Lecture Notes: CH 25 Stars and the Universe

25.1 Properties of Stars

A constellation is an apparent group of stars originally named for mythical characters. The sky contains ______constellations.

Star Color and Temperature

______is a clue to a ______.

Stellar Brightness

Apparent Magnitude- is the brightness of a star when viewed from Earth.

Three factors control the apparent brightness of a star as seen from Earth: ______it is, how ______it is, and how ______ it is.

Absolute Magnitude- is the apparent brightness of a star if it were viewed from a distance of 32.6 light-years (or 10 “parsecs”).

A binary star - one of two stars ______of mass (under their mutual gravitational attraction).

______of all stars in the Galaxy (Universe?) are part of a Binary star system

Measuring Distances to Stars

Parallax -slight ______of a star due to the orbital motion of Earth.

The ______have the ______, while those of distant stars are too small to measure.

A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about ______kilometers.

Fill in the boxes for the H ______R ______diagram:

Note: Mass is key to where a star spends it time but also how it will die!

Describe the location, temperature and luminosity of the Sun ______

25.2 Stellar Evolution

The Life Cycle of Stars - Birth

  1. ______are the ______place of stars.
  2. ______continues to make gas (hydrogen) ______and build up pressure.
  3. When the ______is large enough (1 x 1026 kg) the gravity increases and temperature increases. This ______temperature (______degrees) starts fusion (______atoms ______and become Helium atoms) which ______a lot of ______.
  4. The cloud lights up and a ______!

The Life Cycle of Stars – Middle Age

  1. During this time, the star is fusing its hydrogen into helium. It takes millions and billions of years to fuse most of the H into He.
  2. The ______of heat of fusion ______each other and the star’s volume remainsconstant.

The Life Cycle of Stars – Death

When a star begins to ______, it ______and gravity compacts __

It will then swell to ______of times its original size.

This is called a ______(at the core ______into ______and ______). (called Red Giants because their ______than normal stars and therefore give off red light.) If and when our Sun becomes a Red Giant, the outer edge of the Sun will _____

______(and end all life on Earth) about ______years from now!

When totally ______, the star will die in 1 of 3 ways according to star size:

______DWARF: (______star- low mass); Gravity pressure is ______strong enough to fuse carbon or oxygen into anything. (The star glows white hot for thousands of years and then eventually cools and ______to a ______).

SUPERNOVA: with a more ______– (8X Mass of our Sun ); Gravity compaction produces higher fusion reactions – ______and oxygen ___ silicon and ___.

______: (4H1  He4  4He + 4He  8Be + 4He 12C

12C + 4He 16O  Fe (MAXIMUM for star)

When the fusion stops, gravity pushes inward and….

*The result is a massive explosion!

It turns into either a: ______star (______mass) OR

If star turns into a______HOLE: ( its ______has a ______); Same process as medium to large star except the leftover core is so large and dense that ______escape it’s gravitational forces.

*If you enter a black hole, you would be ripped apart, atom by atom, by the intense gravity. (______)


Star Facts

•Different stars age at ______. The rate ______and the speed of fusion (hydrogen consumption)

•Stars that are ______and live shorter lives.

•Stars that are less massive burn dimmer and ______lives.

•______-sized stars live about ______years; they’re still around from the Big Bang but too dim to see.

•______-sized stars live about ______years (like ______).

•______-sized stars live about ______years; more than ______at night are massive bright stars.

Where do the atoms in you come from? ______

A star is born when______

When a giant star with A VERY HIGH MASS dies it becomes a(n)

25.3 The Universe

The Milky Way Galaxy

A galaxy is a group of stars, dust, and gases held together by gravity.

______of the Milky Way• large spiral galaxy whose disk about ______and about 10,000 light-years thick at the nucleus.

WE ARE located about ______

Structure of the Milky WayRadio telescopes reveal that the Milky Way has at least three distinct spiral arms, with some splintering.

______Types of Galaxies

•Classified by shape:

–Spiral: disk shaped ______

–______: spherical or egg shaped and ______than spiral galaxies. Contain mostly old stars and are red in color.

–Irregular: do not have a well defined shape or color (between S & E?).

Gravity holds galaxies together in clusters

•Galaxies are ______through the universe. They are grouped together in ______.

GALAXIES: a ______that are relatively close together and move as a unit.


SuperclusterCluster Cluster Local Group of Galaxies

Of Galaxies


Our Solar System Other star systems


•Big Bang THEORY: ______years ago a massive ______sent matter and energy traveling into space. After billions of years, the matter in the universe ______to a point where it could ______into ______and other bodies, including YOU!.

Everything is ______, including SPACE!

What happened BEFORE the Universe began? ______

Supporting ______

  1. The ______of galaxies supports the Big Bang and the expanding universe theories.
  2. Scientists discovered a type of energy called ______radiation. Scientists think that this radiation/heat was produced during the Big Bang.
  3. ______have changed

Red Shift, or a ______end of the spectrum, occurs because the light waves are “stretched,” which shows that Earth and the source are ______from each other.

Hubble’s law is a law that states that the galaxies are retreating from the Milky Way at a speed that is ______.

• The ______of distant galaxies indicate that the ______.

The position of the stars (galaxies, actually) have been tracked______; if you input star locations into a computer and ask it to trace current star positions ______to where they were plotted hundreds of years ago, and then extend that star/galaxy’s path back, the ______to a “single point” about 13-15 billion years ago.

But where is the center of the Universe? ______

Not including the Sun, the closest stars to Earth are ______

Which statement is not true of the Milky Way galaxy? ______

An observation of the Red Shift of galaxies suggests that the universe is ______