Compass Men’s Bible StudyProverbs Lesson 19: More Than Sex


Day 1: Read Proverbs 12:4

1)Think hard about the kinds of needs your spouse currently has, what ways do you believe that God can use you to meet some of those needs?

2)What does “an excellent wife is the crown of her husband” mean? How has your wife been your “crown”?

Day 2: Read Proverbs 15:1, 17:1

3)How does your leadership or lack of leadership with your family affect the environment in the household?

4)What areas in your household needa plan of action and more attention?

Day 3: Read Proverbs 17:9, 17:14, 17:27, Matthew 6:14-15; Mark 11:25; Revelation 2:5

5) How does understanding how much God has forgiven us affect how we forgive our spouse? Where have you lacked to show forgiven to your wife in the past?

6)Do you think you work on your marriage as hard as you work on other things in your life? What currently gets more of your effort? What changes will you make?

Day 4: Read Proverbs19:11, 19:14, 21:9, 1 Peter 3:7

7)What makes a husband (specifically you) quick to anger and/or quarrel with their wife? How should 1Peter 3:7 motivate us to be gentle with our spouse in light of God’s concern for her?

8)How would you help a young couple with Scripture that are showing early signs of anger and quarreling in their relationship?

Day 5:Read Proverbs 25:28, 26:20-22, Proverbs 16:32

9)How is a man without self-control like a city without any walls surrounding it?

10)How have you seen gossip destroy and divide? The gossip teller is clearly in the wrong, but what about the one who loves to hear the gossip?

Day 6: Read Proverbs 31:10-31

11) In what ways should husbands praise their wives based modern day activities that correspond to the above passage? Where have you lacked to VERBALLY communicate this praise?

12)Instead of a check list used to grade your spouse, use the above passage to challenge yourself to praise and encourage your wife’s good works. How will you make a better effort this week showing and communicating your appreciation?

Deeper Study

Read the article found in this link and write out how you will implement these concepts.

Marital Intimacy Is More Than Sex - Five Ways to Connect with Your Spouse