Analyzing Civics Standard 1: Grades 9-12

How Does This? / Influence This? / Give an Example and Explain How
Ideology / The Purposes of the US Government /
  • Republicanism’s concern with the public good influences “providing for the common defense” and “promoting the general Welfare.”
  • The Declaration of Independence is largely influenced by liberal ideology. The Constitution is largely influence by republican ideology. However, it could be argued that liberalism’s concern with individual liberty influences the Preamble’s “secure the Blessings of Liberty.”

Culture / The Purposes of the US Government
Values / The Purposes the US Government /
  • Truth, justice, and equality – establish justice.
  • Individual rights – secure the blessings of liberty.
  • Public Good - form a more perfect Union, provide for the common defense, insure domestic Tranquility
  • Self-government – our commitment to self-government

History / The Purposes the US Government /
  • Struggle with Great Britain to defend rights - secure the Blessings of Liberty, establish Justice, provide for the common defense
  • British refusal to accept plausibility of divided sovereignty - to form a more perfect Union.
  • British army efforts to enlist support of slaves & native Americans & anti-British “riots” or “mob action” - insure domestic Tranquility.
  • English Civil War – secure the blessings of Liberty (natural rights).

Purposes as stated in the Preamble: to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility , provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, secure the Blessings of Liberty.

Analyzing Civics Standard 1: Grades 9-12

How Does This? / Influence This? /

Give an Example and Explain How

Ideology / Structure of the
US Government / Republicanism favors government by elected representatives (“natural aristocracy”) rather than directly by the people. Representatives are, in theory at least, more inclined to work toward the common good as opposed to self-interests. Hence, all of our representative institutions are influenced by republican ideology.
Culture / Structure of the
US Government / Mistrust of power influenced the break-up of power (federal system, 3 branches, bicameral legislature).
Values / Structure of the
US Government /
  • Diversity – creation of a legislative body that represents both the general population (House) and the varied interests of the states (Senate).
  • Self-government –our commitment to self-government helps account for our federal system in that the division of power (e.g. local government) forces government to be responsive at various levels.

History / Structure of the
US Government /
  • Debate over dividing sovereignty (imperial v. home rule) – federal system.
  • Perceptions of British King – creation of 3 co-equal branches.
  • Creation of Parliament – separation of powers & representative government (3 branches, 2 house legislature).

Examples of Structure: federal system, 3 branches, 2 house legislature, 435 Congressmen, 100 Senators, 9 Supreme Court Justices

How the Purposes of Government Influence the Structure of Government

Draw lines between purposes and structures that show as many causal connections between the two columns. / Based on the relationships you suggested using the connecting lines, explain how each purpose influenced each structure.
Column A: Purposes of Gov’t Column B: Structure of Gov’t
-form a more perfect Union
*Federal System
-establish Justice

* 3 Branches
-insure domestic Tranquility
-provide for the common defense
-promote the general Welfare
*100 Senators
-secure the Blessings of Liberty
*9 Supreme Court
Justices / By creating a system in which power was divided between a series of states and a central government the Founding Fathers created a system of -government that was able to better balance local concerns and national interests.
A large legislature (republic) in which representation and voting is broadly-based enables consideration of a wide range of interests but prevents (filters) one special interest from dominating public policy.

The goals of securing the blessings of liberty and establishing justice influenced the creation of an independent judicial branch (with life terms) that has responsibility for preventing tyranny and protecting individual liberties.

Developed by:

The Democracy Project 2003

University of Delaware