CVTD Meeting Minutes


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Concho Valley Transit District (CVTD)

Minutes of Meeting for August 8, 2012

The Concho Valley Transit District met on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 in the Concho Valley Regional Conference and Training Center, 2801 W. Loop 306, Suite A, San Angelo, TX.

Board members present:

Allen Amos, Concho County Judge, Chairman

Michael D. Brown, Tom Green County Judge, Vice Chairman

Ralph Sides, Sterling County Judge, Secretary

Paul Alexander, City of San Angelo Council Member

Roy Blair, Coke County Judge

Charlie Bradley, Schleicher County Judge

Richard Cordes, Menard County Judge

Andrew Murr, Kimble County Judge

John Nanny, Irion County Commissioner

Danny Neal, McCulloch County Judge

Miguel Villanueva, Sutton County Commissioner

Board members not present:

Fredd B. Adams, City of San Angelo Council Member

Fred Deaton, Crockett County Judge

Larry Isom, Reagan county Judge

Johnny Silvas, City of San Angelo Council Member

Call to Order

Chairman Allen Amos announced the presence of a quorum and called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Judge Charlie Bradley gave the invocation and Judge Allen Amos led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

Upon a motion by Judge Danny Neal, seconded by Commissioner John Nanny, the minutes of the July 11, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved.

Approval of checks in excess of $2,000 written since the last meeting

Upon a motion by Commissioner Villanueva, seconded by Judge Murr, CVTD checks in excess of $2,000 written since the last meeting were unanimously approved.

DISCUSSION & AUTHORIZATION to extend contract with SITEL corp. until November 15, 2013

Sean Scott notified the board that the CVTD has a JARC grant to provide transportation to the SITEL Corp. and that the SITEL Corp. would like to extend the contract until November 15, 2013 at a rate of $78,000 per year. Motion by Judge Cordes second by Judge Sides, the board unanimously approved extending the contract.

DISCUSSION & APPROVAL of rural and urban budget for FY 13

Sean Scott notified the board that the CVTD wanted to have a budget in place for the new fiscal year on September 1, 2012. He stated that this budget reflected the currently available numbers and reflects all known revenues coming in. Changes could be coming and the budget would need to be amended to reflect those changes. Possible changes could be if raises were given. Judge Murr asked if the raises were from the county drivers. Sean confirmed that and also informed the board that the CVCOG could give raises that could affect this because the CVTD has no employees because all the personnel are employees of the CVCOG. Judge Murr asked what the CVTD will do if the CVCOG gives raises. Sean informed him that the CVTD would have to find other areas in the budget to save. He also stated that he anticipated being able to save in some line items like preventative maintenance because of anticipated new vehicles. CVTD will also look at how it schedules its drivers and may have to go to split schedules. Sean stated that FY13 was going to be tight but with the new transportation bill we were looking at increased funding for the following year by including specific grants into the formula process such as JARC. Judge Murr asked about the past budget problems with reimbursement. Sean stated that this budget was balanced and that it did not operate in debt and did not need to borrow from the CVCOG to supplement this budget. Motion by Judge Neal second by Judge Murr, the board unanimously approved to accept budget.

Report on Multi-Modal Terminal Update

Sean Scott stated that the CVTD has not accepted building yet because they are waiting for the contractor to complete some small details. Sean also stated that they have gone over the budget for the construction and it has been determined that there is enough money for fit out of the shell building so that will extend the construction out more. Sean also stated that he believes we still have a tenet interested in leasing the facility and that it could become a steady revenue source for years to come.

Review Financial Reports/Balance Sheet

The CVTD board was provided documentation that shows the monthly balance of the CVTD accounting books for their review. This information is provided monthly on a regular basis and is a good device for tracking grant activity. No action is required on this agenda item.

Other Business

Sean Scott asked if there were any future agenda items that the board would like to see, Judge Brown said he would like a report on the Goodfellow route.

Jeffrey Sutton asked Sean to inform the board about projects that are being worked on. Sean stated that the CVTD was working with the Eden Economic Development board, the Eden detention center, and Legit Supply. This was going to be a JARC project but with the new transportation bill eliminated those funds are on a competitive basis and were rolled into the regular transportation funds. The CVTD is not giving up on the projects and are working on new ways to provide the service when the details of the transportation bill are worked out.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Duly adopted at the meeting of the Concho Valley Transit District of the Concho Valley Council of Governments this 12th day of September 2012.

Allen Amos, Chairman Ralph Sides, Secretary