Board Meeting

Dec. 3, 2014

Attendees: Larry Holden, Debra Holden Kari Haas, Alan Koslow, Mark Gardner, Alan Wittman, Michael Edwards, Andre Barashkoff, Jay Terry, Mark Riley, Steve Wilkos, Dave Lilley, Fred Clarke, Scott Collins, Francine Weist, Melinda Workman, Steve Hoffmann

·  Meeting start: 8:08pm

·  Welcome & Meeting Minutes

a)  Minutes from November meeting approved

·  Financial Report & 2015 Budget

a)  Board reviewed the results of 2014 season, we will end up in black by $7-8k

b)  For 2015, adding some more $ to opening day expense for more sweatshirts

c)  Michael built in some more money for storage units since they are going up a bit

d)  Ump uniforms were taken out per Alan’s comments at last meeting

e)  Proposed 2015 budget was voted on and passed

·  Other Business Items

a)  Website/Registration (including fees)

o  Board discussed how often to send registration reminder e-mails to the league, generally will be sent weekly

o  Potentially have “wear your jersey” day for local schools on the 11th

b)  Fundraising

o  Three confirmed sponsors = $10k

§  Republic Service (League sponsor)

§  Toyota of Bellevue

§  GLY Construction

§  Overlake Orthodontics - questionable

§  Bluecora - probably not

§  Unsolicited inquiry about sponsorship from Lakeside Orthontics

§  Does anyone know anybody at T-Mobile? Melinda might have contact, also Larry suggested Gary Pickering who used to be a Thunderbird coach

c)  Opening Day

o  Picture Vendor

§  As long as the price is right, no one really has much of an opinion. We want a balance of cost/value for members buying pictures, plus photos from Opening Day, team pictures for coaches and plaques for sponsors

d)  Fields

o  We have requested everything we had before (similar request to last year), plus including some traditionally Bellevue East fields – Robinswood, Lake Hills Park

o  Should hear back in Jan/Feb from city before we hear back from BSD

o  There is a new centralized athletic director (Jeff Lowell?) working for the school district, and he is intending to keep things equitable. We should meet with him to cultivate relationship for fields, and potentially less cost (particularly for field monitor fields).

e)  Uniforms

o  Nothing much on season uniforms right now

o  Need to make sure we’ve collected all All Star vests from last year; seems like two sets are missing. Andre will contact Danny about Seniors’ vests

f)  Equipment

o  Melinda is requesting more balls for regular season for softball this year

g)  Safety

o  Jason cook is officially not going to be the Safety Officer

o  Ryan Mullenix is taking on the role

o  Need to get the safety plan (ASAP) done in January

h)  VPs

o  Important that when registration is done, VPs know who the managers & coaches are (as noted in registration records)

·  Baseball/Softball Discussions

a)  Umpire Committee

o  Committee met last night (11/2)

o  By end of this week, Alan will send out summary to full board so we can discuss at next board meeting

o  Consensus is that we want to continue using youth umpires

o  Board feels that every team must have at least one parent who can ump and/or back the official ump, if a youth

o  It was suggested that the parent umps on the field be identifiable, maybe by a special armband or hat

b)  All Star Committee

o  No meeting, yet. Jay will get meeting scheduled in the next two weeks.

c)  Player Evaluations

o  Larry contacted Mark Yoshino at Bellevue College and we anticipate that we will have the facility for the last Sunday in January

o  Following Saturday (2/7) at Tyee for makeup evaluations

o  Bellevue College should hopefully have connectivity in the gym to help with scoring using phones or other devices

o  Jay would like five stations with two people at the station (liked format from last year)

o  Should we have a spot on the evaluation that asks the parents and coaches where (what level?) they think the child should be playing?

§  This could be useful given the new age/date rule for baseball

d)  Winter Training

o  Given the smaller Stod’s facility and the increased popularity every year of the weekly training, board considered ways to alleviate the crowding. There was a suggestion to remove T-ball from the training, and perhaps do something in March more targeted to that age

o  Other ideas and comments:

§  Can we get some extra time from Stods?– 15 mins

§  9-10 and 11-13 will be big groups, is this the right age breakdown?

§  Four weeks for one hour for tball in March?

·  Maybe one of the tball coaches can run it

e)  Baseball (miscellaneous)

o  Issue with parent/coach training location we’ve used before not being available - Mark has a few more gyms to look into, Melinda suggested LDS church in Eastgate

o  NHS clinic for young players will be Sat, March 7th

o  Continue as we have been handling in the past with the kids wanting to play up to Intermediates as long as their Majors team is the priority for them

·  Meeting adjourned at 9:47pm