October 2017Youth Ministry Report

" Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn" by Benjamin Franklin

Sunday Night Youth Ministry: After the Sunday night Mass on September 24th, youth ministry gathered in the Ossenbrink Center to begin our series on " Altaration", The Mystery of the Mass Revealed. This monthly gathering on the 4th Sunday night followed immediately after the 5:30 pm Mass. The approach of Altaration is to introduce teens to the mystery and mission of the Mass, rather than simply explaining what is happening. Attending this event was Ellie Herdrich, Maria Rauenbuehler, Sarah Schierbrock and Wendolyn Hannum. The next opportunity will be on Sunday, October 22nd. All 6-12 grade students are welcomed to attend.

National Evangelization Team:The National Evangelization Team (NET) will be doing a retreat for our Holy Trinity Catholic School Junior High students on Friday, October 6th. This day long retreat allows our 6 - 8th grade students to experience their faith through prayer, skits and personal witness from the college age young adults. I believe this opportunity to get out of the classroom and share a day with youth from around the world is a valuable experience that they will never forget.The NET team is comprised of young Catholic Evangelist' that are on "Fire for the Lord". They travel in a group of 6 men and 6 women for the school year spreading and defending the Word of Jesus across the United States. Their year is spent giving back to the church that has given them so much by coming to our school to help in the faith formation in our area. Currently we have several college age students from our parishes that are involved in College Ministry in various ways.The retreat will be held at McAleer Hall in Ft. Madison during the school hours. Thanks Linda Peitz for making this happen for the HTC students. I hope that the Rel. Ed. students will have an opportunity to experience a retreat this year also. If you would like to host two NET youth or help with food or ice cream for the day, please call Mike at 316-2115.

Holy Fire: Is a new event for our 6-9th grade students and will be held in Chicago on Oct 21st. Our students will have an opportunity to meet their Catholic peers from around the United States while deepening their relationship with Jesus. We will be using a HTC suburban for transportation and have four people going currently at this time.

Junior High Rally: "Come to the Feast" will be held on Sunday, October 15th from 9:30 to 5:00 pm at the Regina Education Center in Iowa City. The day will be filled with Inspirational Talks, Mass and Interactive sessions with Bishop Thomas Zinkula. This day is awesome opportunity for our 6-8th grade students to see the bigger church by spending a whole day in games, Mass and music with 250 other junior high students. The day will be centered around the Mass. I believe that if we want our youth to attend Mass on Sunday, they need to know why Mass is important and what the Mass is all about.

Bingo:The next fund raiser for the Youth Ministry program will be held on Sunday, November 5th at St. Boniface Catholic Church. This event will help us attend retreats and NCYC in November. I'm blessed to have the parish of Farmington let us use our profits for building the young church.

Love In Christ,

Mike L.