Parish of Our Lady of Fatima
159 Kenneth Kaunda Rd, Durban North, 4051 E-Mail Website: Tel: 0315635554 Fax: 0315634684

Parish Priest: Fr Justin Stirton

Pastoral Assistants: Irene Helsdon and Anne Chatteris
28th August 2016
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordianry Time Year C
Missal References Page 869 (old), 956 (new)
Eucharistic Prayer
Memorial Acclamation
Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 873 (old), 960 (new)
Next Sunday Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
Feasts of the Week
Monday Beheading of John the Baptist
Saturday St. Gregory the Great

Entrance Antiphon

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of mercy to all who call to you.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 68

In your goodness, O God,
you provided for the poor.
The just shall rejoice at the presence of God;
they shall exult with glad rejoicing.
O sing to God; make music to his name.
The Lord is his name.
Father of orphans, defender of widows:
Such is God in his holy place.
God gives the desolate a home to dwell in;
He leads the prisoners forth into prosperity.
You poured down, O God, a generous rain;
When your people languished,
you restored their inheritance.
It was there that your flock began to dwell.
In goodness, O God, you provided for the poor.
In your goodness, O God,
you provided for the poor. /

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Take my yoke upon you, says the Lord; and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart. Alleluia.

Communion Antiphon

How great is the goodness, Lord, that you keep for those who hear you.

This Week’s Diary

Monday / Mass / 9.00am
Archdiocesan Finance Board / 4.00pm
RCIA / 6.30pm
Tuesday / Gospel Sharing / 9.15am
Holy Hour / 5.00-6.00pm
Communion Service / 6.00pm
Wednesday / Mass / 6.30am
Ministers of Hospitality Formation / ???
Thursday / Mass / 7.00am
Deanery Clergy Meeting / 10.00am
Mass / 6.00pm
Choir Practice / 6.45pm
Formation - Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick / 6.45pm
Friday / Morning Prayer / 6.15am
Mass / 6.30am
Men’s Breakfast / 7.00am
Saturday / Mass / 8.00am
Sacrament of Reconciliation / 11.00am & 4.30pm
Sunday / Masses / 7.00am; 9.00am & 5.45pm

Please pray for the Sick, especially


Tris Tillard’s sister; Peter Squires; Joy Lees’ grandniece; Louise Kin’s sister; Gladys Cole’s brother; Renee Armstrong’s sisters; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Jo James’ nephew, granddaughter & son; Josiane & Marie-Claude Maujean’s brother; Nancy Chettiar’s mother; Stuart McGregor; Esme Hallot’s nieces; Tracy Mendonidis & Candice Houseman’s mother; Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; Alma Osborn’s grandson; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; John Bremner’s nephew. / Sharon Ellis’ sister; Brenda Bennison; Anne Appelgren’s husband; Nadine Paul’s mother; Margaret Beechey’s mother; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Maryse Wardell’s mother; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Elsa Pearton’s granddaughter son Michael; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law & sister; Lynne Tillard’s brother; Tottie Bremner’s nephew; Michelle Lock’s father; Mary Ann Salvage’s brother; George & Carol Urquhart’s mothers; Theresa Hoogewerf’s uncle; Warren Walker’s uncle; Denise Topp’s daughter & son-in law. / Heather Rorick; Fr Des brother & nephew; Gail Hansen’s mother; May Dormehl’s brother-in law & daughter; Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & daughter-in-law; Jean & Pauline Leclezio’s son & daughter-in law; Ben Morasutti’s son Jos; Claire Booth’s brother; Margaret Larkins’ brother; Jan Huiskamp’s sister; Giel van der Merwe’s daughter; Nicole Blackburn’s brother; Gladys Meyer’s son; Dominic Singery’s mother; Lyn Campbell’s mother.


Hugh Elliott; Cathy Hogg; Anthea Jack; Sr Catherina; Virgile Bonhomme; Cameron Smith; Felicity Harrison; Jenny Ducray; Hendrika Brock; Roger Brouard; Maryse Bowman; Gordon Urquhart; Milly van Gogh; Pat du Trevou; Pierette Lenferna; Monique Saint-George. / May Dormehl; Leigh Went; Daphne Rahmer; Teresa Latouf; John Hull; Caron Martins; Randy Tryon; Sandra Teodosio; Lynne Govender; Pat Sturgess; Elsa Pearton; Gladys & Mavon Cole; Dcn Peter Venter; Tony Akal; Moises de Sousa; Bernard D’Unienville; Gerrit Snyders. / Mary Ferreira; Lynda Topp; Joy Lees; Di Smith; Kamil Toman; Daniel Singery; Denyse Surmon; Mervin Moonsamy; Gill Yelland; Ben Morasutti; Eve Huiskamp; Fred Abraham; Margaret Larkins; Fr Pierre Lavoipierre; Jeanette Nulliah;.

Scripture Readings For Next Sunday

Wisdom 9: 13-18 Philemon: 9-10, 12-17 Luke 14: 25-33


PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY for Deacon Peter Venter, and the intentions of all clergy.


PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL of Clare Whatmore, the mother of Anthony Whatmore. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, AMEN.



We welcome to our parish community, Christopher Dominic Padoa, the son of Colin and Sarah, and brother of Eryn, Nina and Catie, who is being baptised during the 9.00am Mass today.


We have recently introduced the “d6 Communicator” to our parish to improve the speed of communication. It is ‘up and running’ and when it is fully operational it will include a calendar of parish events, parish news, parish alerts (fast messages), messages to particular groups of people (e.g. catechism classes or ministers of the Word), a gallery of photographs and quick links to our parish website and Facebook page. In due course we will include downloadable documents such as parish registration forms. It can be downloaded now on to your computer and all smartphones by entering:

and then clicking on the bottom left hand corner of your computer. Then click on ‘Personalise’ to select the Channels for which you would like to receive parish news, messages, calendar notices. It downloads quickly and uses very little data. Try it! It’s easy!


Are reminded of choir practice after the 6:00pm Mass on Thursday evening.


All Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick are reminded of their formation on Thursday 1st September which commences with Mass at 6:00pm.


Friday mornings at 6.15am - before the 6.30am Mass. Please support.


All men of the Parish are invited for a time of fellowship and breakfast

on Friday 2nd September.

The morning commences with Mass at 6.30am and is followed by breakfast

which is held in the Parish Hall.

To assist with catering please put your name on the list at both entrances to the Church or by calling Ana at the Parish Office on 031 563 5554 by Wednesday 31st August.

The cost of the breakfast is R40,00 per person.


The Dominican Associates will meet on

Thursday 1st September at 9.30am in the Upper Hall


after the Thursday evening Mass.

All are welcome!


Our Lady of Lourdes have finalized the venue for Fr Des’ 60th birthday.

This event will be held on

Friday 9th September at 7.30pm at the Pinetown Catholic Church Parish Hall.

If there are parishioners from Fatima who are interested in attending,

please email or call 031 266 1393/4 to book and for full details

Prayer for the Jubilee Year of Mercy

Lord Jesus Christ,

you are the visible face of the invisible God our Father

who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy.

Let the Church be your visible face in the world.

May all your ministers feel compassion and understanding

for those who seek love and forgiveness.

Send your Spirit to each of us, so that the Jubilee of Mercy

may be a year of grace during which your Church

will bring good news to the poor,

proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed

and restore sight to the blind.

We ask this of you, Lord Jesus,

through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy.


Mass Intentions

28 August 2016 – 4 September 2016

Sunday / 7.00am / Stan Kalinowski; Mr & Mrs Witkowski; Jenny Foster; Nicola Tomlin – All RIP (Anna Kalinowska)
9.00am / In Thanksgiving – Fr Justin Stirton (Fatima Family) and
In Thanksgiving – Fr Justin Stirton (CWL)
5.45pm / Pro Populo
Monday / 9.00am / Louis Bosch RIP (Theresa Hoogewerf)
Tuesday / 6.00pm / Communion Service
Wednesday / 6.30am / Doreen Ross-Adams RIP (Pro Deo)
Thursday / 7.00am / In Thanksgiving – Our Lady of Fatima Girls
6.00pm / Pious Lists
Friday / 6.30am / Clare Whatmore RIP (Pro Deo)
Saturday / 8.00am / Special Intention (Irene de Sousa)
Sunday / 7.00am / Joyce Hawksley RIP (Joy Hansen)
9.00am / Notuma Mdwebu RIP (Doris Mnqumeni)
5.45pm / Pro Populo

Welcome New Parishioners

Change of Address and/or Phone No

/ / Need dedication information

New registration

/ / Registered but do not receive mail
Moving out of the parish / Email mailing list
City / Code
Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality


Itineraries and reservation forms for the parish pilgrimage to

Lisbon, Fatima, Salamanca, Avila, Loyola, Lourdes and Paris are available in the baptistry.

The pilgrimage will include daily Mass, Catholic devotions

and visits to places steeped in Catholic history and spirituality.

There will be preparatory talks to provide the necessary background

to what will be seen and experienced.

For these reasons and for the cohesion of the group,

applications should be limited to our parishioners.

Pilgrims must be in good health and reasonably fit because there will be much walking.

Please do not book if you have any doubts; contact Fr Justin first.

Please note that deposits are non-refundable.

Denis Hurley Centre Announcements

Introduction to Computing at the Denis Hurley Centre:

5-day beginners course open to all, runs every Monday to Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm.

Cost R180. First come, first served.

To guarantee a place book with R180 in person at the Denis Hurley Centre.

To find out more call 083 369 2964, 031 769 1260

or email

Classes in Performing Arts at the Denis Hurley Centre:

Drama - Fridays 3pm-5pm; Music theory - Saturdays 9am-10am;

Voice classes - Saturdays 10am-12noon; Guitar - Saturdays 10am-12noon.

No need to book; just turn up; all free!

St Vincent de Paul - APPEAL FOR FOOD

The St Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank everyone who brought an item

of non-perishable food this Sunday. Unfortunately, there is still a great need.

The item on request this week is

Cup of Soup packs.

Josie and Denise are still appealing for men’s shoes, men and ladies’ clothes & underwear –

there is a constant call for these.


Do you feel alone?

Are you frustrated or angry with each other?

Do you argue… or have you just stopped talking to each other?

Does talking about it only make it worse?

Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i)

helps couples through difficult times in their marriages.

This programme has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples

experiencing difficulties in their marriage.

For confidential information about or to register for the next programme

beginning with a weekend on *2 SEPTEMBER*

call 0828500500 or email

or visit the web site at -

There IS HOPE – make the call.

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
28th August 2016 Diane Corkery
First Reading (Sir 3:17-20; 28-29)
The book of Sirach has close links with the Book of Proverbs. Among the similar features is the use of the expression ‘my child’ at transitional stages in the book, often as the author introduces a new theme or wisdom instruction. The expression ‘my child’ suggests that the setting of the wisdom instruction is the paternal relationship of a father speaking to his son. However, given that wisdom teachers in the ancient world often adopted the persona of a father addressing a son, a more suitable question for an appropriation of our text might be: what does this cautionary advice on humility mean in this educational environment? Interestingly, St Paul uses the same image to describe his mission among the Thessalonians: ‘As you know, we dealt with each one of you like a father with his children’.
While it has been suggested that the teacher is cautioning his student against intellectual pride, possibly reflecting Ben Sirach’s own conflict with the dangers of Greek philosophy, we must not exclude the obvious. The wisdom teacher may simply want to warn his students that they do not have all the answers at this stage in their lives! It might be noted that today’s reading omits a portion of material that resonates well with this view: ‘’neither seek what is too difficult for you, nor investigate what is beyond your power. Reflect upon what you have been commanded, for what is hidden is not your concern.’ Humility, in this sense, is associated with the recognition of human limitations. This is consistent with the biblical view of Wisdom as something outside the human person to be acquired: ‘For she [Wisdom] knows and understands all things, and she will guide me wisely in my actions and guard me with her glory’.
Furthermore, the Book of Sirach acknowledges that the pursuit and acquisition of Wisdom was primarily associated with the leisured class. A slight tone of condescension can be detected later on in the book, as the scribal profession is contrasted with that of the craftsman. Even though the work of the craftsmen is positively acknowledged, they ‘are not sought out for the council of the people, nor do they attain eminence in the public assembly. They do not sit in the judge’s seat, nor do they understand the decisions of the courts’. In light of this, the caution ‘the greater you are, the more you must humble yourself’ becomes even more significant. King Solomon is an example par excellence of humility, given that he knows that he will not be able to accomplish his mission if God does not give him wisdom.
Gospel (Lk 14:1,7-14)
This reading touches upon many important themes in Luke’s Gospel – humility, hospitality and table-fellowship, concern for those on the margins of society, and reversal. The setting is important – Jesus is in the house of a leader of the Pharisees. The first step in grasping the significance of Jesus’ words is to ascertain the impact that these words have upon this gathering of Pharisees. The Lukan Jesus’ perception of the Pharisees has been well established at this stage in the narrative: ‘Woe to you Pharisees! For you love to have the seat of honour in the synagogues and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces’ or the warning to beware of ‘the yeast of the Pharisees’, their hypocrisy.