Sports Medicine One
Medical Terminology / 1

Common Suffixes

Suffix- endings that modify the root; they give the root essential meaning by forming a noun, verb, or adjective

Suffix / Definition / Example / Suffix / Definition / Example
-dynia / pain / cephalalgia-headache
cephalodynia-headache / -genesis / origin or production / pathogenesis-origin or production of a disease
-lysis / breaking down or dissolution / hemolysis-breakdown of blood / -megaly / enlargement / hepatomegaly-enlargement of the liver
-oid / resembling / lipoid-resembling fat / -penia / abnormal reduction / leucopenia-abnormal reduction of white blood cells
-rrhea / discharge / rhinorrhea-runny discharge from the nose / -spasm / involuntary contraction / vasospasm-involuntary contraction of a blood vessel
-cele / pouching or hernia / gastrocele-pouching of the stomach / -ectasis / expansion or dilation / angiectasis-expansion or dilation of a blood vessel
-emia / blood condition / hyperlipemia-blood condition of excessive fat / -iasis / formation or presence of / lithiasis-formation or presence of a stone or stones
-itis / inflammation / hepatitis-inflammation of the liver / -malacia / softening / osteomalacia-softening of bone
-oma / tumor / carcinoma-cancer tumor / -osis / condition or increase / sclerosis-condition of hardening
-philia / attraction for / basophi-cell with an attraction for basic dyes
pneumophilia-condition that has an attraction for the lungs / -ptosis / falling or downward displacement / gastroptosis-downward displacement of the stomach
Suffix / Definition / Example / Suffix / Definition / Example
-rrhagia / to burst forth (usually blood / hemorrhage-to burst forth blood / -rrhexis / rupture / hepatorrhexis-rupture of the liver
-centesis / puncture for aspiration / abdominocentesis- puncture for aspiration of the abdomen / -desis / binding / arthrodesis-binding together of a joint
-ectomy / excision or removal / nephrectomy-excision or removal of a kidney / -pexy / suspension or fixation / gastropexy-fixation of the stomach to the abdominal wall
-plasty / surgical repair or reconstruction / rhinoplasty-surgical repair of the nose / -rrhaphy / suture / osteorrhaphy-suture of bone
-tomy / incision / laparotomy-incision into the abdomen / -stomy / creation of an opening / gastrostomy-creation of an opening in the stomach
-tripsy / crushing / lithotripsy-crushing of stone / -e / noun marker / erythrocyte-a red blood cell
-ism / condition of / phobia-condition of an exaggerated fear or sensitivity
alcoholism-condition of alcohol abuse / -ium / structure or tissue / epigastrium-structure upon the stomach
pericardium-tissue around the heart
-ule / small / ventricle-small belly or pouch
bronchiole-small airway
macula-small spot
pustule-small pimple / -gram / record / sonogram-record of sound
-graph / instrument / sonograph-instrument for recording sound / -graphy / process of recording / sonography-process of recording sound
Suffix / Definition / Example / Suffix / Definition / Example
-logy / study of / cytology-study of cells / -ist / one who specializes in / pharmacist-one who specializes in drugs
-y / condition or process of / starvation-condition or process of starving
adenopathy-condition or process of gland disease / -ac
-tic / pertaining to / cardiac-pertaining to the heart
pedal-pertaining to the foot
glandular-pertaining to a gland
pulmonary-pertaining to the lung
esophageal-pertaining to the esophagus
toxic-pertaining to poison
fibrous-pertaining to fiber
cyanotic-pertaining to blue
-iatry / treatment / pediatrics-treatment of children
psychiatry-treatment of the mind / -logist / one who specializes in the study or treatment of / psychologist-one who specializes in the study or treatment of the mind
Suffix / Definition / Example / Suffix / Definition / Example
-meter / instrument for measuring / spirometer-instrument for measuring breathing / -metry / process of measuring / spirometry-process of measuring breathing
-poiesis / formation / hemopoiesis-formation of blood / -scope / instrument for examination / endoscope-instrument for examination within
-scopy / examination / endoscopy-examination within / -stasis / stop or stand / hemostasis-stop bleeding
orthostasis-stand straight