To help you stay on track & in touch with your NEW Jeweler


Give her ALL group, local and national training datesto put on calendar. Set dates for her launch showand practice event.Have her mark her calendar with deadline dates for QS6, QS9, QS12 and Joan’s Rookie Team
Share your contact info and that of her upline, (Grandmother & Great-Grandmother). Stress the importance of her checking her email daily and her Facebook notifications.
Coach her on creating invite for herLaunch Party. WHO to invite and HOW to invite
(Red Stamp / Text / Facebook Event / Email options)
ReviewVERBIAGE SHEET for a Successful Start with her. Stress importance of practicing OUT LOUD before calling people. Also stress importance of getting bookings BEFORE her Launch Party.
HOSTESS COACH her as you would any hostess as she preps for her Launch Party. Let her know you are MODELING for her what she will be doing with her upcoming hostesses.
Be sure she is TAGing her jewelry
Be sure she has put together at least 6 Hostess Packets for her Launch Party and labeled her catalogsorder forms
Encourage her to play in her jewelry and try different jewelry combinations. Be sure she is comfortable with setting up her display BEFORE you arrive at her Launch Party.
Be sure she has set up hercredit card processing account and a separate checking account


Reflect with her about the show. Go over WHO booked & WHY, review SURVEYs with her, discuss getting additional orders & bookings and set up a closing date for her Launch Party.
Help her Close out & Submit her Launch Party. Review Closing Out Your Jewelry Show sheet with her and Hostess Benefits Worksheetto determine FREE & half price jewelry
Help her put together her Booking & Sponsoring Activity and a Retail Incentive to use at her shows
Hold a MOCK EVENTwith her where the two of you will be practicing one-on-one the different segments of her show, good verbiage to use, transition statements, flow, jewelry combos, etc.
ReviewQUICK START Tracking Sheet (attached)
Set date for an Opportunity Presentation with her, so you can demonstrate how to share Premier with others
Encourage her to go to PremierDesignsTraining.com and watch videos. Point out 2-3 helpful videos to get her started.Also mention The Terrells and Drapers website
Schedule a Financial Session with her to review:
  • help her see her profits show by show
  • paying back her investment right away
  • payments to Premier Rewards Card (if applicable)
  • being smart with purchasing incentive gifts
  • Etc….


Teach her importance of HOSTESS COACHING and basic steps to make it simple and routine.
Teach her about Exchanges and how to handle
Review Business Tools, Websites and Office Supply list with her to be sure she’s comfortable with everything and doesn’t have questions
Teach her a simple filing system to store her events, business forms, expense files, training documents

QUICK START Tracking Sheet

Jeweler Name: ______Training Show Date: ______

Use this chart to keep track of your first 12 shows to help you see the various areas of your business and how your Premier Sponsor can help you maximize ALL areas!

Hostess Name & Date / Retail / # of Guests / $100 Advance Orders (Y/N) / # of Bookings / # Curosity Pkts
Given Out / Comments / Concerns / Called Sponsor & Checked In
Launch Party!
Show 1 / Y/N
Show 2 / Y/N
Show 3 / Y/N
Show 4 / Y/N
Show 5 / Y/N
Show 6 / Y/N
Show 7 / Y/N
Show 8 / Y/N
Show 9 / Y/N
Show 10 / Y/N
Show 11 / Y/N
Show 12 / Y/N

Quick Start 6 Deadline: ______

Quick Start 9 Deadline: ______

Quick Start 12 Deadline: ______

Edited October 2017