TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2018, 6:00 P.M.


4000 Blimp Boulevard, Tillamook, Oregon 97141

  1. Call to Order (quorum)
  2. Recess into Executive Session - The Board will now recess to Executive Session as authorized by ORS 192.660 (2)(e) for Real Property Transactions and ORS 192.660 (2)(h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed
  3. Resume Regular Session
  4. Recognition of Persons Present
  1. Public Comment (comments may be limited to 3 minutes per person)
  1. Discussion and Consideration of Final Salmonberry Trail Rail-Line Use Agreement (Action)
  2. Letters to the Board/Port of Tillamook Bay from OCSR Supporters
  1. Discussion and Consideration that ajoint work group be established, as recommended by the Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency (STIA), to work on proposed new or amended use agreements with representatives of the entity requesting the new or amended agreement, and any other affected parties holding agreements with the POTB; designation of two POTB representatives.(Action)
  1. Presentation of Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Audit Report to Board – Tonya Moffitt, Merina and Co. LLP
  1. Financial Report – Pami Boomer
  2. January 2018 Financials
  3. Draft Budget Calendar
  4. Budget Discussion – Workshop date?
  5. Budget Committee – Discuss
  1. Consent Agenda(Action) – Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
  2. Prior Meeting Minutes – Regular Meeting of January 16, 2018
  3. Lease Order 18-04 Tillamook County Family YMCA; Bldg. 59; Indoor Youth Sports & Strength Training; 1 year
  4. Lease Order 18-06 Zellah Hotels; Bldg. 72; Storage; mo – mo
  1. Discussion and Consideration of Resolution 2017-2018 #4 In the Matter of Updating Rules and Procedures for Access to Public Records(Action)
  1. Discussion and Consideration of Resolution 2017-2018 #5 Authorizing the Filing of a Notice of Real Property Including a Closed Landfill (Action)
  1. Manager’s Report (25 minutes)
  2. January 2018 Safety Meeting Minutes
  3. County Funding Priority – City of Tillamook
  4. ACEC Award for Southern Flow Corridor Project
  5. Possible leases under review
  6. Lease Order 18-07 Astound Broadband LLC, dba Wave by Coastcom; MP 840.76 – 840.8 (Board Action/Consensus)
  7. Lease Order 18-08 Astound Broadband LLC, dba Wave by Coastcom; MP 845.66; Fiber Optic Crossing; annually
  8. SDAO Annual Report
  9. Discussion of Banks Yard – current work and future need
  10. Update on Biogas Corp.
  1. Committee Reports (5 minutes each)
  2. Tillamook Lightwave – Commissioner Young
  3. Salmonberry Trail – Commissioner Mulder
  4. Friends of Tillamook Air Museum (FOTAM) – Commissioner Decker
  1. Communications
  1. Next Special Meeting – Thursday, March 1, 2018 @ 12:30 (Third Workshop for Strategic Business Plan)
  2. Next Regular Meeting – Tuesday, March20, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m.
  3. No Special Meeting in April due to scheduling conflict
  1. Commissioner Comments, as time allows, prior to three hour meeting maximum
  1. Adjournment

Notice and Agenda –Regular MeetingPage 1

Posted at the following locations: POTB Main Offices; Tillamook County Courthouse; Tillamook County Library (Main Branch); and the Port’s Website (

y:\_board information\_public meetings\agendas and notices\fy 17-18\02-20-18 port agenda.doc