
Latitude and Longitude

You will now “take a trip” around Canada to develop your skills in using latitude and longitude and in using the gazetteer in an atlas.

Divide into groups of two so that you can have a friendly rivalry with your partner. See who can provide all of the missing words below correctly in your notebooks in the least amount of time.

Your trip begins at the base of the PeaceTower located in the ______Buildings in the city of ______(46.5°N 75.5°W). From here you head west to Canada’s nickel capital, ______(46.5°N 81°W). You continue to travel west to the railway hub of the west, ______(50°N 97°W). Following the Trans-Canada Highway, you arrive in a city whose name means queen in Latin, ______(50.5°N 104.5°W). Your next stop is in the city famous for its western fair, called The ______Stampede (51°N 114°W). With the hope of seeing the famous Ogo Pogo monster in LakeOkanagan, you spend a few days in the community of ______(49.5°W 119.5°W). You continue to follow the Trans-Canada Highway to Vancouver, located at ______. You take the ferry to Vancouver Island to see the capital city of BritishColumbia ______(49°N 124°W).

Your trip continues northward to ______, located in the Yukon at 64°N 139.5°W. Thousands of people came to this town in 1898 searching for gold. Another town famous for its gold mines is Yellowknife, located on Great Slave Lake at ______. Your next stop is known as the polar bear capital of Canada. At certain times of the year, polar bears are a tourist attraction. This city, ______, located at 58.5°N 94°W, is named after a British prime minister. You find that you really have a craving for some seafood from Atlantic Canada. You fly over Québec to the most easterly provincial capital of ______, located at 47.5°N 52.5°W for a serving of cod tongues. These are a rare delicacy since the cod fishery collapsed in the 1990s. After a quick flight to Halifax, located at ______you find a restaurant that serves freshly cooked lobster with fresh bread and butter. Heading westward, you visit the largest island in the Bay of Fundy, ______, New Brunswick, located at 44.5°N 66.5°W. It is famous for its edible seaweed, called Dulse. Before leaving New Brunswick you then visit the ReversingFalls in ______at 45.5°N 66°W. Your last stop is the centre of French Canada is ______, located at 47°N 71°W. Its old town has been declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations.

Making Connections, p. 35-36.