Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar

Mass Education Department

Course: Classification

Course Code: SLI 303

Assignment No. 1

1st Semester Spring 2016MLIS

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1Briefly define following terms:

1. Library Classification2. Faceted Classification

3. DDC4. Knowledge Classification

5. Schedule6. Notation

7. Index 8. UDC

9. LC10. Auxiliary Tables of DDC

Q. No. 2How classification number is build provide general guidelines for a classifier.

Q. No. 3Trace history of classification schemes?

Q. No. 4Write in detailed note on Dewy Decimal Classification covering following points:

1. Brief Introduction 2. Structure of the Scheme

3. Basic Principal 4. Popularity

Q. No. 5Write brief notes on the following:

1. Standard Sub-division 2. Form Division

3. Literature Class4. Modern Editions of DDC

Assignment No. 2

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1Write a comprehensive note on EDDC.

Q. No. 2What are the subject headings? Highlight its importance.

Q. No. 3Write a comprehensive note on sear’s list of subject headings.

Q. No. 4Write a comprehensive note on Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) covering brief history, format, forms and subdivisions of LCHS.

Q. No. 5Compare UDC and LC.

Course: Cataloguing

Course Code: SLI 305

Assignment No. 1

1st Semester Spring 2016MLIS

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1Define library catalogues. What physical formats are popular in library catalogues and why?

Q. No. 2Describe importance, objectives and functions of catalogue.

Q. No. 3Briefly describe the following terms:

1. Main Entry / 2. Author / 3. Corporate Body / 4. Title Proper
5. General Material Designation / 6. Edition / 7. Serial Material / 8. Monograph
9. Serial Publication / 10.Tracing

Q. No. 4Write short notes on the following.

1. Identification 2. Series Cards 3. British Museum Catalogue Rules

4. Anglo American Cataloguing Rules 1908

Q. No. 5Highlight development in modern cataloguing rules.

Assignment No. 2

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1Write short notes on the following.

1. ISBD2. Prescribed Sources of Information

3. AACR2 4. Descriptive Cataloguing

Q. No. 2Discuss areas of catalogue and their related information with punctuation marks.

Q. No. 3What is “choice of Access Point”? Discuss the AACR2 rules dealing with choice of access point.

Q. No. 4Discuss information elements for catalogue required for book and non-book material.

Q. No. 5Describe importance of filing of catalogue cards and discuss different filing codes.

Collection Development

Course Code: SLI 307

Assignment No. 1

1st Semester Spring 2016MLIS

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1Define collection development. What points are considered in process of collection development?

Q. No. 2Introduce acquisition department of a library and highlight how acquisition department can be organized, also discuss its functions and competencies of staff working in this department.

Q. No. 3Define Collection Development Policy. Discuss its importance and also give an overview of elements of Collection Development Policy.

Q. No. 4Highlight selection process in public libraries. Also discuss tools for books selection.

Q. No. 5Differentiate printers and publishers. Describe work of publishers, their types and functional areas of publishing.

Assignment No. 2

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1Define vendor. Discuss its selection process and characteristics of a good vendor.

Q. No. 2Discuss current situation of publishing industry also differentiate publisher and printer.

Q. No. 3Define serial publications. Discuss serial acquiring process.

Q. No. 4Define weeding. Outline weeding policy of your library.

Q. No. 5Discuss in detail process of book acquisition.

Introduction to Information Technology

Course Code: IT 106

Assignment No. 1

1st Semester Spring 2016MLIS

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No.1. Give short answers of the following questions:

  1. Name the major components of computer.
  2. What are four kinds of computer systems?
  3. List the major functions of computer.
  4. What is memory cache?
  5. What is hexadecimal number?
  6. What is PROM?
  7. What is an auxiliary storage device?
  8. Define input devices.
  9. What is an output device?
  10. What types of software are permanently written onto read-only memory?
  11. What is an operating system?
  12. What is a machine language?
  13. What is workflow?
  14. What is data processing?
  15. What is database?
  16. What do you mean by information?
  17. What is database management system?
  18. What is function of a modem?
  19. Briefly define computer network.
  20. What is network protocol?

Q. No.2.Describe computer networking and discuss different types of network architectures?

Q. No.3.Define modulation and discuss different types of modulation.

Q. No.4.What is database and database management system?

Q. No.5.What is computer software? Describe system software and application software.

Course: Introduction to IT

CourseCode: IT-106

Assignment No. 2

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1.Give short answers of the following questions:

  1. What stands for ISDN?
  2. What is URL?
  3. What is telemedicine?
  4. What is CAI?
  5. What is use of smart card?
  6. What do you mean by office automation?
  7. What is GIS?
  8. What is data mining?
  9. What is data warehouse?
  10. Briefly define hypermedia.
  11. Name two types of computer graphs.
  12. What is Intranet?
  13. What stands for TCP/IP?
  14. Which waves a TV use?
  15. What is spreadsheet?
  16. Write names of any two document management systems.
  17. What stands for OLAP?
  18. What is search engine?
  19. What stands for EDI?
  20. What is network topology?

Q. No. 2Define communication and explain different types of communication devices.

Q. No. 3What are centralized and distributed data processing systems? Explain how both systems work

Q. No. 4Describe World Wide Web. How is it different from the Internet?

Q. No. 5Write short notes on the following:

  1. Electronic mail
  2. Multimedia
  3. Virtual Reality
  4. E. Commerce

Principals of Management

Course Code: MGT 106

Assignment No. 1

1st Semester Spring 2016MLIS

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. 1. Define “Management”, identify its functions and describe different management skills?

Q. 2. Break down the decision-making process; identify the factors that influence managerial decisions and individual problem-solving styles.

Q. 3. Recognize planning as an essential management function, identify different types of plans designed to meet organizational goals.

Q. 4.Identify and describe the basic elements of organization and explain situational influence on organization design.

Q. 5. Define human resource management; discuss how employees form unions and the mechanics of collective bargaining.

Assignment No 2

Q. 1. As manager, how would you go about trying to make someone a better organizational citizen?

Q. 2. Characterize the nature of motivation and describe the role of organizational reward system in motivation.

Q. 3. Describe the nature of leadership, distinguish leadership from management and discuss major situational approaches to leadership.

Q. 4. Describe the role and importance of communication in the manager’s job and discuss different forms of organizational communication.

Q. 5. Identify types of groups and teams in organizations; discuss intergroup conflicts and how organizations manage conflict.

Library Information Communication Society

Course Code: SLI 301

Assignment No. 1

1st Semester Spring 2016MLIS

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1What is information? Discuss properties of information.

Q. No. 2What characteristics convert a group of people into society? Give concept of information society.

Q. No. 3What is information policy and why national information policy is important for a nation?

Q. No. 4Discuss relationship between information science and library science.

Q. No. 5Define communication also discuss different kinds of communication.

Assignment No. 2

Total Marks: 100Pass Marks: 50

Q. No. 1Discuss role of library in development of society.

Q. No. 2Highlight different channels and barriers of communication.

Q. No. 3Describe process of information transfer.

Q. No. 4Describe role of libraries in information transfer.

Q. No. 5Highlight role of digital library in age of DT.