Review of themodule Omnibus questionnaire/adhoc modules forthe MemobustHandbook

Name of the module:Omnibus questionnaire/ad hoc modules
Type of module (method or theme):Theme
Initial author(s) of the module:Pawel Landuch
Name of reviewer:Lina Fjelkegård and Fredrik Scheffer
Date of submission:22-10-12
1. What is your opinion on the contentof the module?
[Please take at least the following aspects into account: comprehensibility (also for non-specialists); balanced coverage of the topic; suitability and comprehensibility of figures, tables, and examples; up-to-date methodology; consistency with other modules. If you are not satisfied with certain aspects, please provide examples and suggestions for improvement.]
We find some aspects missing in the module. The missing content is mainly an issue about the lack of a structured introduction to multi-subject survey methodology. What are the cons and pros for these kinds of methods? Especially we think it is important to problematize the omnibus and ad hoc strategies. The most important problems are highlighted and shortly explained at the end of the review.
We mean that the definition of omnibus survey also should mention that it sometimes is used for non-commercial surveys and not only marketing research.
The definitions of the two concepts omnibus/ad hoc- surveys should not only be in the summary, but also in the main text. The summary should be a summary of the main text.
Since there isanother module highlighting the basic and general concerns in questionnaire design, this module should mainly focus on special aspects relevant for these methods. Of course it is sometimes necessary to mention broader aspects to explain the connection to general survey-methodology issues. The context is many timesimportantfor comprehensibility. But when general survey issues are mentioned the connection to the special theme of this module should be obvious.
2. What is your opinion on the style/form of the module?
[Please take at least the following aspects into account: lay out; length of the module; length and structure of sentences; quality of English; spelling in accordance with UK English. If you are not satisfied with certain aspects, please provide examples and suggestions for improvement.]
We find the module a bit unstructured. The general comprehensibility would improve with a clear introduction including definitions, purpose and disposition. For some parts it might also be clearer if text about ad hoc and omnibus surveys were divided into different sections. At least it needs to be clear what aspects that are relevant for which subject.
3. What is your opinion on the use of the standard template?
[Please take at least the following aspects into account: compliance with the standard template; adequate treatment of each relevant item in the template. If you are not satisfied with certain aspects, please provide examples and suggestions for improvement.]
The module is not following the standard template. We suggest that the relevant headings, depending on the restructure, are positioned as subheadings under section 2 in the theme template, General description.
4. What is your opinion on the glossary and the list of references?
[Please take at least the following aspects into account: is the terminology in the main text in accordance with the glossary; are all relevant terms (including acronyms) explained in the glossary; are all references in the main text mentioned in the list of references, and vice versa? Please provide suggestions for corrections where they are needed.]
The writer of the module has used general survey literature and reports from surveys where the methods are used. We agree that this is the best solution and we have no additional literature to recommend.
The glossary should also include the main concepts of the module: omnibus survey and ad hoc survey.
5. What is you overall conclusion for this module?
[Please choose one of the following.]
[ ] Accept as written.
[ ] The module needs minor revisions (no new review needed).
[X] The module needs major revisions (new reviewneeded).
[ ] Reject the module.
Room for additional comments or remarks (optional):
Here we list some of the advantages and problems with omnibus and ad hoc-survey that we think should be discussed in the module.
Omnibus advantages:
-Price efficiency. An omnibus is an alternative when the number of questions are few and the price for administering your own survey is too high.It works as a cooperation were costs and infrastructures are shared
-Time efficiency. Since the clients don´t have to organize the logistics and infrastructures by themselves it is usually quicker to be a part of an omnibus than to organize your own survey.
Omnibus problems:
-Sample inflexibility. The definitions of populations, sizes of samples and sampling design have to be the same for all clients and can´t be adjusted for individual needs and desires.
-The mixed content can be confusing and tiring for the respondents, which might result in lower data quality.
-Question ordering inflexibility. Individual clients can´t control the order of the different question modules since there are many different clients who have to adjust to each other.
-Not standardized over time. Clients who want time series might find it problematic that they can´t control the other subjects in the survey. Other subjects might affect the comprehension of one’s own questions and the other subjects might change between the different sweeps.
Ad hoc advantages:
-Ad hoc modules make it possible to go deeper into specific parts of the survey subject.
-Ad hoc modules can be a way to add new question to a longitudinal survey without affecting the times series.
Ad hoc problems:
-There is a risk that the respondent burden is overlooked. Additional modules increase the effort of respondents.
-There is a risk of overlapping questions that might confuse the respondents.

Template last modified on 8 July 2011