Criteria for Grant Giving

This list was created to assist the PM of the OWF in assessing the grant requesting organizations (GRO) and their applications and shortlisting those eligible for funding. Please note that funding is project-based and meeting the grants criteria does not automatically lead to the award of a grant. There are other considerations taken into account as well. Priority is given to projects recommended by OWF's major donors and OWF's Director.

We have developed an easy and quick application process and did our best to minimize the bureaucracy involved in order to support the realization of as many projects as possible. It involves also less paperwork and a faster response time.

At the end there is a list provided with reasons why recent applications have been rejected.

I. Organization-based criteria

1. Is the GRO reliable and reputable?

(a) Does the GRO have a credible website? Does it provide appropriate information?

(b) Is the information provided trustworthy? Is it written in proper style with strong visuals?

(c) Is there a proof of the GRO's legal establishment? Does it look legitimate?

(d) Can you easily find annual reports?

(e) When was the organization established?

(f) Does it share OWF's or similar values (integrity, respect, tolerance, ect.)?

2. Does the GRO have a relatively good media reputation?

a) Does it have established social media channels?

b) Does it have strong media presence?

c) Are there any negative reviews concerning mismanagement of funds?

d) Is there someone reliable or a personal acquaintance who can vouch for this organization?

3. Does the GRO have a good record track of implemented projects in the past? Is there available data on its impact creation and achieved results?

II. Project-based criteria

1. Does the project correlate to OWF's mission and goal? Is it clearly demonstrated how the particular project/initiative can help us achieve our mission?

2. Is there a proper justification of the specific problem that the project tackles and the solution offered? Is the project and the solution it offers sustainable?

3. Is there a concrete action plan provided for the implementation of the project? Is the time frame of the project acceptable?

4. Are the expected results properly justified? Are they feasible? Do they offer a positive and long lasting change?

5. What is the number of the expected beneficiaries? Are they under the age of 28 (OWF main target is children and young adults)?

6. Are there any risks involved that may hinder the implementation of the project?

7. Is the proposed budget properly justified? Is it efficient? Do the proposed activities give value for money?

8. Is the project in the geographical area targeted by the OWF funding?

9. Is there a specific timetable for reporting and monitoring presented? Was an evaluation strategy developed?

Additional Notes:

All grantees are required to report regularly on how the OWF grant has been spent and on the impact achieved. If these requirements are not met or if there is evidence for money abuse or mismanagement, the OWF reserves the right to terminate its partnership with the grantee.

Each grantee is kindly asked to acknowledge and publicize the OWF's support for the funded project and to provide a link to the OWF website on its own website.

Faith-based organizations whose sole purpose is to promote a particular religion or faith will not be supported.

Reasons for rejection:

1. Inappropriate communication style and poor description of the project;

2. Geographical scope was outside the areas currently supported;

3. Existing fraud concerns connected to a large number of identical or similar applications;

4. Concerns over GRO's involvement in religious matters;

5. The requested budget amount was disproportionately high in relation to the expected results;

6. Concerns about the GRO credibility (no website, social media or any informaton on the web);

7. Inadequate or insufficient information provided;

8. Overfunding considerations within a country.