Text for conventional couple

Of course, we were very sad to be told that we couldn’t have children of our own, but now we feel we are ready to create a little family.

We would give a child lots of love. Not only that, because we are married and not just living together, we can offer security to a child. Children need to know that mum and dad will always be there for them and won’t just move on when things get difficult. Some adopted children will have already faced turmoil in their lives and we would want to minimise that. Mike’s also quite well paid so I would be able to give up work to look after our child.

Text for Gay couple

People think nothing of single famous people having a baby on their own, but they’re very quick to say that gay people shouldn’t be allowed to adopt!

If we ever did split up we would make sure that we didn’t stop each other from seeing the child. Andrew, my partner, is a consultant surgeon, and together we could provide a wonderful life for a child. My sister’s children are excited at the prospect of a new baby, and I trained as a children’s nurse, so I have lots of experience.I think we’d make really good parents.

Text for Old Couple

Even though we’re in our sixties we still have a lot of love to give! We’ve fostered many children down the years and we have three grandchildren of our own who keep us young and active.

We are financially secure and our children live very close by so could help us out quite a bit.

We have a loving, happy marriage, which we feel would give any child a safe, secure start in life. After all, isn’t this what parenting is all about?

We know the ropes, and what’s more, our own children are fully behind us.

Text for Lesbian Couple

When I turned 30 last year I started to feel broody and got it into my head that if I didn’t have a baby soon it might never happen. We want to give a child the same sort of happy childhood we both had with our parents.

My partner Tara already has a little boy from a previous relationship, plus we both have good jobs and could easily support another child.

The fact that we’re both women would be an advantage too. After all, it’s usually the mum who does the hands-on stuff isn’t it? Any child of ours would have double all of that.