A. Embryology

1. Pharyngeal Arches

M08Q2 Clinical examination of a patient includes the testing for sensation on the skin of the face as well as closing the eyelids and clenching the teeth. Give an account of the innvervation and development from the pharyngeal arches for the following

a. skin of the face (30%)

b. muscles of facial expressions (30%)

c. muscles of mastication (40%)

M04Q5c Describe the embryological basis for the abnormal location of the parathyroid

glands. (20%)

M02Q3a Biopsy of a lump on the dorsum of the tongue in a young boy reveals thyroid tissue. Give an account of the development of the thyroid gland explaining the above finding.

M00Q8Describe the formation (origin) and development of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches.

A98Q2bWhich pharyngealpouches give rises to endocrine glands? How do these pouches develop?

J96Q1bWrite short notes on the development of the thyroid gland.

M96Q1aDescribe the development of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches.

M94Q1aDescribe the development of the thyroid gland with a note on the associated congenital abnormalities.

J92Q3aDescribe the development of the pharyngeal pouches.

M92Q5aDescribe the derivatives of the first three pharyngeal arches (excluding blood vessels)

M91 Q4bWrite short notes on the derivatives of the pharyngeal arches.

M90Q5bBriefly describe the development of the pharyngeal (branchial) pouches.

2. Palate

M01Q4A child with speech difficulty is found to have a cleft palate. Describe the development of the palate and review the types of abnormalities that may be associated with it.

J98Q1a Describe the formation of the palate and indicate some common abnormalities.

J96Q1aDescribe the formation of the palate.

M94Q1bDescribe the developmental basis for the cleft lip and palate.

M90Q5aCorrelate the development of the palate with some off its common abnormalities.


M04Q6 (a) Outline the development of the tounge, and correlate this with its

external features and innervation. (70%)

M01Q4Give an account of the development of the tongue. Correlate, where possible, its external morphology and nerve supply.

A99Q 1Write short notes on the development of the tongue. Give the embryological basis for its innervation.

J98Q1bHow does the tongue develop from the various primordia? What is the embryological basis for its innervation?

A95Q1aDescribe the development of the tongue.

4. Face

A98Q1aCorrelate the development of the face with its gross anatomy.

J97Q1bDescribe briefly the development of the face, and correlate with congenital defects.

M96Q1bGive an account of the development of the face, including a note on the musculature and innervation.

A95Q1bDescribe the development of the face with a note on the associated abnormalities.

J94Q1b Describe the development of the face, making correlation with its sensory and motor innervation.

M93Q1bDescribe the development of the face.

5. Heart

J97Q1aGive a brief account of the development of the right and left atria.

J91Q3aDescribe the development of the right atrium.

6. Aortic Arches

J93Q1b/Describe the development of the aortic arches.

7. GIT

J85Q5bDescribe the development of the pancreas.

8. Nervous Tissues

M91Q4bWrite short notes on the development of the neural tube.

9. Miscellaneous

A97Q 1 aGive an account of the development of the endocrine glands in the neck.

B Histology

1. Cells / Tissues

J92Q5b Describe the histological features of the pseudostraitified columnar ciliated epithelium.

2. Muscles

M08A4b) Describe the histological features of cardiac muscle. How does it differ histologically from skeletal and smooth muscle? (40%)

A97Q2bDescribe the histological features of the cardiac muscle and compare them with the other muscle tissues (skeletal and smooth).

M96Q2aGive an account of the light and electron microscope features of cardiac muscles.

J91 Q2bWrite short notes on the histological features of cardiac muscles.

M91Q5aDescribe the histological features of cardiac muscle.

3. Bone

A95Q2bDescribe the histological features of the intramembranous ossification.

J94Q2aDescribe the light microscopic features of compact bone.

4. Respiratory Tract

A99Q2Describe the histological features of trachea.

J94Q2bWrite short notes on the histological features of the trachea.

5. GIT

M04Q6b Describe briefly the light microscopic features of the mucosa of the

tounge. (30%)

A97Q12aDescribe the histological features of mixed salivary glands.

J96Q2aDescribe the histological features of the tongue.

M91Q5bDescribe the histological features of the duodenum.

M90Q2aGive an account of the histological features of the duodenum.

6. Endocrine

M02Q3b Biopsy of a lump on the dorsum of the tongue in a young boy reveals thyroid tissue. Describe the light microscope features of the thyroid glands.

M00Q7Describe the histological structures of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

J98Q2Describe the histological features of the thyroid gland.

J97Q2aGive the histology of the thyroid and the parathyroid gland.

A95Q2aGive an account of the histology of the thyroid gland.

J93Q2aDescribe the light microscopic features of the thyroid gland.

M93Q2bWrite short notes on the histology of the pituitary gland.

M92Q4aWrite short notes on the histological features of the parathyroid glands.

M90Q4aWrite short notes on the thymus gland.

7. Thymus/ Lymph Nodes/ Tonsils

A98Q2aCorrelate the histological features of the lymph node with its functions.

J97Q2bDescribe the histology of the lymph node.

M94Q2aDescribe the histological features of the thymus.

M93Q2aDescribe the microscopic structure of the palatine tonsil.

M92Q4bWrite short notes on the functional histology of the palatine tonsil.

8. Miscellaneous

J96Q2bDescribe the histological features of thin skin.

J92Q5a Give an account of the ultrastructural features of a typical neuron (with special emphasis on the chemical synapse).

C. Neuroanatomy

M01Q1(b)What are the effects of lesions affecting the 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves, respectively?

A99Q3Give an account of the functional localisation of the cerebral cortex.

J98Q3ai) List the structures supplied by the branches of the facial nerve and give the

name of the nucleus/ganglion supplying them.

ii) What are the differences between an upper and a lower motor neuron lesion

affecting the facial nerve? Give the neuroanatomical basis for the


J98Q3bDescribe the possible course of the axon of a preganglionic sympathetic ganglion neurons.

List the structures supplied by the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion neurons.

A98Q3a) Name the nerves supplying the various structures of the tongue and the

location of their cell bodies. Differentiate an upper and a lower motor

lesion affecting the nerve supplying the tongue.

b) Describe the possible course of the axon of a preganlionic sympathetic

neuron. List the structures a postganglionic sympathetic neuron may


J97Q3aA patient complained of dryness of the mouth. Clinical examination revealed that his right lingual nerve had been severed just distal to the lower third molar tooth during an intraoral operative procedure.

i)Outline the neuroanatomical pathway/s from the brain to the salivary glands

supplied by the lingual nerve.

ii)What sensory deficits would the patient experience after severance of the

lingual nerve? Trace the pathway/s for one of the sensations transmitted by

the nerve.

J97Q3bWith regard to the facial motor neurons:

i)List the afferents to the neurons.

ii)Give a brief account of the pathways for the corneal reflex effected by the neurons.

iii)What are the differences between an upper and lower facial motorneuron lesions? Give the neuroanatomical basis for the differences.

A97Q3 a)Give an account of the conscious and unconscious proprioceptive

pathways from different parts of the body.

b)With regard to the glossopharyngeal nerve:

i)List its functional components and indicate the locations of the cell bodies and structure/s supplied by them.

ii)Give an account of the central connections of a motor component of the nerve.

iii)What are the consequences of damage to the sensory components of the nerve?

J96Q3a) i) State the functional components of the trigeminal nerve.

ii) List the structures supplied by the various branches of the nerve

and the nucleus or ganglion in which the cell bodies of these nerves

are located.

iii) Trace the central pathways of one of the sensory components of

the nerve.

b)Give an account of the various afferents to the spinal motor neurons

whose axons supply the skeletal muscles.

M96Q3ai) State the functional components of the lingual nerve at the point where the

nerve lies beneath and behind the lower third molar.

ii) List the structures supplied by the nerve and the nucleus/ ganglion which

the cell bodies of the nerves supplying them are located.

iii) Trace the central pathways of one of the sensory components of the nerve.

M96Q3bGive an account of the visual pathway and the pathway/s for pupil constriction.

M95Q3a Give an account of the pathways mediating 1)jaw jerk reflex, 2) corneal reflex.

A95Q3b Tabulate the functional components of the seventh cranial nerve (facial nerve),

listing the structures supplied by the branches of the nerve, and the name of

the nucleus/ganglion supplying them. What are the differences between an

upper and a lower motor neuron lesion affecting the nerve?

J94Q3a Describe the possible pathways taken by the axons of neurons present in the

intermediolateral nucleus in the spinal cord.

J94Q3b Tabulate the functional components of the facial nerve, listing the structures

supplied by the nerve and name the nucleus/ ganglion supplying them. Describe briefly the central connections of one of the sensory components of the nerve

M94Q3a Tabulate the functional components of the glossopharyngeal nerve, listing the structures supplied by the nerve and the name of the nucleus/ ganglion supplying the structures.

Give an account of the central connections of one of the functional components of the nerve.

M94Q3b Give a brief account of the pathways mediating the pupillary (including consensual light) reflex.

J93Q3a Give a brief description of the tracts present in the white matter seen in the transverse section of the spinal cord at the upper cervical level and indicate their functional importance.

J93Q3b List functional components of the glossopharyngeal nerve, giving names of the respective nuclei/ ganglion and the structures supplied by them. Write a brief account of the central connections of one of the functional components.

M93Q3aList the structures supplied by the sensory fibres of the trigeminal nerve and describe the central pathways whereby pain and temperature modalities transmitted by the nerve reach the cortex.

M93Q3b Describe the neural pathways conducting gustatory impulses from the peripheral to the central nervous system.

J92Q4 Tabulate the functional components of the lingual nerve diesel to its junction with its chorda tympani, giving the locations of their cell bodies and names of structures supplied by them. Describe the central connections of one of the functional components.

J92Q4b Describe the differences between an upper and a lower motor neuron lesion affecting the facial nerve.

M92Q1aDescribe the course and distribution of the axons of neurons in the intermediolateral nucleus.

M92Q1bList the functional components of the glossopharyngeal nerve, indicating their target organs and locations of their cell bodies. Describe the central connections of one of its visceral components.

J91Q1 aDescribe briefly the possible routes that the axon of a preganglionic sympathetic neuron might take. Which spinal segment levels do most preganglionic to the superior cervical ganglion take their origin?

J91Q1bList the functional components of the vagus nerve. Describe briefly the central connections up to the level of consciousness of ONE of the sensory components.

M91Q1a Give an account of the supraspinal pathways that influence the motor neurons in the spinal cord.

M91Q1bGive a brief account of the general visceral fibres travelling with the cranial nerves with regard to their target organs, cell bodies and central connections.

M90Q1aDescribe the central connections of the auditory pathway.

M90Q1bDescribe the pathways involved in the upper motor neuron lesion control of facial musculature. Differentiate between upper and lower motor neuron lesion affecting the facial motor nucleus.

D. Gross Anatomy

D1. Thorax

1. Heart

M08Q4a) Describe the arterial supply to the heart (30%)

b) Write short notes on the conducting system of the heart (30%)

M91Q1 Describe the surfaces of the heart, including the blood vessels on the surfaces.

2. Lung

M91Q4Describe briefly how the anteroposterior, transverse and vertical dimensions of the thorax increases during inspiration.

J91 Q4aDescribe the grossanatomy of the left lung.

M90Q6bGive an account of the gross anatomy of the pleura.

3. Thoracic Duct

J86Q6bDescribe briefly on the course and relations of the thoracic duct.

M82Q5bWrite a short account of the gross anatomy of the thoracic duct.

J81 Q3bWrite short notes on the formation, course and area of drainage of the thoracic duct.

4. Diaphragm

M91Q2Describe the gross anatomy of the diaphragm.

5. Oesophagus

M87Q5bGive an account of the gross anatomy of the oesophagus.

M86Q4bDescribe briefly the gross anatomy of the thoracic part of the oesophagus.

6. Miscellaneous

M03Q6 Give a brief description of:

(a)the coronary circulation

(b)the mechanism of breathing

J91 Q6aDescribe the relations of the trachea in the neck.

M91 Q6aDefine the boundaries of the superior mediastinum and describe the relations of the structures within.

D2. Abdomen

A92Q3Write short notes on the gross anatomy of the spleen.

J91 Q4bDescribe the arterial blood supply and venous drainage of the stomach.

M91Q6bDefine the formation and relations of the hepatic portal vein and list the portal – systemic anastomosis.

M90Q3aWrite short notes on the blood supply of the stomach.

D3. Head and Neck

1. Thyroid Gland

M07Q1d Briefly outline the light microscopic features of the thyroid gland. (25%)

M05Q3 Give a description of the thyroid gland and include its relations and histology (100%)

M04Q5 A middle-aged lady, undergoing surgery for removal of thyroid gland

because of cancer, is found to have only 2 parotid glands in their normal


(a)What are the main relations of the thyroid gland? (60%)

(b)Outline the blood supply of the gland and the effects of injuring the nerves that are closely related to these vessels. (20%)

M01Q2Give an account of the extent and main relations of the thyroid gland. Outline the light microscopic features of this gland.

J98Q2bDescribe the relations and blood supply of the thyroid gland.

M90Q4aDescribe the gross anatomy of the thyroid gland.

2. Salivary Gland

M07Q3 Describe the parotid gland with reference to its:

(a) Contents and main relations (40%)

(b) Secretomotor innervations, and (40%)

(c) Light microscopic features. (20%)

M06Q4 A 30 year old female patient had surgery done on the left parotid gland of removal of a tumour. Following the surgery, the left eye could not close, there was constant tearing and dribbling from the mouth.

(a)Describe the relations and innervations of the parotid gland. (60%)

(b)What are its histological features? (40%)

M04Q4 (a) Describe the location and relations of the parotid gland. (60%)

(b) Give a brief account of its secretomotor innervation. ( 20%)

(c) Outline the main light microscopic features of the gland. ( 20%)

M03Q2a Give an account of the location, relations and secretomotor innervation of the submandibular gland.

M03Q2b Outline the main light microscopic features of the gland.

M02Q4 A middle aged lady requires surgical removal of her right parotid gland for a cancerous growth.

a. Give an account of the major relations of the parotid gland.

b. Briefly trace the extracranial course of the secretomotor fibres to the gland.

M01Q5A patient requires total removal of the submandibular gland for infection.

(a) Briefly describe the histology of the submandibular gland.

(b)What are the relations of the submandibular gland?

M00Q4Give an account of the parotid gland under:

(a) extent and relations

(b) secretomotor innervation

M98Q1bGive an account of the location, extent, relations and innervation of the parotid gland.

J94Q5bDescribe the relations and innervation of the submandibular gland.

J92Q1bGive the extent, relations and innervation of the parotid gland.

M92Q2aDescribe the gross anatomy of the submandibular gland.

M91Q2bDescribe the relations and innervation of the parotid gland.

3. Lacrimal Apparatus

M89Q3bDescribe the anatomy of the secretion and drainage of tears (including secretomotor innervation)

J82Q2cGive an account of the gross anatomy of the lacrimal gland and its drainage system.


M08Q1A patient complained of dryness of the mouth and loss of sensation following tooth extraction for which an injection of local anesthetic had been given.

a. Write short notes on the sensory and motor supply to the tongue (10%)

b. Describe the extrinsic muscles of the tongue, including their actions.

c. Give an explanation for the dryness in the patient’s mouth, and write a short description of the histology of the glands involved. (40%)

M05Q4 Briefly describe the tongue with reference to its:

  1. innervation- general sensory, special sensory and motor supply (60%)
  2. mucuous membrane (20%)
  3. What are the extrinsic muscle of the tongue? (20%)

M03Q3a Describe the external morphology of the tongue and correlate this with development and sensory innervation.

M03Q3b What are the main light microscopic features of the mucosa of the tongue?

M92Q3aDescribe the innervation of the tongue.

5. Palate

A99Q8Describe the structure of the palate (hard and soft) including its innervation

and blood supply.

M91 Q3bWrite short notes on the gross anatomy of the soft palate.

6. Nasal Cavity

M88Q3bWhat are the surface features of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity (excluding osteology)?

J86Q3aWrite briefly on the gross features of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity (excluding blood and nerve supply).

J82Q2bDescribe briefly the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.

7. Maxillary Sinus

M08Q3A patient has infection of an upper molar which has involved the maxillary sinus.

a. Describe the relations and drainage of the maxillary sinus (40%)

b. What are the nerves that supply this sinus? (40%)

c. Describe the lining epithelium of this sinus. (20%)

J96Q4bDescribe the gross anatomy of the maxillary sinus.

8. Pharynx

M06Q2 Degluition involves the coordinated action of a number muscles of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.

(a)Review the oral, pharyngeal and oesophageal phases of deglutition. (60%)

(b)State the innervations of muscles involved during these phases. (20%)

(c)List some causes of dysphagia. (20%)

M04Q1 / A patient with bleeding from the nose is diagnosed with cancer of the

nasopharynx. Spread of the tumour to nearby structures is suspected as he

has difficulties with movements of the right eye.

(a)Describe the main internal features and relations of the nasopharynx. ( 50%)

(b)List the normal movements of the eye, and name the muscle that produce the movements, as well as stating the innervation of these muscles. ( 50%)