Appendix 2 - South Ayrshire Council Equalities Scoping Template
South Ayrshire CouncilEquality Impact Assessment Scoping
1. Proposal details
Proposal TitleHoudston Travelling Persons Site, Girvan / Lead Officer
David Burns
2. Which communities, groups of people, employees or thematic groups do you think will be, or potentially could be, impacted upon by the implementation of this proposal? Please indicate whether these would be positive or negative impacts
Community, Groups of People or Themes / Negative Impacts / Positive impactsThe whole community of South Ayrshire / No / No
People from different racial groups, ethnic or national origin. / No / Yes
Women and/or men (boys and girls) / No / Yes
People with disabilities / No / Yes
People from particular age groups for example Older people, children and young people / No / Yes
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and heterosexual people / No / No
People who are proposing to undergo, are undergoing or have undergone a process to change sex / No / No
Pregnant women and new mothers / No / No
People who are married or in a civil partnership / No / No
People who share a particular religion or belief / No / Yes
Thematic Groups: Health, Human Rights, Rurality and Deprivation. / No / Yes
3. Do you have evidence or reason to believe that the proposal will support the Council to:
General Duty and other Equality Themes / Level of Negative and/or Positive Impact (high, medium or low)Eliminate discrimination and harassment faced by particular communities or groups / Positive – High
Promote equality of opportunity between particular communities or groups / Positive – High
Foster good relations between particular communities or groups / Positive – Medium
Promote positive attitudes towards different communities or groups / Positive – High
Increase participation of particular communities or groups in public life / Positive – low
Improve the health and wellbeing of particular communities or groups / Positive – High
Promote the human rights of particular communities or groups / Positive – High
Tackle deprivation faced by particular communities or groups / Positive – Medium
4. Summary Assessment
Is a full Equality Impact Assessment required?(A full EIA must be carried out on all high and medium impact proposals) /
Rationale for decision: This proposal supports the Resettlement of Syrian Refugees in South Ayrshire.
Signed : ……………David Burns………………………...Head of Service
Date: 4th February 2016 / Copy to
Section One: Proposal Details*
Name of Proposal / Houdston Travelling Persons Site, GirvanLead Officer (Name/Position) / David Burns (Head of Housing and Facilities)
Proposal Development Team (Names/Positions) / David Burns (Head of Housing and Facilities)
Critical friend (s) / Heather Anderson (Housing Policy & Strategy Manager)
*This could include strategy, project or application: see guidance attached.
What are the main aims of the proposal? / The purpose of the proposal is to undertake a feasibility study to identify land that is suitable for use as a permanent alternative to the Houdston Travelling Persons Site.What are the intended outcomes of the proposal / The intended outcome of the proposal is to present to members a viable alternative to reinstatement of the Houdston Travelling Persons Site after the impact of Storm Frank on 30th December 2015.
Section Two: What are the Likely Impacts of the Proposal?
Will the proposal impact upon the whole population of South Ayrshire or particular groups within the population (please specify / Whilst the proposal won’t have an impact on the whole population of South Ayrshire it is likely to impact on certain groups namely:- People from different racial groups, ethnic or origin
- Women and/or men (boys and girls)
- People with disabilities
- People from particular age groups
- People who share a particular religion or belief
- People who share a particular religion or belief
- Thematic groups: Health, Human Rights, rurality, Deprivation
Considering the following Protected Characteristics and themes, what likely impacts or issues does the proposal have for the group or community.
List any likely positive and/or negative impacts
Protected Characteristics / Positive and/or Negative ImpactsRace: Issues relating to people of any racial group, ethnic or national origin, including gypsy travellers and migrant workers / This proposal will have a positive impact on this protected characteristic as the essence of the proposal is to provide a safe and secure location for 8 Gypsy/Traveller families following flooding to the Houdson Travelling Persons Site.
The proposal will impact positively on Gypsy/Travellers who have been living in Girvan for many years by:
- Considering land conditions and identifying a viable alternative to the Houdston site.
- Promoting diversity within the South Ayrshire community.
- Help towards building balanced communities.
Sex: Issues specific to women or men / This proposal will have a positive impact for male and female Gypsy/Travellers should an alternative site be identified.
Disability: Issues relating to disabled people / There are residents at our Houdston site with disabilities and this proposal will support a potential alternative and suitable site.
Age: Issues relating to a particular age group e.g. older people or children and young people / This proposal will provide a positive outcome to Gypsy/Travellers of all age groups should an alternative site be identified.
Religion or Belief: issues relating to a person’s religion or belief (including non-belief) / This proposal will have a positive impact on Gypsy/Traveller community’s religionor beliefs should an alternative site be identified.
Sexual Orientation: Issues relating to a person’s sexual orientation i.e. lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, heterosexual / There will be neither a positive or negative impact through this proposal.
Marriage and Civil Partnership:
Issues relating to people who are married or are in a civil partnership. / No impacts are anticipated with the introduction of this policy.
Gender Reassignment: Issues relating to people who have proposed, started or completed a process to change his or her sex. / No impacts are anticipated with the introduction of this policy
Pregnancy and Maternity: Issues relating to the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby and the period after the birth. / No impacts are anticipated at this time with the introduction of this policy.
Multiple / Cross Cutting Equality Issues
Issues relating to multiple protected characteristics. / No impacts are anticipated with the introduction of this policy
Equality and Diversity Themes Particularly Relevant to South Ayrshire Council
Issues and impacts affecting people’s health / The proposal may impact positively on health issues by ensuring Gypsy/Travellers have access to a safe and secure environment should an alternative site be identified.
Human Rights: Issues and impacts affecting people’s human rights such as being treated with dignity and respect, the right to education, the right to respect for private and family life, and the right to free elections. / The proposal will have a positive impact on the human rights of Gypsy/Travellers through a right to settled accommodation should an alternative site be identified.
Impacts relating to living and working in a rural community / No impacts are anticipated with the introduction of this policy
Issues relating to poverty and social exclusion, and the disadvantage that results from it. / This proposal will have a positive impact on Gypsy/Travellers through a reduced risk of flooding and loss of belongings should an alternative location be identified.
Section Three: Evidence Used in Developing the Proposal
Involvement and ConsultationIn assessing the impact(s) set out above what evidence has been collected from involvement, engagement or consultation?
Whodid you involve, whenandhow? / Members of the Leadership Panel were advised of the difficulties facing the residents of Houdston Travelling Persons Site on 26th January.
Consultation has taken place with Councillor Philip Saxton who is supportive of the recommendations.
Following Storm Frank on 30th December, site inspections by independent consultants has suggested that the site is at high risk of future flooding.
Regular consultation has taken place since 30th December with the residents of the Houdston Travelling Persons Site. This has identified a need for a long term alternative to Houdston due to recurring flooding at Houdston. The residents are fully supportive of identifying a viable alternative.
Data and Research
In assessing the impact set out above what evidence has been collected from research or other data. Please specify what research was carried out or data collected, when and how this was done. / Feedback from the residents of the Houdston site helped to understand the flooding breaches at Houdston. Feedback from the Site Manager has helped to provide an understanding of the existing and likely future flooding risks.
Partners data and research
In assessing the impact set out above what evidence has been provided by partners. Please specify partners / The Council’s insurers have indicated that resinstatement of the site will likely lead to substantial premiums to cover the Houdston site or withdrawl of insurance cover at this location due to flood risk.
Gaps and Uncertainties
Have you identified any gaps or uncertainties in your understanding of the issues or impacts that need to be explored further? / Issues such as the amenities to be provided on site need to be explored further. This includes potential availability of funding support, type of accommodation, good practice guidance regarding site development and requirements of our residents.
Section Four: Detailed Action Plan to address identified gaps in:
a) evidence and
b) to mitigate negative impacts
/ Lead Officer(s) / Timescale1 / Explore potential sites suitable for relocation of the Houdston Travelling Persons Site / Pauline Draper, Divisional Housing Co-ordinator / May 2016
2 / Develop design brief and arrange for site investigations to ensure alternative site is suitable for construction. / John McCallum, Project & Design Co-ordinator / Ongoing
Note: Please add more rows as required.
Section Five - Performance monitoring and reporting
Considering the proposal as a whole, including its equality and diversity implications:
When is the proposal intended to come into effect? / Feasibility study is likely to be completed by January 2017.When will the proposal be reviewed? / On conclusion of the feasibility study
Which Scrutiny Panel will have oversight of the proposal? / Service & Performance Panel
Section 6
South Ayrshire Council
Summary Equality Impact Assessment Implications & Mitigating Actions
Name of Proposal: Houdston Travelling Persons Site, Girvan
This proposal will assist or inhibit the Council’s ability to eliminate discrimination; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations as follows:
Eliminate discriminationThis proposal will assist to eliminate discrimination by considering an alternative location for relocation of the Travelling Persons Site in Girvan.
Advance equality of opportunity
The proposal will potentially advance equality of opportunity for residents of the Houdston Travelling Persons site dependent on the outcome of the feasibility study.
Foster good relations
The proposal has the potential to should foster good relations by identifying a suitable alternative site for relocation of residents from the Houdston Travelling Persons.
Summary of Action Plan to Mitigate Negative Impacts
Explore potential sites suitable for relocation of the Houdston Travelling Persons Site /May 2016
Develop communication plan for consultation with local communities over any long term relocatin proposals /June 2016
Signed: ....David Burns...... Head of ServiceDate: ....4th February 2016......