Imperial War Museum : Britain at war

Basement. First World War galleries

Western front

Window 3

Remember! Who launched the recruitment campaign? How many soldiers joined the army by 1915?


Window 4

Remember! What were the motivations of British men to enrol? ( Use the propaganda posters)


Window 7

What happened on 25/12/1914? How did the headquarter react?


What did the soldiers receive from the Royal Family?


What helped the soldiers to bear the hell of the trenches?


Window 10

When did the British use the tanks for the first time?


Look at the consequences of the use of gaz.

Which country helped the Royal army clothing department


Trench experience

Describe your feelings after the Trench experience



War in the air

Window 19

What was the use of planes at the beginning of the war?


Which French aviator did the first air fight?


What is « bloody April»?


The war against Turkey

Who launched the attack of the Dardanelles? Why?


Was it a success?


What were the consequences for the Lord of Admiralty?


The Home Front

Window 33/35

Make a short list of the different role women had during WWI?


Window 36

Why can we say that air bombing weren’t as bad as during WW2?


How were air bombings performed?


Window 40

How many casualties did Britain have?


Before leaving, look at the painting of the Versailles treaty, who is the man with the moustache?


Second floor Art Gallery

Have a look at the painting Emilie presented in class. What do you think in front of such a painting?

...... Which other British painter was prolific on WWI?


Quick look at World War II

Window 50/51/52

What is the strategy of Hitler for the launch of WWII?


Window 53

When does the Battle of Britain start? What is the target of the Germans?


Which planes resistedagainst the Luftwaffe?


Window 54

What is “Sealion operation”?


Window 55

Write Churchill quotation ( about the Battle of Britain) and explain it
