
Mrs. Keener

English 12, period:


Article Reflection Assignment - 30 Points

Task:For this assignment you will be using “The Fading Honor Code” Article of the Week and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” from your recent class work. You will answer the prompt provided in a formal-ish essay, using textual evidence to support your thoughts. This essay will be a response to the texts that tells me about the connections you made and what you have gleaned from the reading. For this assignment, you will include a minimum of four parenthetical citations, including at least one direct and one indirect quote.


What have you learned about honor from “The Fading Honor Code” and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale?”Consider the views of honor depicted in thetexts, and, using textual evidence from bothsources, write an essay that provides your thoughts about the two views (i.e. Modern Day and Chaucer).

  • How are the views on honor different in “The Fading Honor Code” and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” and how do those different views affect those involved in each text?
  • Discuss the connections between the old vs. young members of society in both texts. Is there a parallel between today’s students and the lusty knight, all of whom fail to live up to the honor code? AND, what is the connection between the professor in the article and the old crone from the tale who “demand a culture of integrity?” What do these parallels reveal about society as a whole, both then and now?
  • “The Fading Honor Code” states that the “honor code is a social contract, meaning all of us are connected to and affected by the actions of our peers.” How is this statement proven to be true in both the article and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale?”
  • The University of Virginia and King Arthur both hold a “one strike” and you’re out policy toward breaking one’s honor, while Middlebury and Queen Guinevere hope that violators will learn from their mistakes. Which approach do you think is correct? Support your opinion with quotes from both texts.
  • In King Arthur’s realm, honor was a foundational aspect of the code of chivalry; however, Liddell, in the article, says, “The honor code is a nice idea, and we don’t really need it.” With which view of the importance of honor do you agree? Support your opinion with quotes from both texts.

Below are the citations for the texts you read and will be using as sources for your essay (you’re welcome). Remember to cite your sources using correct MLA format for parenthetical citations (in-text citations). There is no need to provide a Works Cited page, since one has been provided!


Works Cited

Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Wife of Bath's Tale, from The Canterbury Tales."Holt McDougal Literature: British Literature. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. 184-96. Print.

Cheung, Jessica. "The Fading Honor Code."The New York Times. The New York Times, 12 Apr. 2014. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.

Written Reflection Rubric

Category / Advanced (10 points) / Progressing (6 points) / Needs Improvement
(3 points)
Synthesis / Reflection contains a topic statement that clearly answers the prompt. / Reflection contains a topic statement, but it is unclear, or is not relative to the prompt. / Reflection does not include a topic statement.
Citing Sources / Student cites sources accurately and correctly, using MLA formatting. / Student cites sources but they are not accurate, or does not follow MLA format. / Student does not cite sources.
Evidence / Reflection contains textual support from both the article(s) provided and the textbook. / Reflection contains textual support but not from both the article(s) provided and the textbook. / Reflection does not contain textual support.
