Linda Sartor

7899 St. Helena Road

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

(707)   538-5123


Recent Work History

St. Mary’s College 2010-present

Instructor/Project Adviser: Teach Proposal Development and advise students in Masters in Leadership Program on their research projects from proposal through completion.

Rites of Passage 1998-present

Wilderness Guide: Prepare participants for and accompany them in a nine day wilderness experience during which they spend three days and three nights alone and fasting reducing all distractions to facilitate self-knowing.

Dominican University of California 1996-2009

Adjunct Assistant Professor: Most recently, taught online courses in Research Methods and Proposal Development for Masters in Education program. Also guided the Professional Development Seminar for student teachers and interns; taught Multicultural Education for Masters in Education; and taught Educational Psychology, and Curriculum & Instruction in student teacher program.

Student Teacher Supervisor: Mentor student teachers.

California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco CA 1995-2008

Dissertation Advisor: Both chairing and sitting on dissertation committees.

Adjunct Faculty: Doctoral Program, Organization Development and Transformation Program, and BA Completion Program. Taught "Cultural Consciousness" in doctoral program.

Facilitator of Program Evaluation: Facilitated student self-evaluation, and wrote the report for the Traditional Knowledge and the Recovery of Indigenous Mind programs.

Nonviolent Peaceforce 2003-2008

Field Team Member: Part of a team trained in Third Party Nonviolent Intervention, worked in communities in Sri Lanka where we provide international protective presence to reduce fear and open up political space for civilians striving for peaceful justice.

New York University 2002-2003

Cooperative Inquiry Group Co-facilitator: co-facilitated a diverse multi-cultural group of eight community leaders from various locations around the United States as part of the Ford Foundation project, Leadership for a Changing World.

Lesley University/Audubon Expedition Institute 2000-2002

Lead Faculty: Master of Science in Ecological Teaching and Learning included courses in Urban Ecology; Communication, Advocacy, and Leadership; and a Practicum in Education, Research, and Leadership.

The Institute for Educational Studies, Endicott College 1997-1999

Adjunct Faculty: Master of Arts in integrative education on-line. Introduction to qualitative research methodologies and participation in integrative seminar.

Field Faculty: Mentor individual students through the eighteen months of their program.

The Institute of Imaginal Studies, Petaluma CA 1998

Adjunct Faculty: Research Practicum on Participatory Research to doctoral students.

Other Work History

Windsor School District, Windsor CA 1982 - 1994

Teacher: Classroom teacher for second, sixth and seventh grades.

Camp Director: Planned and facilitated the week-long residential environmental education program involving up to 180 sixth grade students and included training high school counselors.

From 1975 - 1982: Substitute Teacher, Nature Appreciation Specialist, Instructional Aide, Naturalist, Head Teacher, Camp Counselor, Recreation Supervisor Intern.


1997 Ph.D. in Integral Studies; California Institute of Integral Studies, School for Transformative Learning, San Francisco, CA

1987 M.S. Environmental Education; Lesley College/Audubon Expedition Institute, Cambridge, MA

1980 Multiple Subject Teaching Credential; San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

1975 B.A. Recreation Administration; California State University, Chico, CA


2014. Sartor, Linda. Turning Fear Into Power: One Woman’s Journey Confronting the War on Terror. Seattle, WA: Cune Press just signed contract Feb. 2016. See my website about the book:

2012. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. White on white: Communicating about race and white privilege using critical humility. Understanding and Dismantling Privilege. Vol 2, No 1.

2010. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. White on white: Communicating about race with critical humility. In V. Sheared, S. Brookfield, S. Colin, J. Johnson-Bailey, & E. Peterson (Eds.), Handbook on race: A dialogue between adult and higher education scholars. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 145-157.

2009. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Challenging racism in self and others: Transformative learning as a living practice. In J. Mezirow & E.W. Taylor (Eds.). Transformative learning in action. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, pp. 262-272.

2007. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Developing capacity for critical self reflection when race is salient. In P. Cranton & E. Taylor (Eds.). Transformative learning: Issues of difference and diversity. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Transformative Learning. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico College of Education, pp. 388-393.

2007. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness.Towards a reexamination of white identity development models. In P. Cranton & E. Taylor (Eds.). Transformative learning: Issues of difference and diversity. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Transformative Learning. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico College of Education, pp. 127-132.

2005 with Michael Bodkin. The rites of passage vison quest. Clifford E. Knapp & Thomas E. Smith (eds.) Exploring the power of solo, silence, and solitude. Boulder, CO: Association for Experiential Education, pp. 31-48.

2005. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. When first-person inquiry is not enough: Challenging whiteness through first- and second-person inquiry. Action Research 3, (3), 245-261.

2005. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Reflections on Erica Gabrielle Foldy’s first-person inquiry. Action Research 3, (1), pp. 55-61.

2005. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Critical humility in transformative learning when self-identity is at stake. In D. Vlosak, G. Kielbaso, & J. Radford (Eds.), Appreciating the best of what is: Envisioning what could be. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Transformative Learning. East Lansing: Michigan State University, pp. 121-126.

2004. Sartor, Linda and Molly Brown. Consensus in the Classroom: Fostering a Lively Learning Community. Mt. Shasta, CA: Psychosynthesis Press.

2004. International peace activism. Network News: Newsletter of the Findhorn Foundation, Issue 36.

2004. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Challenging the norms of whiteness. Association of American Colleges and Universities 5th Biennial Diversity and Learning Conference. Nashville, TN October 21-23.

2003. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. I’m not a social activist; I’m just a teacher. 5th International Transformative LearningConference Proceedings, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

2003. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Awakening to White consciousness: Transforming habits of mind through presentational knowing. 5th International Transformative Learning Conference Proceedings, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

2003. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Exploring pathways to Whiteness as a system of knowing: Transformation of thought and action. In D. Flowers, M. Lee, A. Jalipa, E Lopez, A. Schelstrate, & V. Sheared (Eds.) Proceedings of the 44th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, June 5-8, pp. 127-132.

2002. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. A multiple-group inquiry into Whiteness. In L. Yorks & E. Kasl (Eds.) Collaborative inquiry as a strategy for adult learning: Creating space for generative learning New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education no. 94. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, pp. 73-81.

2002. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Cooperative Inquiry as a Strategy for Facilitating Perspective Transformation. TCRecord Online.

2001. Kasl, E., Yorks, L., Van Stralen, S., Smith, L.L., Bray, J., Zelman, A., Roberson, W.W., Rosenwasser, P., Pritchard, C., Sanders, P., and European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Creating space for transformative learning: Themes from practitioners' experience with collaborative inquiry. Fourth International Conference on Transformative Learning, Multiple Currents: Expanding the Boundaries of Transformative Learning. Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario, November 1-3.

2001. *European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. A new teaching strategy for interrogating Whiteness. Annual Conference of Sociology of Education Association, Dangerous dialogues: Talking through the complex texture of class, race, and gender. Asilomar Conference Center, Monterey, CA February 23-25.

2000. Barlas, C., Kasl, E., Kyle, R., MacLeod, A., Paxton, D., Rosenwasser, P. & Sartor, L. Cooperative inquiry as a strategy for facilitating perspective transformation. In C. Weissner, S. Meyer, & D. Fuller (Eds.) Challenges of practice: Transformative learning in action. 3rd International Transformative Learning Conference Proceedings, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, October 26-28, pp. 51-56.

2000. Barlas, C., Kasl, E., Kyle, R., MacLeod, A., Paxton, D., Rosenwasser, P., & Sartor, L. Learning to unlearn White supremacist consciousness. In T. Sork, V. Lee-Chapman, & R. St. Clair (Eds.) Proceedings of the 41st Annual Adult Education Research Conference . University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, June 2-4, pp. 26-30.

1997.   Woman and cultural shadow: Personal reflections on a process of transformative learning.

Revision, Vol. 20, No. 1.

1996. With Cohort #2. Transformation, multiculturalism, and community. Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults. Leeds, UK.

1991.   With Kate Sutherland. The consensus classroom. One Earth Magazine, No. 2, pp. 24-27.

Reprinted in the following sources:

1993. Cooperative Learning, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 27-28.

1993.   Dr. Carol Flake (ed.) Holistic Education: Principles, Perspectives and Practices. Brandon, VT: Holistic Education Press, pp.175-179.

1992. The Education Digest, Vol., 57, No. 5, pp.47-50.

1990. The consensus classroom. In John W. Travis, and Meryn G. Callander (eds.) Wellness for Helping Professionals. Mill Valley, CA: Wellness Associates Publications, pp. III 73-74.

1986.   The consensus classroom. Association of Humanistic Psychology Perspective (newsletter).


1989. Celebrations, A Newsletter of the Association for Humanistic Education. Volume 12, No. 4.

* The European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness fosters research and learning about the subject of White Supremacist Consciousness. We write collectively under the name of the Collaborative. Members came together originally through our association with a cultural consciousness project at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco; members in alphabetical order are: Carole Barlas, Elizabeth Kasl, Alec MacLeod, Doug Paxton, Penny Rosenwasser and Linda Sartor. Inquiries about the Collaborative's work can be addressed to any member via email: . Find further information at our website:


2014-present. Book talks about Turning Fear Into Power at community organizations, schools, churches, book stores, and house parties. See my website:

2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016. European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. A different drummer: Experiential workshop using multiple ways of knowing to explore thoughts and feelings about our relationship to race, racism and privilege during the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, and 17th Annual White Privilege Conference.

2011-12. Various public presentation about my citizen diplomacy trip to Afghanistan March 2011.

2009. Various public presentations about my citizen diplomacy trip to Iran in Oct. 2008.

2003-2006. I did a number of presentations about my experiences in Israel/Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, Iraq with Christian Peacemaker Teams, and Sri Lanka with the Nonviolent Peaceforce for various schools and organizations, including a two week fundraising tour with the Nonviolent Peaceforce itself.

2003. European-American Collaborative Challenging Whiteness. Exploring pathways to Whiteness as a system of knowing: Transformation of thought and action. 44th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, June 5-8.

1996. Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, "Transformation, Multiculturalism, and Community."

1996. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education 7th International Conference, "Cooperative Inquiry as Faculty Development, On-Line or In Person."

1995. American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Conference, "Collaborative Inquiry: A Powerful Method for Individual and Group Learning (panel)" and "Collaborative Learning in Cyberspace."

1995. Burbank Elementary School, 1995, "The Consensus Classroom, a Faculty Inservice."

1995. Sonoma State University First Annual Conference for the Innovative Educator, "The Consensus Classroom: Innovative Education."

1995. Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County, "Exploring the Possibility of Consensus Classroom at Pre-School Level."

1994. Whole Language Umbrella Fifth Annual International Conference in San Diego CA, "Consensus Classroom: Inviting Diversity."

1994. International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education (IASCE) in Portland, Oregon, "Consensus Classroom: Connecting Communities through Cooperation and Collaboration."

1994. California Institute of Integral Studies, School for Transformative Learning Workshop, "Leadership for Transforming Education, A Weekend Workshop with Dr. Phil Gang and co-facilitator, Linda Sartor."

1993. International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education (IASCE) Conference in Toronto, Canada, "Learning Together in the Consensus Classroom."

1992. IASCE Convention in Utrecht, Netherlands, "Consensus Classroom, Community Building and the Heterogeneous School."

1992. Association of Humanistic Psychology (AHP) National Conference at Stanford University, "The Consensus Classroom: Empowering Public School Children for Social and Planetary Responsibility."

1989. AHP National Conference in San Francisco, "The Consensus Classroom: An Alternative Classroom Toward Creativity and Consciousness."

1989. National Wellness Conference at the University of Wisconsin, "The Consensus Classroom: Toward Optimum Wellness of People and the Planet."