NMSU Grants seeks to promote a successful learning environment for its students and the larger community hereby adopt the following goals as their vision for the future. In alignment with system wide NMSU Vision 2020, we wish to establish a culture of strategic and innovative thinking to fulfill our stated mission and vision as a community college.

Vision 2020 Goal 1: Academics & Graduation

Objective 1.1: Enrollment

Strategy1.1.1: Increase college student enrollment


a.Develop a transition plan for recent GED and dual credit graduates to enroll at NMSU Grants

b.Continue to work on Student Stop Out Project

c.Offer scholarships for part-time students

d.Offer scholarships for debt relief or small student debt for continuing

e.Offer scholarships for near completers who have stopped out

f.Establish a foundation to offset student bad debt

g.Offer “bridge” programs in the summers to help transition students from high school/GED to college

h.Promote STEM-H fields through advising, marketing, and expanded course offerings.

Strategy1.1.2: Increase dual credit enrollment


  1. Continue to promote dual enrollment participation
  2. Establish a presence on local high school campuses

Strategy1.1.3: Optimize Course Schedule


  1. Plan schedule carefully to minimize course conflicts.
  2. Establish common start and stop times for classes.
  3. Identify and expand the NMSU Grants service area through online education.

Strategy1.1.4: Implement a campus-wide student retention plan


  1. Practice prescriptive advising.
  2. Provide a sequence of coursework and semester offerings for each program.
  3. Early Performance Grading and follow up for intervention.
  4. Communicate student performance using various methods.
  5. Implement a system for faculty advisingand student mentoring.
  6. Integrate academic support centers services into curriculum.
  7. Engage students in campus activities like student life events, seminars, workshops, etc.
  8. Mandatory new student orientation.
  9. Student convocation.
  10. Accelerate developmental Math and English curriculum.
  11. Interview sample of students who do not return from fall semester to determine possible reasons (fall to fall retention).
  12. Create a culture of class attendance.

Strategy 1.1.5: Implement a student recruitment plan


  1. Showcase current and former students and programs.
  2. Develop program posters for marketing on and off campus.
  3. Creative media of students engaging in academic activities.
  4. Contact by program managers to potential students as identified by student interest cards.
  5. College open house event.
  6. Ensure high school faculty and counselor know what NMSU Grants has to offer.
  7. Continue and expand high school summer programs.
  8. NMSU Grants presence at community activities.
  9. Elementary, Middle, and High school visits as well as visits to NMSU Grants.
  10. Disseminate marketing materials within the NMSU Grants service area.

Promote alternatives to receive college credit for accumulated experience and knowledge

Strategy1.1.6: Establish new programs & review existing programs.


a. Continue to conduct annual program reviews

b. Work with local entities to determine possible new programs to fulfill community needs.

c. Expand course offerings in the area of STEM-H.

Develop alternatives to receive college credit for accumulated experience and knowledge

Key Performance Indicators

KPI 1.1.A*: Increase annual enrollment- NMSU Grants IR

Increase degree seeking Grants admitted students

Increase the number of previously enrolled students returning

KPI 1.1.B: Increase total new student enrollment - NMSU Grants IR

KPI 1.1.C: Increase the percent of local high school graduates enrolled at NMSU Grants.

KPI 1.1.D: Increase the percentageof former dual credit studentsenrolled at NMSU Grants after high school graduation

KPI 1.1.E: Increase the percent of GED graduates to enrolled college students

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Objective 1.2: Access

Strategy 1.2.1: Maintain high accessibility to low income students


  1. Conduct Financial Aid & Scholarship Workshops
  2. Establish Part-time scholarships
  3. Establish scholarships for low income students
  4. FAFSA Fridays
  5. Conduct workshops on financial literacy
  6. Provide online financial aid advising

KPI 1.2.A*: Increase the percent of PELL Grant recipients as compared to all students.

KPI 1.2.B: Increase the percent of students who receive financial aid.

KPI1.2.C: Decrease cohort default rate

Increase the percent of low income students receive scholarships

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Objective 1.3: Affordability

Strategy 1.3.1: Provide an affordable education.


  1. Encourage faculty to select low cost textbook options.
  2. Educate students to pursue various book buying options to lower cost.
  3. Increase scholarship opportunities for students
  4. Maximize work study positions
  5. Explore accelerated program options

KPI 1.3.A*: Maintain a highly affordable average annual net price

KPI 1.3.B: Average dollar amount of financial aid awarded (excluding loans)

KPI 1.3.C: Increase the percentage of work study positions filled

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Objective 1.4: Completion

Strategy 1.4.1: Award Completion


  1. Program Managers will develop a program matrix listing when courses will be offered by semester and academic year
  2. Require student usage of the Library, Student Success, Math, and Writing Centers – Directors of the Student Success Center, Math Center, Writing Center
  3. Promote peer/professional tutoring program
  4. Promote mentoring program

Strategy 1.4.2: Proactive Advising


  1. Prescriptive advising
  2. Promote early registration
  3. Program advisement for continuing students
  4. Early declaration of major
  5. Calling all Aggies Campaign
  6. Participate in NMSU System initiatives for advising and early intervention programs
  7. Provide online academic advising

Strategy 1.4.3: Experiential Learning Opportunities


  1. Seek internship placements
  2. Promote cooperative learning opportunities
  3. Explore more service learning opportunities
  4. Fieldtrips

Strategy 1.4.4: Academic Student Support Services


  1. Provide updated technology for students
  2. Ipad/Laptop loan program
  3. Calculator loan program
  1. Continue to staff the Writing Center, Math Center, and Student Success Center with professional Tutors
  2. Provide online options for academic support services
  3. Continue to support Outreach Centers in Acoma, Pinehill, Thoreau, and To’hajiilee

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

KPI 1.4.A*: Achieve an increase in first year retention rate

KPI 1.4.B*: Achieve a total branchfer/transfer out rate at 20%

KPI 1.4.C*: Achieve an annual increase in awards (certificate and degree)

KPI 1.4.D*: Achieve an annual increase in STEM-H awards

KPI 1.4.E: Reduce the average number of accumulated credit hours attemptedfor completion by 1credit per year for a certificate and 2 credit hours per year for an associates for students earning their first award– NMSU Grants IR

KPI 1.4.F: Increase the percent of first-time full-time degree seeking students course completion by 1% annually – NMSU Grants IR

KPI 1.4.G: Increase the percent of first-time full-time degree seeking students semester completion by 1% annually – NMSU Grants IR

KPI 1.4.H: Increase the percent of first-time full-time degree seeking studentsacademic year (fall and spring semester) completion by 1% annually – NMSU Grants IR

KPI 1.4.I: Increase the percent of first-time full-time degree seeking students award completion within 200% for associate degrees and 150% for certificates by 1% annually – NMSU Grants IR

KPI 1.4.J: Increase the percent of students who complete courses with a C or better at the end of the semester – NMSU Grants IR

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Vision 2020 Goal 2: Diversity & Internationalization

Objective 2.1: Diversity

Strategy 2.1.1: Maintain a highly diverse campus community


  1. Recruit faculty and staff that are representative of our student body using appropriate journals and publications.
  2. Engage students with activities that foster diversity and cultural awareness.
  3. Participation in the NMSU System Diversity Council.
  4. Promote student clubs that support student diversity.
  5. Rotating library displays highlighting different cultures.

KPI 2.1.A*: Maintain a highly diverse campus community by increasing the percent of faculty who come from diverse backgrounds.

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Vision 2020 Goal 3: Research & Creative Activities

Objective 3.1: Grant Funding

Strategy 3.1.1: Develop the capacity to apply for external Grants


  1. Expand faculty and staff grant-writing submissions for faculty led department projects, i.e. National Science Foundation grants (STEM areas), Department of Education, or the USDA.
  2. Organize a committee to research grant opportunities, determine feasibility, and initiate efforts to apply.
  3. Work toward funding grant writing capacity.

KPI 3.1.A*: Achieve an annual dollar amount increase in grant revenue per student

KPI 3.1.B: Increase total dollars of external funding secured annually – VP Business

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Vision 2020 Goal 4: Economic Development & Community Engagement

Objective 4.1: Workforce

Strategy4.1.1: Provide workforce and contract training opportunities


  1. Develop and offer training programs to meet the needs of local businesses
  2. Expand non-credit offerings
  3. Utilize Work Keys readiness assessments
  4. Partner with other agencies to implement economic development programs.
  5. Continue to provide workforce certifications programs that can lead to external credentials for example A++, ASE, and CNA

KPI 4.1.A*: Increase the number of workforce and contract training hours.

KPI 4.1.B: Track number of participants completing Work Keys tests and certifications – ABE/GED Director

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Objective 4.2: Develop community service partnerships

Vision 2020 Goal 5: Resource Stewardship

Objective 5.1: Philanthropy

Strategy 5.1.1: Develop a philanthropic culture on campus and in the community


  1. Development of resources to allocate towards development office/grant writer
  2. Grow NMSU Grants Foundation by promoting Giving Tuesday with matching funds from DOE Grants and other methods.
  3. Seek alternative funding through local, state, regional, and private grants with donations and philanthropic organizations
  4. Host local fundraising events
  5. Develop strategy for seeking local tax and bond revenue
  6. Campus participation in city, county, and village governance bodies
  7. Serve as a host for local governance bodies and community events
  8. Host public events for the community

KPI 5.1.A*: Achieve increased dollar amount revenue through fundraising

KPI 5.1.B: Increase diversification of sources of external funding (employee, private, philanthropy) – VP Business

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Objective 5.2: Staffing

Strategy5.2.1: Maintain an appropriate staffing ratio and provide development opportunities


  1. Promote teaching excellence through programs and activities coordinated by the Teaching Excellence committee and on going professional development.
  2. Provide staff professional development opportunities.
  3. Utilize Program Reviews for staffing needs.
  4. Improve employee morale.

*KPI 5.2.A: Achieve right sized student/faculty and student/staff ratio

*KPI 5.2.B: Achieve competitive average faculty salaries

*This KPI is Vision 2020 KPI

Objective 5.3: Efficiency

Strategy 5.3.1: Optimize efficiency regarding Instruction, Award Cost, and Space Utilization


  1. Increase enrollment
  2. Increase student award completion
  3. Develop new programs and scheduling options forcompletion opportunities
  4. Reduce the dollar amount of bad student debt
  5. Increase efficiency-continue refitting facilities with energy efficient improvements, reduce paper and other resources uses
  6. Continue to develop physical facilities (See Capital Outlay Plan)
  7. Establish water catchment system to supplement city water usage
  8. Expand and promote the recycling program.
  9. Develop campus composting program along with community gardens
  10. Optimize use of the Fidel Activity Center for campus and community events.
  11. Expand campus facilities access and services to community
  12. Expand physical education and personal development classes both for credit and non-credit
  13. Conduct regular community focus groups and program advisory committees
  14. Increase sustainable practices

KPI 5.3.A*: Achieve optimal instruction/I&G efficiency ratio

KPI 5.3.B*: Achieve optimal I&G award production cost efficiency

KPI 5.3.C*: Maintain highly efficient space utilization (sqft per FTE)

KPI 5.3.D: Increase facility usage for community service and recreation – Human Resource Liaison

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