Clover High School

2016 Summer School Options for Initial Credit

APEX is an online program used by Clover High School for Initial Credit.
Location / Internet access is required. Students may work on the APEX assignments from home or school, however, Unit Tests must be taken at school. Summer School is from June 6 through July 1.
Courses Offered / PE, Health, Sociology, Economics, Am Gov, IBA, Art Appreciation, and Music Appreciation
Fee / $100 per course
Fee must be paid prior to registration in the CHS Counseling Center
Grade posted on transcript / Grade earned in the class
Attendance / Strongly encouraged, but not mandatory, except for Unit Tests.
Registration instructions / 1. Pick up an application from your counselor, the main office or the CHS website:
2. Take your completed application and pay the registration fee to Mrs. Jones in the Counseling Center, where you will then receive your Summer School Admissions Ticket.
3. Take your Summer School Admissions Ticket to the i-school lab for the mandatory orientation on June 6 at 9am.
Teacher / CHS teacher certified in that subject area is available for questions.
Course Completion / Students have 4 weeks to complete the initial credit course and take the exam. All summer school work in APEX must be completed by
July 1 (with the exception of PE which continues through August).
VSC is offered by the SC State Department of Education for South Carolina high school students.
Location / Internet access is required. Students complete the VSC initial credit course from home. Classes begin June 8 and end July 29.
Courses Offered / Please see VSC website:
Fee / Free
Grade posted on transcript / Grade earned in the class
Attendance / VSC does not count attendance, but has strictly enforced deadlines.
Registration instructions / 1. Pick up the registration instructions from your counselor or on the CHS website:
2. Register online at the VSC website May 18-June 1.
3. Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis.
Teacher / SC teacher certified in that subject area who is usually available via email and/or phone.
Course Completion / VSC exams will be on August 1-3 in the CHS i-school lab. VSC students are required to take their exam at Clover High School.

Counseling Center Spring 2016