Rubric for Science Process Skills (Revised)

Score / Hypothesis /
Prediction / Procedures / Observations / Collecting /
Recording Data
High achievement at grade level, consistently uses skills independently / ·  Complete thought
·  Based on prior knowledge and/or observation
·  Specifically related to the problem or question
·  Adds reason to show thinking behind prediction / hypothesis
·  Reasons should reflect scientific thought with appropriate vocabulary
·  Independent-written by student without teacher help / ·  Complete listing of all steps to be followed
·  Specifies all measured amounts with numbers (5 minutes, 1 cup water, etc.)
·  Order of steps is logical
·  Anticipates steps that will be necessary before performing experiment.
·  Conducts multiple trials
·  Identifies all variables to be controlled and experimental variable. / ·  Chooses and properly uses necessary tools / instruments (i.e., hand lens) when appropriate
·  Does not state opinions or use anthropomorphic descriptions (give human qualities to non-human objects/concepts)
·  Records observations through words or drawings / ·  Data is recorded correctly
·  Measurements/labels are specified correctly
·  Data collected has uniform labels (i.e., all in mL)
·  Logical order
·  Information can be easily read
·  Student organizes data in appropriate format (chart, graph, etc.) without help from teacher
Demonstrates grade level skills / ·  Complete thought
·  Based on prior knowledge and/or observation
·  Specifically related to the problem or question / ·  Lists most of the steps to be followed
·  Specifies most measured amounts with numbers (5 minutes, 1 cup water, etc.)
·  Order of steps is logical
·  Identifies experimental variable and some variables to be controlled. / ·  Properly uses necessary tools / instruments (i.e., hand lens) when appropriate
·  Does not state opinions or use anthropomorphic descriptions (give human qualities to non-human objects/concepts)
·  Records observations through words or drawings / ·  Data is recorded correctly
·  Measurements/labels are specified correctly
·  Data collected has uniform labels (i.e., all in mL)
·  Logical order
·  Information can be easily read
Developing grade level skills / ·  Incomplete thought
·  Not based on prior knowledge and/or observation
·  Only somewhat related to problem or question / ·  Lists some of the steps to be followed
·  Order of steps is logical
·  Lists experimental variable, but does not list variables to be controlled. / ·  Improperly uses necessary tools / instruments when tools are appropriate
·  States opinions or uses anthropomorphic descriptions (give human qualities to non-human objects/concepts)
·  Does not record observations / ·  Data is recorded with some mistakes
·  Data not completely labeled
·  No logical order
·  Information may be difficult to read
Performing below grade level, needs to improve / ·  Blank, does not verbalize or record prediction / hypothesis
·  Not based on prior knowledge and/or observation
·  Does not relate to problem/ question / ·  Lists some of the steps to be followed / ·  Does not use necessary tools / instruments when tools are appropriate
·  Does not record observations / ·  Data not recorded
·  Data recorded incorrectly (not labeled, no logical order, etc.)
·  Incomplete information
Score / Analyze Data / Conclusions
High achievement at grade level, consistently uses skills independently / ·  Independent-written by student without teacher help
·  Checks data to see if information recorded is reasonable/logical. Can explain why some pieces of data may not fit (explains sources of error).
·  Can generate simple questions about data collected
·  Complete sentence (when applicable); complete thought
·  Can explain verbally or in writing how data is organized (understands organization of charts/graphs, etc.)
·  Can accurately state/write results of experiment based on data
·  Can determine if data was collected/recorded accurately
·  Evaluates relevance of data collected to original question
·  Clearly understands reliability of data increases with increased repetition of experiment) / ·  Complete sentences or thought
·  Explains how data supported (or didn’t support) the original hypothesis
·  States results of experiment (after examining accuracy of data)
·  Clearly reflects original question
·  Interprets meaning of results by applying it correctly to a bigger “science concept”
·  Independent-written by student without teacher help
·  With teacher help may develop new questions based on conclusion
Demonstrates grade level skills / ·  Checks data to see if information recorded is reasonable/logical
·  Complete sentence (when applicable); complete thought
·  Can explain verbally or in writing how data is organized
·  Can accurately state/write results of experiment based on data
·  Can determine if data was collected/recorded accurately
·  Evaluates relevance of data collected with original question
·  Understand reliability of data increases with repetition / ·  Complete sentence or thought
·  States results of experiment
·  Clearly reflects original question
·  Interprets meaning of the results by applying it correctly to a bigger “science concept”
Developing grade level skills / ·  Overlooks data collected that is not logical or reasonable
·  Incomplete sentence or thought
·  Cannot clearly explain how data is organized (difficulty understanding charts/graphs)
·  Cannot accurately state/write results of experiment based on data
·  Cannot specify relevance of data collected to original question and/or explanation is only somewhat reasonable / ·  Sentence is not complete and/or thoughts are fragmented
·  States results of experiment
·  Attempts to apply results to the bigger picture “science concept” (on the right track)
Performing below grade level, needs to improve / ·  Evaluation of information is not related to actual data collected and/or is not a reasonable explanation of results
·  Incomplete sentence or thought
·  No or little attempt to determine results
·  Blank / ·  Blank
·  Indecipherable
·  Incomplete-little attempt to develop conclusion
·  Doesn’t relate to experiment

*Draws conclusions: Decides how data supported or didn’t support the original hypothesis; determines the relevance of data in comparison with the key question and hypothesis; examines accuracy of data and outcome of experiment; possibly reevaluates/changes hypothesis and redesigns experiments as a result; suggests new questions related to the experiment that could be investigated.