Summer Term Week 1 Newsletter

Focused, hardworking, happy children!!

Dear Parents / Carers,

Welcome to new staff

We would like to welcome some new additions to the Gledhow Team. In the Office, we have Mrs. Julie Collier, who will be the school dinners contact and Mrs. Farida Mughal- Singh, who will be on the front desk to assist with all enquiries. We also welcome Mrs Dalvir Mudhar and Miss Sarah Coomer to the Gledhow Support Team who are working in Year 2 and Year 4.

We want to give a very, very warm welcome to Mrs. Lisa Seton, Gledhow’s new Deputy Headteacher. Many of you will have seen Mrs. Seton on the playground each morning and now she has the daunting task of learning everyone’s name! Mrs. Seton has made several visits to the school already but has spent her first 4 days visiting classrooms, talking to children, meeting with staff and attending assemblies. We are confident she will very quickly settle into the ‘Gledhow way’ of doing things!!

New Library

It’s on its way!! There is HUGE excitement around school as this week will see our new library being installed! As you can see -it is going to look amazing and the joys of having a library back, at the centre of our school, are tangible. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in its design and concept- but especially to the PSA, for its relentless fundraising and support and to Mrs. Ward, Miss Chainey and Miss Griffiths for their doggedness in bringing it all to fruition.

A house without books is like a room without windows.

‘A book is a device to ignite the imagination’ - Alan Bennett

‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.’- Dr. Seuss

Lost Property

As parents when you purchase the Gledhow sweatshirt/cardigan you may ‘naively’ think it is as part of your child’s uniform? But unfortunately it’s not! ………it’s a goalpost, a Superman cape, reins for a horse, a swingball and even a skipping rope! Every day there is a pile of Lost Property around school- and unfortunately it’s a pile with NO NAMES. IF you are looking for your child’s lost jumper, pumps, polo shirt, socks, trousers and even underwear- it can now be located, throughout the week, in the front office. Each Friday all unclaimed items will be set out on the tables in the top playground, any items left at the end of each half term will be offfered to the PSA for their secondhand stall and the rest sadly will have to be binned! A huge thank you to the Year 6 for arranging this- Anna Batey, Chloe Kenned, Akaliya Fray and Cian Greene.


·  School Website Down: we are aware that our website has been ‘down’ for a few days and that accessibilibilty to the wealth of information, and documents is VERY limited. Our provider is working hard on correcting the problem and hopefully normal service will be resumed ASAP.

·  Year 1 email contacts: mysteriously ALL Year 1 email contacts have ‘disappeared’ into the ether? School is working on recollecting ALL email contacts and is in the process of introducing a new communication app- School Ping. This application promises to be quicker, more efficient and slicker- more details very soon.


·  School closed: Monday 1st May AND Tuesday 2nd May

·  Any changes to pick up arrangements?: We realise that often pick up arrangements need to be changed at very short notice or that arrangements have been made between parents for collecting other children. PLEASE, PLEASE can these rearrangements be communicated to us by phoning the School Office or by a letter to the class teacher? For safeguarding reasons we will ‘not allow’ a child to be collected by another adult/teenager without prior notice- and unfortunately this may come across as being ‘awkward or difficult’, but we are sure you will agree-it is the correct system.


Finally, with 5 school days to go to retirement day, I wish to send a very personal thank you to everybody who is or has been involved with Gledhow Primary School over the last 26 years! It has been an honour to have taught the hundreds of children - ‘my children’- and to have played a part in their learning and in their lives. Teaching is the VERY BEST job in the world, and there hasn’t been a day, over the last 40 years, that I haven’t looked forward to coming to school and being in the classroom with the children. Our children are AMAZING- they have the ability to make you laugh, cry, feel proud of their achievements and give you unconditional love and respect. They can change a sad mood into a raucous laugh and leave you feeling you have made a difference.

To the parents too- thank you for all your support and kind words ( especially over the last few weeks) and making me feel a part of your lives. I won’t miss the 11pm emails or the ‘I need a word NOW conversations’! But I will miss the catchups about how ex pupils are doing at High School, or University or in the Olympics or even as Newly Qualified Teachers.

But it is to the Gledhow staff, past and present, I need to say the biggest thank you to. Resilience has been Gledhow’s motto over the last year- loss of a head, deputy head, experienced staff, building work, lots of fencing, hard hats, no hall, outside assemblies, moving to 3FE- and NOT one complaint/moan from the staff, just support, solutions and love. Thank you for being you! Thank you for being great friends and colleagues but above all thank you for being my family.

I have thoroughly loved my time at Gledhow and as the school moves into a new chapter, I want you all to realise what an amazing school Gledhow is. We may not always get things right- but the commitment from children, parents and staff is unquestionable. The next chapter will be filled with changes and lots of adventures – but hopefully no more building work! The time that I have spent with you all has been extraordinary and one which I will cherish for the rest of my life. I wish you all the very best and thank you again. Sue McCann

Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined

Monday 1 May School Closed-Bank Holiday

Tuesday 2 May School Closed- Training Day

Monday 8 May Year 6 SATS Week

Tuesday 23 May Reception Stay and Play (4)

Wednesday 24 May Reception Stay and Play (5)

Thursday 25 May Reception Stay and Play (6)

Friday 26 May School closes for Half Term

Monday 5 June School opens- Summer 2

Thursday 8 June Class Photos by Tempest

Wednesday 14/15/16 June Year 4 Malham Residential- one night ONLY

Saturday 24 June Roundhay Primary Schools’ Fun Run in Roundhay Park

Wednesday 28 June Nursery CLOSED- OPEN DAY for September starters

Saturday 1 July Gledhow Summer Fair goes Carnival

Tuesday 11 July School Partnership Music Concert 3.30-5pm

ACHIEVEMENTS 21st April 2017

The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIES
for work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which
is filled with rewards earned by
Individuals or groups. When the jar
Is full, the whole Nursery receives a
RAC / Claudia Hardy and Jake Black
Always Club: Zayaan Mughal / RLW / Abdul-Manaan Altaf and Arthur Buckley
Always Club: Felix Hobman
RLK / Calistro Fray and Jacob Pemberton
Always Club: Violet Randerson / 1AB / Evie Cuthbertson and Lathaniel Tranmer
Always Club: Raees Khan
1SH / Emma Arnadottir and Jack Whitely
Always Club: Vethmi Senanayake / 1SS / Isaiah Faith Gatewood
and Umer Mansoor
Always Club: William Brown
2PG / Sophia Wright and Anoushka Rajendra
Always Club: Daya Lali / 2VW / Imane and Kenza Khatir
Always Club:Max Burrows
3LF / Max Westerman and Finn Marriott
Always Club: L’Sharna James / 3KG / Harry Hobman and Laura Clarke
Always Club: Lilia Clark
4DB / Isabelle Manford and Lilith Caseldine
Always Club: Nathaniel Greaves / 4SB / Amari Norford Blair and Marcus Galloway
Always Club: Zach Nnomo
5RK / Evie Turner and Jessica Cookland
Always Club: Haris Sadiq / 5SL / Mae Russell, Amelia Paddy and Colette Buck
Always Club:Zach Nnomo
6EC / Violet Powell and Devraj Ryatt
Always Club: Devraj Ryatt / 6KW / Aqsa Ahmed and Dylan Branfoot
Always Club:kelsy Elmslie