Current JAVA Version Set to Expire [TOP]

The JAVA version currently being used to run some Oracle applications is set to expire on April 15. Oracle users may be prompted to perform a Java update. The version that will install on all computers may prevent Oracle forms from loading.

Please wait until April 15th after your computer has been updated to correct the issue. You will know your computer has updated when you open Oracle and receive the message that your version of Java is outdated. Please follow the Help Sheet with outlined steps to either reset your security levels or reset your JAVA version.

If you have not been updated to Windows 7 please follow the imbedded steps in the help sheet for XP.

If you still cannot operate Oracle after completing the steps please call the Service Desk at 28203.

Oracle R12 Changes [TOP]

Oracle R12 is up and running! If you’ve had an opportunity to login and explore, you’ve noticed some of the changes.

While many of the screens have little to no changes, you have seen some differences and undoubtedly have questions. R12 training classes are being offered daily through April 18, but if you find you need answers before class please feel free to contact the Accounting Department.

Please visit the Accounting Department web site for newly added topics (Oracle R12, Journal Entries and Help Sheets).

For your reference, some of the changes are outlined below:

1.  Employee Expenses [TOP]

§  Backup documentation with budget authority approval must be attached to the employee expense in Oracle. DO NOT send backup documentation to Accounts Payable; keep the originals for your records for three years.

§  Checks will be mailed the employee's home address.

2.  Invoice Batches [TOP]

§  These are being replaced by For Payment Only (FPO) requisitions to both supplier invoices and parents/students/guardians refunds. Sites will no longer enter invoice batches in Oracle.

§  For documentation that must accompany checks, or for special pick-up or handling instructions, please complete and attachFPO Payment forms.DO NOT send backup documentation to Accounts Payable; keep the originals for your records for three years.

3.  Deposits [TOP]

§  All backup documentation is to be attached to the deposit in Oracle. CONTINUEto send APS AR Deposit Report with yellow copy of deposit ticket and other documentation to Accounting.

4.  Journal Entries [TOP]

§  Forms to request journal entries be created will be submitted online in most instances.

§  P-Card and salary/benefit information will be e-mailed toAccountingfor processing.

5.  Reports [TOP]

§  Monthly reports will no longer be sent to your printer; however, you still have access to print reports as needed. It is recommended you review reports on a monthly basis minimum.

§  APS GL Transaction History reports are no longer available and have been replaced with an APS GL Transaction History Download XML (M367). For help sheet on how to run this reportclick here.

§  You will continue to receive APS HR Salary Transaction History w/ element names (M187) to your printer each month once costing has been balanced and posted to the General Ledger.