
Course: Social Success Grades 9 - 12Year: 2017-2018

Teacher: Justin Peik
Room 335
(Room 335, office room 312c)
612-692-9548 (voicemail)

Course Description/Overview:This course is designed to increase students’ awareness of themselves in relation to others and their surroundings. Through study of the concepts of How One’s Actions Impact Others, Increasing Self-Esteem & Attaining Success afterHigh School, Decision Making, Disability Awareness, and CASEL (Social Emotional Learning), as well as reinforcing previously learned Activities of Daily Living, the course aims for students to strengthen their judgement of themselves in relation to others. Being aware of the areas listed above, and also of how one’s hygiene, appearance and condition of personal belongings will contribute to students’ ability to be honest about personal strengths and weaknesses make up the self-awareness upon which the course focuses.

Required Materials:

1.Lessons consisting of small group activities, and worksheets covering the core concepts of the above mentioned learning strategies.

2.Numerous supplementary items acquired from various sources.

3.A spiral notebook and a pocket folder (or the equivalent binder).

4.Pencils and erasers.


Learning Outcomes:

Students will develop proficiency in critically thinking about their problem solving and accepting the consequences that come from experiencing their feelings. Through practice with everyday social interaction, students will develop comfort in social situations. Students will become comfortable in being their own advocates. Students will increase awareness of their impact on others in social situations requiring more interaction than they might be comfortable doing.

Course Units and Summative Assessments:

There will be final assessmentgiven in this course. This will consist of students’ choosing from several inquiry based prompts for inventorying that which they experienced throughout the units. These constructed responses will assess how well students can internalize and apply concepts, showing their being able to make specific that which is presented in a general way. There will also be several informal, individually based assessments to better gauge individual student strengths and areas in need of improvement. Efforts will be made to differentiate instruction for individual need. This allows us to tailor concepts with the most appropriate instructional methods for presentation, practice and performance of course content.

Curriculum and Schedule:

The course curriculum and schedule varies term to term due to the specific skills the students possess. At the beginning of a term the teacher will conduct exercises to better assess all of the student’s needs. The teacher will also review student IEPs and goal statements to help assure that the content presented and material reviewed matches what each individual needs.

Participation in Class:

Participation in class is individualized based on the student’s strengths and weaknesses. The teacher realizes that not every student is comfortable presenting/sharing information in front of peers. However, students should expect to be called upon to share their thoughts in front of the class, in small groups, and with the teacher and/or support staff. If there is a valid reason why a student has difficulty with a peer, their parent/guardian, or case manager is encouraged to share that with the teacher as soon as possible as this class would be an opportunity for resolution.

Homework Policy:

Homework is something that should not be expected on a daily basis. Infrequently assignments with the goal of having students reach out and interact with their community will be assigned.


Grading is based on each individual’s IEP goals, however the following is a list of factors that I consider when assessing a student, their work and ultimately their grade. They are: attendance, classroom behavior, classroom assignment completion, and scores on classroom assignments.

Level / Description
7-8 / Exceeds learning target (Got it and more!)
5-6 / Meets learning target (Got It!)
3-4 / Partially meets learning target (Kind of got it)
1-2 / Attempted/Does not yet meet learning target (Doesn’t get it)
0 / Not attempted/Nonsense answer (Did not try)

Report card grades/percents:

A = 82.50 – 100% (Student has achieved Level 7-8 for at least half the learning targets)

B = 62.50 – 82.49% (Student has achieved mostly Level 5-6 for all learning targets)

C = 37.50 – 62.49% (Student has achieved mostly Level 3-4 for all learning targets)

D = 17.50 – 37.49% (Student has achieved mostly Level 1-2 for all learning targets)

NC = 0 – 17.49% (Student has not shown evidence of understanding or has not attempted all learning targets)

Grading modifications may be made for students with IEP or 504 plans.

Washburn High School 2015-2016