Houston Gateway Academy, Inc.

Charter School



VENDED MEALS for the Child and Adult Care Food Program

June 10, 2016


Notice is hereby given that Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. intends to examine methods to provide meals to students.

No offer of intent should be construed from this legal notice that Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. intends to enter into a contract with any party for vended food service unless, in the sole opinion of the School, it is in the School’s best interest to do so.

All costs involved in submitting alternatives to the Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. current food service program shall be borne in full by the interested party and should be included in a total price for each meal. A copy of the Request for Proposal can be obtained by contacting:

Contact Name: Claudia Rodriguez

Title: CN Director

Houston Gateway Academy, Inc.

7310 Bowie St Houston Gateway Academy, Inc.

Houston TX, 77012


Email address:

Additional information required to adequately respond to this Request for Proposal may be obtained by contacting the above named person.

Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. reserves the right to accept any proposal which it deems most favorable to the interest of the School and to reject any or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which, is not in the best interest of the School.

Houston Gateway Academy, Inc.

By:Richard Garza


Publication Dates: June 13, 2016 – July 13, 2016 /Houston Chronicle


PROPOSALS DUE: July 13, 2016 at 5:00 P.M.


  1. At any time prior to the specified time and date set for proposal opening, a Vendor (Note: or a designated representative) may withdraw a submitted proposal by submitting a request in writing.
  1. The company representative must sign the Request for Proposal Signature Page and return it in the proposal package.
  1. All responsive proposals shall include the form provided in this proposal invitation package. It is permissible to copy these forms if required.
  1. Sealed proposals are to arrive no later than 5:00 P.M on July 13, 2016 and shall be addressed to:

Contact Name : Elizabeth McCarthy

Title : Program Director

Houston Gateway Academy, Inc.

7310 Bowie St

Houston TX 77012


Please submit two (2) copies of the proposal.

Additional information required to adequately respond to this Request for Proposal may be obtained by contacting the above named person.

  1. Late proposals will not be considered under any circumstances. All late proposals shall be returned to the appropriate company unopened.
  1. No proposal shall be altered, amended, or withdrawn after the specified time for opening proposals.
  1. Periods of time, stated as number of days, are calendar days.
  1. It is the responsibility of all Vendors to examine the entire proposal package, seek clarification of any item or requirement that may not be clear to them, and check all information for accuracy before submitting a response.
  1. Awards shall be made with reasonable promptness to the Vendor whose proposal in accordance with the Weighted Criteria Evaluation Worksheet best conforms to the invitation and shall be the most advantageous to Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. Award may be made to other than the low price proposal.
  1. The Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. Board of Trustees, notwithstanding any other provision of the Request for Proposal (including all attached documents), expressly reserves the right to:
  1. Waive any insignificant defect or informality in any proposal procedure.
  2. Reject any or all proposals.
  3. Reissue a Request for Proposal.
  1. A proposal, in response to a Request for Proposal, is an offer to contract with Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. based upon the terms, conditions, and specifications of this proposal.
  1. Each Vendor shall guarantee to the School that the proposal submitted and the price offered by the Vendor shall remain firm for a period not less than 60 days from the deadline for proposals to be submitted.



Proposals shall be received until 5:00 P.M on July 13, 2016forsupplying Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. with vended meal services during the school year of 2016-2017, with options for renewal of the contract not to exceed two additional years.

Sealed proposals, subject to all the conditions and specifications attached hereto, shall be received in the office of Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. and shall be marked on the envelope “Proposal for Vended Meals”.

In accepting proposals, Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in order to take the action which it deems to be in the best interest of the School.

Additional information required to adequately respond to this Request for Proposal may be obtained from the School business office:

Contact Name Claudia Rodriguez

Title : CN Director

Houston Gateway Academy, Inc.

7310 Bowie St.

Houston TX 77012

832-649-2700 EXT 3205

Contract entered into on a basis of submitted proposals are revocable if contrary to law.

The General Conditions, Specifications and Exhibits hereto and incorporated by reference for all purposes.

We, as an interested party, agree to the above criteria and the attached specifications and have submitted our proposals are requested.

Note: Failure to sign will disqualify bid.








  1. Qualifications for Vendor

Each Vendor must submit for consideration such records of work and further evidence as may be required by the Board of Trustees regarding experience, financial standing, and assurance that they have, or will promptly provide, suitable materials, labor, and equipment to satisfactorily provide the services specified. Failure to furnish such a record of work and evidence of capacity, or the inclusion of any false or misleading statements therein, shall be sufficient cause for the rejection of the proposal. The qualification data shall be submitted by each Vendor along with the sealed proposal and shall include the information and format as follows:

  1. Vendor must be incorporated or licensed to do business in the State of Texas.Vendor must be in good standing with the State of Texas.
  1. The Vendor interested in submitting a proposal and providing services to the School under contract should be familiar with the State and federal laws and regulations pertaining to operations in a public school setting and vended meal services under the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Vendor must agree to comply with all applicable State and federal laws, regulations, rules, and executive orders.
  1. The Vendor must comply with all state, county, and city health and sanitation requirements.
  1. The Vendor should be presently operating a comparable, successful school breakfast, lunch and snack program in a public school setting following the National School Lunch Program or the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
  1. A company representative must certify by signature acceptance of the basis for the criteria and the basis for the selection of the interested company stated in the Weighted Criteria Evaluation Worksheet.
  1. Representatives from the School reserve the right to inspect the Vendor’s facilities at any time during the contract and other food service operations under its management during the procurement process or after award of the contract.
  1. Innovative Approach with Healthy Options

The School is seeking a Vendor who is progressive and innovative in its approach to providing food services for its students. The School desires to feed as many students as possible each day and this is achieved through a partnership with the company that provides food services.

The School is seeking to create unique menus that meet the criterion as outlined in this RFP. This includes but is not limited to meeting or exceeding USDA standards and the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. The innovative approach shall meet/exceed the overall goals of the School as outlined in this offer in providing nutritious, fresh (non-frozen), tasty, healthy, local (whenever possible) meals to its students and in assisting the School in increasing participation rates among students for meal periods.

Healthy Foods as defined for the Purposes of this RFP:

•Provide fresh, nutritious, tasty, and visually appealing meals.

•No frozen foods.

•Provide fresh vegetable with every lunch and supper meal.

•Provide fresh fruit with every breakfast, lunch and supper meal. No canned/frozen fruits.

•No hydrogenated oils.

•No tropical oils (coconut palm oils).

•No artificial trans fats.

•No more than 30% of calories from total fat, and no more than 10% of calories from saturated fats.

•No deep fried foods.

•No overly processed foods.

•No high fructose corn syrup.

•No artificial preservatives, colors, flavors or sweeteners.

•Foods with little or no added sugar.

•Meats shall be free of nitrates and nitrites.

•No animal by-products.

•Provide lowfat or nonfat milk with each breakfast, lunch and supper meal. Milk shall be rBST-free.

•No BHA & BHT.

•No L-Cystine.

•Whole grains must be offered.

•Provide a daily vegetarian option.

•Use organic and locally produced ingredients whenever possible.

The Vendor shall submit:

  1. A 21-day cycle menu for breakfast/lunch/snack in accordance with the Food Based Menu Planning meal pattern under the National School Lunch Program.
  2. An executive summary that demonstrates an outline of their innovative approach to meeting the nutrition and minimal quality standards. Submit forms or outlines that demonstrate how your menus demonstrate healthy, appealing and freshly cooked, non-frozen meals.
  3. Description of how to assist the School in increasing participation rates among students.
  1. Scope of Work
  1. A reimbursable dinner meal delivered in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture, Child Nutrition Programs meal patterns are required. Vendor shall deliver reimbursable meals in accordance with the Food Based Menu Planning meal pattern under the National School Lunch Program.
  1. The Vendor shall purchase, to the maximum extent practicable, domestic products for use in preparation of the meals served under the resulting contract.
  1. The Vendor shall comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the Texas energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.
  1. Reimbursable meals shall be transported by the Vended Meal Company in accordance with state and local sanitation and temperature requirements and delivered to the School sites stipulated and at the times stipulated in the List of Charts.
  1. The reimbursable meals shall be:
  1. Prepared in bulk and packaged to be severed to each student in a classroom setting;s
  2. Prepared and prepackaged individually for each student;
  3. Accompanied by utensils and napkins.
  1. The Schoolshall be responsible for serving meals to students.
  1. Equipment and Facilities Maintenance and Sanitation
  1. The School shall maintain the premises, equipment, and facilities where meals are served, and shall adhere to the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitary practices to ensure compliance with state and local health and sanitation requirements related to the food service program. The School shall maintain State and/or local health certification for its premises.
  1. The Vended Meals Company shall maintain the premises, equipment, and facilities where meals are prepared, and shall adhere to the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitary practices to ensure continual sanitation in all functions and matters related to the food service program. Vendor must have State and/or local health certification for any facility outside the School in which it may prepare any meals or portions of meals and must maintain this certification throughout the duration of the Contract.
  1. The School shall be responsible for serving meals to students.
  1. The Schoolshall be responsible for removal of trash and garbage resulting from the food services program in compliance with current scheduled waste disposal services provided by the School.
  1. The School shall be responsible for the maintenance and expense of insect and pest control in all food service areas.
  1. The Schoolshall monitor the food service operation with on-site visits and shall retain control of the quality of its food service in accordance with 7 C.F.R. § 211.16(a).
  1. Utilities
  1. The Schoolshall provide water, gas, and electric service in School facilities for the food service program.
  1. Any charges from the Vendor for water, as, and electric or any other charges for utilities must be included in the per-meal fee charged to the School.
  1. Recordkeeping, Preparation and Submission of Reimbursement Claims
  1. The School shall be responsible for distribution and collection of applications, determining student eligibility, counting meals served in accordance with eligibility, consolidation of counts of meals served to students, and claiming of meals for reimbursement.
  1. The School shall maintain a copy of the records required to substantiate free and reduced-price meals.
  1. The Vendor shall maintain all records related to this project as the School will need to support its Claim for Reimbursement under the Federal School Lunch Program throughout the term of resulting contract, if any, plus three years after the expiration of the resulting contract or earlier termination of the resulting contract.
  1. The Vendor shall maintain such records and shall provide a copy of such records and report claim information to the School promptly at the end of each month during the Contract period.
  1. The Vendor shall grant access to the School or any other authorized representatives to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to that specific contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions.
  1. Upon receipt of the records provided by the Vendor, the School shall compile all information required to complete and process the Claim for Reimbursement for meals served.
  1. Contract

By reading and accepting this pre-qualification outline, the interested party acknowledges that Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. has no obligation to contract unless in its sole opinion, it is in its own best interest to do so.

  1. The Vendor may make recommendations to School regarding the quality, extent and general nature of the food service operation and the prices to be charged for meals and other food; but Schoolshall retain control over such aspects of the food service operation and shall have the right to make the final decisions regarding such matters.
  1. The Vendorshall have total responsibility to ensure compliance with the regulations set forth by the Food and Nutrition Services of the United States Department of Agriculture and the Texas Department of Agriculture. In addition, performance under the contract must meet all state and local regulations.
  1. The Vendor shall comply with the Buy American requirement set forth in 7 C.F.R. § 220.16(d).
  1. The Vendor shall comply with all applicable environmental rules and regulations in accordance with 7 C.F.R. 3016.37(i)(12).
  1. The Vendor shall comply with all rules and regulations regarding conflicts of interest set forth in 7 C.F.R. § 3016.36(b)(3)(iv); Tex Loc Gov't Code 171.
  1. The Vendor shall demonstrate the means to avoid unnecessary or duplicative purchases set forth in 7 C.F.R. § 3016.36(b)(4)).
  1. Term. The term of the contract shall be August 12, 2015 through May 19, 2015 with four one-year renewal options. There shall be 175 school days for the 2015-2015 school year.
  1. Termination
  1. Either party may terminate the Contract with or without cause by providing notice to the other party 60 days in advance of termination.
  1. In the event of a default of a breach of the Contract entered into pursuant to this proposal by either School or the Vendor, the non-breaching party shall give the breaching party written notice specifying the default, and the breaching party shall have thirty (30) days within which to cure the default. If the default is not cured within that time, the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate the Contract immediately by giving the breaching party written notice of its intention to terminate immediately.
  1. Events of default include, but are not limited to, the failure of the Vendor to provide meals that are unspoiled and wholesome, the failure of the Vendor to maintain the requisite health certification, the failure of the Vendor to deliver meals at the time and place required under the Contract, the failure of School to make payment for services under this Contract, the failure of either party abide by the terms of the Contract or any applicable Federal or State laws.
  1. Payment
  1. No payment shall be made for meals that are spoiled or unwholesome at time of service, do not meet the specifications developed by the School, or do not otherwise meet the requirements of the agreement, if any, entered into pursuant to this proposal; provided however, that no deduction shall be made unless School shall give the Vendor written notification of the meal service for which the deduction is to be made, specifying the number of meals for which Schoolintends to deduct payment and setting forth the reasons for the deduction. School shall provide such notice not later than three (3) business days after the date the meal was served.The Vendor shall prepare and store at proper temperatures a sample meal for each meals served at the School for the number of days chosen for the written notification period to serve as documentation of these criteria.
  1. If any invoices presented for payment that are not paid within the number of days specified in the contract, the charges from the invoice may be subject to a late fee, the terms must be outlined in the contract. Any late fees must be paid from the General Fund. The contract must state that no food service account funds shall be used for payment of interest or late fees. Interest charged to the School by a Vendor for late payment of invoices cannot exceed one percent of the balances of the invoice due, per month, as stipulated by state law.
  1. Under Federal law, the School may not consider proposals that include as a form of payment or compensation to the Vendor in which the expenses of the food services accrue to the Vendor, in which the payment is based on a cost plus a percentage of cost basis, or in which the payment is based on cost plus a percentage of income.
  1. The contract shall be kept on file in accordance with the State of Texas record retention requirements for review by the Texas Department of Agriculture and other appropriate state and federal agencies.
  1. The Contract shall be governed by, construed by, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to its choice of law provisions. Exclusive venue shall lie in a court of competent jurisdiction located in Harris County, Texas.
  1. If any provision of the Contract becomes or is held violative of any law or unenforceable, then the invalidity of that provision will not invalidate the remaining provisions.


Vendor shall provide meal services in accordance with this Request for Proposal of Houston Gateway Academy, Inc. including all present schools, plus any schools or campuses to be added during the course of the contract.