SSDC Corporate Equalities Steering Group

Brympton Way – Committee Rooms 3/4

19th October 2010, 10 am – 12.30 pm

Councillor Ann Campbell, Chair of Group
Jo Morgan, Community Cohesion Officer, SSDC
Councillor Jo RoundellGreene – Portfolio Holder, Social Inclusion
Sallie Leveridge, South Somerset Disability Forum
Ian Johns, Property Management Officer
Len George (formerly Pensioners Forum)
Rafl Skarbek, Chief Officer Midwest European Communities Association
Vega Sturgess, Strategic Director (Operations and Customer Focus)
Charlotte Jones, Area Development Manager (North)
Bruce Soord, Spatial Systems Manager
Laurence Willis, Assistant Director Environment
Martin Woods, Assistant Director Economy (notetaker)
Item / Notes /


1 / Welcome and introductions
(Ann Campbell)
Ann welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 / Apologies
Hamid Mustafa, South Somerset Muslim Cultural Association
Clive Davis, South Somerset Disability Forum
Mark Rowland, Somerset Gay Health
Lyndia Barnes, Somerset Rural Youth Project
David Onamade, Somerset Racial Equality Council
Jay Lewin Young People’s Officer
Adam Burgan, Arts and Entertainments Manager
3 / Minutes from last meeting – 24th August 2010

Action Points

  • Provision of equalities training for elected members. Jo has met with Lyn Lockyer and has confirmed that equalities training will be delivered to Elected Members in July 2011.
  • Draft Local Development Framework, (LDF) Core Strategy. Jo confirmed the dates for consultation – Somerset Black Development Agency would be undertaking a consultation event on 21st October. Jo confirmed the special Corporate Equalities Steering Group consultation event as 2nd November 2010. Jo handed individual packs containing invites and information.
  • Jo informed the group that the first meeting of the Gypsy and Travellers Forum had been set up for 16th November 2010. Consultation on the LDF Corte Strategy would also take place on that day.
  • Definition of religion and belief requested. Jo has sent Hugh definitions from the Equality Act 2010
  • Access issues relating to disabled toilet in Brympton Way. Meeting has been booked to discuss Access Review and other access issues with Ian Johns 26th October.
  • Shared Equalities Scheme with East Devon. No confirmation has been received at this point as to whether there will be a shared scheme.
  • Multi Faith Forum event. Confirmation of details:
'Freedom of Speech and its limits'
The Rose & Crown (Eli's) at Huish Episcopi
Wednesday 24th November, 7.30-9.30pm
  • Equality Champions meeting. Jo confirmed that the date for the first meeting of the Equality Champions Group will be on November 12th 2010
  • Women’s Equality Network consultation event 11th September. Jo reported that this event was well attended and will give further feedback once the report is published
/ Jo to send out packs to those not in attendance at today’s meeting
Jo to report back
Contact Hugh ellis to confirm attendance
Tel: 01458 250480

Jo to feedback to group once report is published
4 /

Review of EIA Schedule

So far, Equality Impact Assessments have been completed for most services. This year there has been a focus on key strategies and policies. With the imminent restructure and shared services with East Devon District Council, there may be a need for the new EIA schedule to concentrate on shared policies. / Jo to produce new schedule and publish
5 / Issues from community groups (standing item)
  • In discussing the LDF Core Strategy, Len George noted that a development in Chard specifically designed for older people had inadequate space with no gardens.
  • Sally Leveridge is trying to ensure consistency of access reviews across the district. Sally described the work of the Chard and Crewkerne Disability Action Groups and how she was trying to get them engaged with an overall approach. It is important to work together towards access issues and the same standards.
  • Rafal Skarbek commented on community safety issues. Rafal’s view is that SSDC are not recording racial attacks/harassment/hate crimes.
Jo Morgan reminded Rafal that he has received a full explanation of the council’s approach to hate crime and the reporting process, verbally and in writing, from both herself and Steve Brewer, Community Safety Manager. SSDC has an anti-social behaviour recording system. Anyone reporting a hate crime to the council will be signposted to the Police, Crimestoppers or a Third Party reporting agency, such as the Midwest European Communities Association.
Ann Campbell said that it is important to ensure that there were safety nets to ensure that groups receive help, but stated that there are clear mechanisms in place. / Comments to be passed on at LDF consultation events
Sally and Jo M to contact Chard and Crewkerne groups to look at consistency.
Jo RoundellGreene to supply contact name.
Sally to offer free training on carrying out access reviews to both groups, and will share SSDF paperwork and templates.
Jo to invite Steve Brewer to attend the Steering Group in the New Year to report on the current process of recording hate crime
6 / Equality Impact Assessment – Public Convenience Policy (Draft) (Vega Sturgess, Laurence Willis)
Although the provision of public toilets impacts on all groups within society, it was recognised that this may impact on particular groups more than other sectors, eg older populations, carers, parents/carers of children, people with disabilities.
Vega described the work in progress with parishes to offer them the opportunity for local management and delivery of toilets. This could provide the solution where public toilets are threatened with closure as a result of necessary public service funding reductions.
Vega informed that the provision of public toilets by the council is a permissive power only.
Ann Campbell described how some parishes and town councils would be happy to accept the higher precept in order to continue with toilet provision.
7 / Follow up Report Action Plan – Area Development (Charlotte Jones)
Charlotte fed back on the Area Development Action Plan. The Area Development service addresses inequalities and other key issues throughout the community.
The plan includes ensuring that publications are compliant with the corporate communications strategy, and extending the local community profile.
Ann Campbell stated that the Area Development system had achieved much in reaching out to, and supporting the needs of local people.
8 / Equality Impact Assessment – Follow Up report Action Plan Arts and Entertainment (Jo Morgan on behalf of Adam Burgan)
Jo presented the action plan on behalf of Adam Burgan.
Staff training on equalities has been arranged for 2011.
Focused work will be undertaken on inclusive recruitment of new members in order to increase the diversity in the group.
Consultation and engagement will be extended to ensure that feedback on service provision and programme planning is received from a range of different groups representing the local community.
Adam will be establishing open forums where community groups can participate and identify any service aspects that may need consideration.
Lack of disabled toilet provision on the first floor, plans to be submitted as part of the Octagon’s five year capital bid. / Sally and other Steering Group members made very positive comments in relation to the seriousness with which equalities were being addressed at the Octagon.
Feedback to Adam Burgan
9 / Equality Impact Assessment – Follow Up report Action Plan
Young People’s Strategy (Jo Morgan on behalf of Jay Lewin)
Jo presented the action plan on behalf of Jay Lewin.
Translation of information regarding young peoples opportunities/activities, (leaflets), in communities with high populations of Polish/Portuguese residents.
Extend work with young people who have emotional difficulties, by consulting with Raising Your Game Group, and producing report on the B Active scheme successes.
Introduce a range of activities in the three deprived areas of Yeovil that will reflect an improved understanding on the celebration of our differences. Anti-bullying training to be incorporated into the training package for Youth Leaders.
Work to be undertaken with partners to ensure publications are as accessible as possible.
Continue the work with young people in rural locations, through partnership working eg Youth Worker in Area East.
10 / Equality Impact Assessment – Follow Up report Action Plan
Communications Strategy (Jo Morgan on behalf of Bruce Soord)
Jo presented the action plan on behalf of Bruce Soord.
The scrolling images on the homepage of SSDC’s website will be removed.
New corporate communications guidelines will be launched in 2011, with an emphasis on equalities issues, eg guidance for leaflets, posters, publications etc.
The website to be AA compliant.
Investigate social networking and use of blogs as a way of improving communication with different user groups.
Increase use of surveys, polls and forums to improve interaction with public opinions.
Introduce ‘flipbooks’, digital online editions of our leaflets and publications. Jo described how SSDC’s website was being used to promote the New 2 Somerset film project and will, in 2011, feature videos in British Sign Language. / Bruce to return to the Steering Group in the new year to update on the strategy’s progress. Jo to invite.
11 / Date of next meeting: December 7th 2010
10.00 am – 12.30 pm

South Somerset Corporate Equalities Group