be completed by later in the week.

  1. Annual Conference IT Track
  • Steve invited the members for the topics for the annual conference IT track.
  • PCI is still one of the major topics deserving attention. Should include mobile payment strategy, or it could be a separate topic. Eumi suggested bring back Walt Conway. She will contact Walt Conway to see if he would be interested.
  • Dustin and Steve mentioned involving the acquiring bank (i.e., Wells Fargo’s Barbara). Dustin to send Steve Barbara’s contact info. Steve to reach out Chase and Wells Fargo.
  • Andrew mentioned disaster recovery vendors for best practices. Andrew also mentioned a speaker, who could provide insights on DR, as well as Cloud computing. Steve offer to contact the CSUN’s DR person. Steve to research for DR speakers.
  • Eumi to share the CPC’s Business Impact Analysis checklist
  1. Kronos Master Agreement for AOA
  • Kronos will give a presentation to at Cal Poly SLO in July, date to be announced.
  • Next meeting will be same day as the Kronos presentation via webinar.
  • Application standards for a Payroll / HR system.
  • Questions for Kronos security, functionality, compliance.
  • IT committee will provide Kronos feedback to Executive Committee.
  • Other Payroll / HR systems to be considered?
  • Rachel shared that her group has demo’d a system called “Workforce” (not the same as Kronos Workforce Central) and was impressed. It also has “Leave Management.”
  • Steve said that CSUN uses GNSA (Great Northern Staff Administrators?) and is very happy with the system.
  1. Auxiliary IT Collaboration
  • Steve shared that CSUN collaborates with other IT organizations on campus
  • Eumi mentioned that Cal Poly collaborates with the campus central IT, but not so much with other auxiliaries due primarily to different focus (for example, Cal Poly Corporation provides technical services to the retail businesses on campus, while others have different business focus).
  • Anthony Colvard mentioned that ASI, Cal Poly, uses the same ERP system that the Cal Poly Corporation uses.
  • There would certainly be benefits in collaborating among auxiliaries and we should continue to explore
  • What is one business application we can collaborate on within all auxiliaries?
  1. October / Conference Workshop/Budget
  • Do we want an October Workshop?
  • Do we want to have the Workshop during the Annual Conference?
  • Steve discussed the uses for the committee budget funds. He spoke with Debbie, AOA president about the possibility of using the funds for travel for in-person meeting. Discussion took place regarding the use of the money for 1st time conference attendees. Dustin suggested that the better use of the funds would be for speakers that all auxiliaries would benefit. Rachel agreed.
  1. Open Discussion / Announcements
  • Steve mentioned that in an effort to stay in touch with the student tech clubs, he was planning to attend and compete at Defcon security conference with the students from clubs in July 2012.
  1. Next Meeting

Kronos presentation – Date TBA

  1. Adjournment – meeting adjourned around 11:30.