World War I PowerPoint Presentation Project Topic List:

Causes of WWI:

1. Nationalism, militarism (arms race), imperialism & System of Alliances.

- Define these topics and explain how they caused the war.

2. The Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

-Explain who, what, where, why and Austria-Hungary’s and

Serbia’s reactions.Bio More on the two sides reactions

The War:

3. New Technologies and innovations introduced during WWI.

- Examples: Tank,airplane, U-boats1,2,Zeppelins12, machine guns,

poison gas, rifles.

- How did these new technologies and innovations change the way war

was fought?

4. Women’s role in WWI

-What role did women play in the military?

-What role did women play on the home fronts?

-Name and describe the actions of a famous woman during WWI.

-Link to resource page on Mr. Dilson’s webpage.

5. In 1916, the war becomes a Stalemate

- Explain why the war became a Stalemate.

- Describe trench warfare.

- Define “No Man’s Land”

- Where was the Western Front and how long was it?

- Where was the Eastern Front and did there trench warfare take

place there? Why?

- What was life like in the trenches?

6. The United States enters the War

- Describe the events that led to the U.S. entering WWI.

- Economic reasons ( Who did the U.S. trade with the most?)

-Unrestricted submarine warfare (Who used it? What disadvantage did they have that forced them to use it?)

-Zimmermann telegram (Who wrote it? What did it say? How did the American public respond to it?

7. Russian Revolution

- Site 1:Describe Russia’s internal problems during WWI and explain how

they led to the Russian Revolution.

-Site 2

-Describe what happened to the Czar and his family.

-The following questions are found on Sites 1 & 2

-Identify the two sides that were competing for power during the Revolution.

-Describe how Lenin came to power in Russia.

-Specify steps taken by the Communists to cement their control of the

Russian Govt.

8. The Middle East During World War I (Mr. Dixon’s)


- Define the Armenian Genocide.

-Where did most Armenians live in Turkey?

- What branch of the Ottoman government was responsible for the

Armenian Genocide?

- What people were put in charge of escorting Armenians into Syria?

- What happened to most Armenian deportees?

- What did the Techir Law allow the Ottoman government to do with

Armenian possessions?

- Does a controversy still exist involving this event? What affect is it

having on the world?

Look at the News Articles that Mr. Dixon printed off.

10. The Defeat of the Central Powers

- Summarize how World War I came to an end.

-What was the armistice? When did it become official?

- The human costs of War

-civilian and military casualties.

- Property and European countries economies.

11. Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points

- Summarize the Fourteen Points

- What was Wilson trying to achieve with his plan.

- What was his most important and significant point in his fourteen

point plan? What was its lasting impact?

12. The Paris Peace Conference

-What, where, when, & who.

-Describe problems the leaders at the Paris peace conference faced.

-Was the “peace,” justice or Vengeance?

13. The Treaty of Versailles

-Explain the specific provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.

-Identify the issues that emerged as the victors dealt with various

Nations and national minorities.

- What did the Treaty do to Germany?

- What future conflict did the treaty have a role in causing?

14. Spanish Influenza

-What was Spanish Influenza?

- How did is spread across the world?

-Where was the first known case report in the U.S?

- How many people died worldwide?

- How many people died in the U.S?

- What makes this topic relevant today?

(The information provided under the titles of the topic is just a guideline to point you in the right direction. Use your book and outside resources to make sure you are covering the key points of your topic.)