Culinary Arts I

Grade 11-12

Ozark Mountain Technical Center


Instructor: Lisa Watson

Planning Times: Gray Days 8:05-8:30 & 1:15-2:46; Maroon Days 8:05-8:30

School Phone Number: 417-926-3177 option 8


Course Description

This course is the first year of a two-year program. The course is designed to provide students with classroom and laboratory experience in current hospitality, tourism, culinary and management trends. The course objective is to instruct students on the culinary and management skills necessary to obtain a position in the hospitality industry.

Course Structure

Class will consist of lecture, guided lecture, group activities, projects, lab practice assignments, lab graded assignments, and exams. Students are required to compile a culinary binder of assignments, notes, recipes, and all activities. This binder will serve as a reference guide for students as they continue their experience in any area of the hospitality industry. There will be an end of course Technical Skills Assessment that is a proctored exam produced from the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation. This TSA will not only be figured as a portion of your grade for the class, but it will also determine your receipt of your Passport.

Course Competencies

·  Analyze career paths within the hospitality industry.

·  Analyze the structure and components of each branch of the hospitality industry.

·  Investigate the business and marketing strategies of the hospitality industry.

·  Demonstrate food safety and sanitation procedures.

·  Demonstrate industry standards in selecting, using, and maintaining food production and food service equipment.

·  Apply menu planning principles and techniques based on standardized recipes to meet customer needs.

·  Demonstrate professional food preparation methods and techniques for all menu categories to produce a variety of food products that meet customer needs.

·  Demonstrate implementation of food service management and leadership functions.

·  Demonstrate the concept of internal and external customer service.


Grades will be based on daily assignments (60%), labs (20%), and tests (20%). Your TSA will be figured as 10% of your overall tests grade. The grading scale is as follows:

A 100-93 B+ 89-87 C+ 79-77 D+ 69-67 F 59-0

A- 92-90 B 86-83 C 76-73 D 66-63

B- 82-80 C- 72-70 D- 62-60

Supplies—These are the supplies that are REQUIRED for my class. No substitutions please.

·  Books: The following textbooks will be provided for the class.

o  Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts, Level One

o  ServSafe Essentials, 5th Edition

o  Hospitality Today, 7th Edition

·  Binder: You will be required to purchase a white, 1” ClearView Binder for this class. This will be sectioned for things such as your assignments, tests, labs, notes and makeup work.

·  5 Tab Divider set for Three Ring Binder: These will be used to make the sections in your binder.

·  Paper

·  Pencil or Pen


After completion of this program, you are eligible to receive a Passport. This is a compilation of a program certificate, resume, letters of recommendation from both Mr. Higgins and me, and a list of competencies mastered. To receive this, you must also have 95% attendance, A or B semester grades, and a passing score on the TSA.


Please see the attached classroom expectation matrix.


Please feel free to call or schedule a visit at any time. Parent-teacher communication is an important part of student success, so I look forward to speaking with you about any topic.

Parent Signature ______Date______

Student Signature ______Date______