ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 N 1737a

Date: 2008-05-30



Data Management and Interchange

Secretariat: United States of America (ANSI)

Administered by Farance Inc. on behalf of ANSI

DOCUMENT TYPE / Resolutions
TITLE / JTC 1/SC 32 Sydney Plenary Resolutions 2008-05-30
SOURCE / SC 32 Secretariat
STATUS / Meeting Resolutions
Number of Pages / 21 + attachments
SC Chair
WG Conveners and Secretaries

Dr. Timothy Schoechle, Secretary, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32

Farance Inc *, 3066 Sixth Street, Boulder, CO, United States of America

Telephone: +1 303-443-5490; E-mail:

available from the JTC 1/SC 32 WebSite

*Farance Inc. administers the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Secretariat on behalf of ANSI

JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Resolutions,



Section 1 - Working Group Resolutions

Resolution 1: SC 32 Approval of Working Group 1 –Open-edi Resolutions

SC 32 accepts the following report of resolutions from Working Group 1 – e-Business:

/ Resolution /
Contained in SC32 N1728a
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 2: SC 32 Approval of Working Group 2 –Metadata Resolutions

SC 32 accepts the following report of resolutions from Working Group 2 – Metadata:

/ Resolution /
/ Contained in SC32 N1730 /
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 3: SC 32 Approval of Working Group 3 –Database Languages Resolutions

SC 32 accepts the following report of resolutions from Working Group 3 – database Languages:

/ Resolution /
Contained in SC32 N1732
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 4: SC 32 Approval of Working Group 4 –SQL Multimedia & Application Packages Resolutions

SC 32 accepts the following report of resolutions from Working Group 4 – SQL Multimedia & Application Packages:

/ Resolution /
Contained in SC32 N1734
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 5: Ad Hoc Group on Response to JTC1 Resolution 22 on Promoting a Better Understanding of JTC1 (see SC32 N1719)

SC 32 accepts the following resolutions from this Ad Hoc Group:

/ Resolution /
/ Contained in SC32 N1769 /
In support of implementing JTC1 Resolution (Gold Coast, 2007) #22 “Promoting a better understanding of JTC1”, JTC1/SC32 requests JTC1 to permit JTC1 SC’s to make available on its website as publicly available information the following text for each of the JTC 1 standards which are the responsibility of the SC, namely:
Table of Contents
Clause 0 - Introduction
Clause 1 - Scope
Clause 2 - Normative References
Clause 3 -.Definitions
Clause 4 - Symbols and Abbreviations
as well as their title and abstract(s).

Rationale summary:

Having such JTC1/SC32 information publicly available has several benefits including:

1. serving as a means for marketing JTC1 standards by providing information deemed to be essential for access and discovery of such standards by potential users;

2. promoting a better understanding of the committee’s achieved; and.

3. facilitating development work both within JTC1 and those outside of JTC1 standards. Having such information readily available assists in minimizing duplication work, identifying use of standards in other standards, and maximizing re-use of existing standards, (e.g. existing terms and definitions);

It is understood that the implementation of this resolution requires

• the use of the text as stated in the final and authoritative version of the standard as published by the ITTF

• the use of appropriate ISO copyright symbol (and statement if deemed necessary)

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 6: Ad Hoc Group to appoint Convenor for PAS 19504 Ballot Resolution Group (Hajime Horiuchi)

SC 32 accepts the following Resolutions from this Ad Hoc Group

/ Resolution /
/ See also SC32 N1771 /
SC32 thanks Hajime Horiuchi for his report (32N1745) on the arrangements for the resolution of ballot comments on ISO/IEC DIS 19504 (CWM), to be held by an email meeting organized by OMG, and SC32 appoints Hajime Horiuchi as SC32 convenor for this ballot resolution meeting.
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Section 2 - Programme of Work Resolutions

Resolution 7: SC 32 Project Subdivisions

SC 32 approves the following subdivisions and minor enhancements to existing work:

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of Project Subdivisions will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Project Number / Title / Project Editor / Rationale Doc # / / ISO/IEC 15944-9
Information Technology – Business Operational View - Part 9: Traceability framework / Katsuhiro Morita / WG1N0382
(rationale 1) / ISO/IEC 19763-6: Information Technology –Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI)— Part 6 : Model Registration Procedure / Hajime Horiuchi / WG2N1120
WG2N1121 (rationale 2) / SQL Multimedia and Application Packages – Part 8: MDR / Dongwon Jeong / WG4N0070
(rationale 3)

and SC32 instructs its secretariat to conduct a 60-day letter ballot for Project, and accept the project subdivision if at least four National Bodies support the subdivision.

Rationale Summary:

Rationale 1:Traceability is important in business transactions, with respect to consumer and investor protection, corporate governance, security compliance, value-added chains, and logistics. The standard project is based on the existing eBusiness standard work, and fills a significant gap.

Rationale 2: Registration procedure is indispensable to MFI registry and WD (WG2N1121) shows that it can be standardized.

Rationale 3: SC 32/WG 4 instructs its Convener to forward this subdivision to SC 32 Secretariat for SC 32 internal letter ballot.

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 8: SC 32 Project Withdrawals

SC 32 approves the following withdrawals from existing work:

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of Project Withdrawals will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Project Number / Title / Rationale Doc # /

Rationale Summary:

and SC 32 instructs its Secretariat to forward these withdrawals to JTC 1 for endorsement upon receipt of texts.

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous
Voted and Rejected / X - YES
X - NO
X - Abstain

Resolution 9: Standards Due for Periodic Review

SC 32 approves the following:

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of Standards Due for Periodic Review will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Project Number / Title / Recommendation /

SC 32 instructs its Secretariat to inform the ITTF of the above recommendations.

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous
Voted and Rejected / X - YES
X - NO
X - Abstain

Resolution 10: SC 32 New Projects

SC 32 approves the following proposals for new work:

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of New Projects will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Title / NWI Doc # /

and SC 32 instructs its Secretariat to forward these proposals to JTC 1 for endorsement upon receipt of texts.

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous
Voted and Rejected / X - YES
X - NO
X - Abstain

Resolution 11: Study Periods

SC 32 instructs its Secretariat to submit, upon receipt of texts, the following Proposals for Study Period to JTC 1:

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of Proposals for Study Periods will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Title / Study Period Doc # /
Extension of study period on future database scenarios *1 / 32N1767R1
Request for a new study period on the new metadata standards / 32 N1773 (WG2N1118)
Request for a new study period on the metamodel for on-demand model selection / 32 N1780 (WG2N1131),
Request for a new study period on ROR / 32N1778 (WG2N1129),
Request for extending the study period on the semantic harmonization of metadata *1 / 32N1775 (WG2N1122)
Request for extending the study period on the Metadata Registry for the
Semantic Web*1 / 32N1777 (WG2N1127)


*1: approved by Resolution 11, 32N1604a SC32NY Resolutions

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Section 3 - Project Document Resolutions

Resolution 12: Committee Draft (CD) Ballots (CD, PDAM, PDISP, PDTR)

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of Committee Draft Documents will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Upon receipt of texts, SC 32 instructs its Secretariat to register as CDs, PDAMs, PDISPs, PDTRs and issue letter ballots on the following projects:

Project Number / CD / Title / Date Expected / / CD3 15944-3 / Business Operational View – Part 3: Open-edi Description Techniques / 2008-08-31 / CD 15944-9 / Business Operational View – Part 9: Open-edi Traceability Framework / 2009-02-28 / CD2 11179-3: 3rd edition / Metadata Registries (MDR) – Part 3: Registry Metamodel and basic attributes 3rd Edition / 2008-10-31 / CD 19763-3: 2nd edition / Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI)— Part 3: Metamodel for ontology registration 2nd edition / 2008-06-15 / CD 19763-5 / Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI)— Part 5: Metamodel for process model registration / 2008-06-15 / CD 9075-1 / SQL/Framework / 2009-01-12
CD 9075 Rationale / CD 9075-2 / SQL/Foundation / 2009-01-12
CD 9075 Rationale / CD 9075-4 / SQL/PSM / 2009-01-12
CD 9075 Rationale / CD 9075-11 / SQL/Schemata / 2009-01-12
CD 9075 Rationale / CD 9075-14 / SQL/XML / 2009-01-12
CD 9075 Rationale / CD 13249-1 / SQL Multimedia and Application Packages – Part 1: Framework / 2009-01-09 / CD 13249-3 / SQL Multimedia and Application Packages – Part 3: Spatial / 2009-01-09

CD 9075 Rationale:

SC32 approved project splits for these five parts at the 2007 New York meeting. WG3 is beginning progression of these parts with a target of completing new versions in 2011.

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution13: Final Committee Draft (FCD) Ballots

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of Committee Draft Documents will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Upon receipt of texts, SC 32 instructs its Secretariat to register as FCDs and issue letter ballots on the following projects:

Project Number / FCD / Title / Date Expected / / FCD 15944-8 / Business Operational View – Part 8: Identification of privacy protection requirements as external constraints on business transactions / 2009-02-28 / FCD 11179-3: 3rd edition / Metadata Registries (MDR) – Part 3: Registry Metamodel and basic attributes 3rd Edition / 2009-03-01 / FCD 19763-3: 2nd edition / Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI) – Part 3 : Metamodel for ontology registration 2nd edition / 2009-01-15 / FCD 19763-5 / Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI) – Part 5 : Metamodel for process model registration / 2009-01-15 / FCD 24706 / Metadata for technical standards and specifications documents / 2008-06-30
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 14: Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) Ballots (FDIS, FDAM, DTR)

This was covered in each of the Working Group Resolutions in 1 through 6 above. A consolidated list of Committee Draft Documents will be prepared by the SC 32 Secretary and attached to the resolutions after the meeting.

Upon receipt of texts, SC 32 requests its SC 32 Secretariat to register as FDISs, FDAMs, DTRs and submit to ITTF for the following projects:

Project Number / FDIS / Title / Date Expected / / IS 14662
3rd edition [E/F]
[minor revision process] / Open-edi Reference Model / 2008-08-31 / IS 15944-1
2nd edition
[minor revision process] / Business Operational View —Part 1:Operational aspects of Open-edi for implementation / 2008-08-31 / DTR 15944-6 / Business Operational View Part 6: Technical Introduction of e-Business Modelling / 2008-08-31 / FDIS 24706 / Metadata for technical standards and specifications documents / 2009-01-31 / FDIS 14957 / Representation of data elements values: Notation of the format 2nd Edition / 2008-07-01 / FDIS 20944-1 / Metadata Registry Interoperability & Bindings (MDR-IB) Part 1: Framework, common vocabulary and common provisions for conformance / 2009-02-01 / FDIS 20944-2 / Metadata Registry Interoperability & Bindings (MDR-IB) Part 2 / 2009-02-01 / FDIS 20944-3 / Metadata Registry Interoperability & Bindings (MDR-IB) Part 3 / 2009-02-01 / FDIS 20944-4 / Metadata Registry Interoperability & Bindings (MDR-IB) Part 4 / 2009-02-01 / FDIS 20944-5 / Metadata Registry Interoperability & Bindings (MDR-IB) Part 5 / 2009-02-01 / FDIS 19773 / Metadata registries (MDR) Modules / 2009-02-01
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Section 4 - Liaison Resolutions/Assignments and Editor Assignments

Resolution 15: SC 32 Liaison Assignments

SC 32 approves the internal liaison assignments contained in SC32 N1782.

Liaison Organization / WG / SC 32/WG Person / Topics and Notes / Doc #
SC31 and ISO/TC68 / WG1 / Katsuhiro Morita / Requested 32N1728
TC204, TC215 and SC36 / WG1 / Jake Knoppers / Requested 32N1728
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous

Resolution 16: SC 32 Approval of New External Class “C” Liaisons

Upon receipt of texts, SC 32 requests its Secretariat to forward these Expected Benefits and Responsibilities documents to JTC 1 for approval.

Liaison Organization / WG / SC 32/WG Person / Topics and Notes / Doc #
Voted and Accepted / Unanimous
Voted and Rejected / X - YES
X - NO
X - Abstain

Resolution 17: SC 32 Programme of Work, Target Dates and Project Editor Assignments

SC 32 approves the Programme of Work, Target Dates and Project Editor Assignments contained in SC 32 N 1783.

Voted and Accepted / Unanimous
Voted and Rejected / X - YES
X - NO
X - Abstain

Section 5 - SC 32 Administrative Resolutions