Directions:For each of the following statements, except where given alternative choices,

indicate on a Scantron whether you:

(A)strongly agree



(D)strongly disagree

(E)neutral / don’t know

  1. GavilanCollege provides an environment that nurtures creativity and intellectual curiosity.
  2. The College provides a high quality learning experience and prepares students for higher education, technical and public service careers, lifelong learning, and participation in a diverse global society.
  3. The College environment is welcoming and positive.
  4. The College acknowledges and supports diversity (i.e., ethnicity, gender, disabilities, learning styles, etc.)
  5. I am able to do my job without the interference from administration/supervisor.
  6. I am treated with respect in the college environment.
  7. The College initiates and solicits new ways to deliver relative and effective resources (i.e., class schedules, assessment, etc.)
  8. There are adequate resources for under-represented groups (i.e., disabled, limited English speaking/ Second Language Learners, re-entry students, senior citizens, etc.)
  9. The College defines and integrates its evaluation and planning processes to identify priorities for improvement.
  10. The College engages in systematic and integrated educational, financial, physical, and human resource planning.
  11. The College uses information from its evaluation and planning activities to communicate matters of quality assurance to the public.
  12. The College systematically reviews and modifies, as appropriate, its institutional research efforts, evaluation processes, institutional plans and planning processes to determine their ongoing utility for assessing institutional effectiveness.
  13. I feel that I have been included in the planning, evaluation, and research of the College.
  14. Sufficient and consistent financial support is provided for the effective maintenance, security, and improvement of information and learning resources.
  15. Educational and computing equipment is well selected and properly maintained.
  16. Technical support for educational and computing equipment is sufficient.
  17. The Library has adequate staff to provide support in the use of resources and technology.
  18. The MediaCenter and the Computer Place have adequate staff.
  19. The Library is open when the students need it.
  20. The Library has adequate and up-to-date resources for my needs.
  21. Sufficient training is provided in the effective use of the Library resources and technology.
  22. I engage in professional/membership activities supported by the College.
  23. I have participated in some professional development activities within the last three years.
  24. I have attended on-campus staff development activities.
  25. My representatives or I gave input into the planning of on-campus staff development activities.
  26. I have benefited professionally through attendance of on-campus staff development activities.
  27. Classified staff participation in on-campus staff development activities is supported by the institution
  28. Professional growth opportunities are accessible and effectively meet my needs.
  29. Technology training is available and is sufficient to meet my needs.
  30. My performance evaluations have been conducted according to the contract/handbook guidelines.
  31. The evaluation process seeks to assess effectiveness and encourages improvement.
  32. I am satisfied with the method of evaluation used in the College.
  33. My evaluation(s) have been done in a formal, systematic, and timely manner.
  34. The faculty evaluation process evaluates teaching excellence.
  35. The evaluation of full-time faculty is carried out in a consistent and timely manner.
  36. The evaluation of adjunct faculty is carried out in a consistent and timely manner.
  37. I am satisfied with the method of faculty evaluation.
  38. I am satisfied with the method of administrative evaluation.
  39. I am satisfied with the method of classified evaluation.
  40. The procedures for hiring are clearly stated.
  41. The College procedures for hiring full-time and adjunct faculty ensure the selection of the best-qualified individuals.
  42. The College procedures for hiring support staff ensure the selection of the best-qualified individuals.
  43. The College procedures for hiring administrators ensure the selection of the best-qualified individuals.
  44. There is an effective recruitment program in place that helps the College meet its present and future needs and goals.
  45. The College relies too heavily on consultants for what should be added positions, or for duties that should be a part of regular staff duties.
  46. The College relies too heavily on interim positions.

Answer #’s 47 – 53 only if you have been a member of a selection committee.

  1. I was provided with an overview of the hiring process.
  2. The faculty hiring process measures the candidate’s teaching effectiveness.
  3. I was informed of the affirmative action policy as it pertains to hiring.
  4. A representative from Personnel and/or the Affirmative Action Committee explained the paper screening and interview process.
  5. A representative from the Affirmative Action Committee was present during the interview process.
  6. I feel that the overall process from job announcement to final selection moved along in a timely manner.
  7. In my opinion, the hiring process was effective and equitable.

Everyone respond to the following statements/questions

  1. Classified staff have an effective voice in personnel selection.
  2. I am satisfied with my interaction with other groups of college employees.
  3. The classified staff is sufficient in number to provide effective support service.
  4. If hired within the last three years, did you receive the classified handbook when you were hired? (A) Yes (B) No
  5. Do you receive periodic updates to your handbook? (A) Yes (B) No
  6. The workloads are equitably distributed among the employees in your job description.
  7. To the best of your knowledge, has your right to privacy of information been honored with regard

to your personnel file and your hiring process? (A) Yes (B) No

  1. My area/department budget is adequate to maintain high-quality programs and services.
  2. I have been kept informed of the area/department budget as it developed.
  3. Resource allocation is based upon broadly developed program plans that directly relate to institutional objectives.
  4. Classified have appropriate opportunities to participate in the development of financial plans and budgets.
  5. My personal opinions, suggestions, and ideas are taken seriously by my peers.
  6. My personal opinions, suggestions, and ideas are taken seriously by the faculty.
  7. My personal opinions, suggestions, and ideas are taken seriously by the administration.
  8. My personal opinions, suggestions, and ideas are taken seriously by the Board of Trustees.
  9. I am a member of the (A) full-time staff (B) part-time staff