A Bill to Legalize the Recreational Possession and Consumption of Marijuana


Section 1. A. Adults 21 years or older will be allowed to purchase up to one (1) ounce of marijuana in the United States from federally licensed marijuana shops. A valid government identification of age shall be required for all purchases.

B. All licensed marijuana sellers shall be allowed to grow cannabis for the purpose of selling it legally under section 1A of this bill.

C. Any and all violations of this law shall be considered a federal offense.

D. State governments may tax purchases of marijuana in their state up to no more than thirty five (35) percent of the purchase price.

Section 2. Marijuana will be defined as a preparation of the cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or as medicine, often smoked or consumed by mouth.

Section 3. A. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, will be responsible for the enforcement of sections 1A and 1B of this legislation.

B. The Department of Justice will be responsible for the enforcement of section 1C of this legislation.

C. State governments will be responsible for the enforcement of section 1D of this legislation.

Section 4. The federal government may begin to license shops to sell marijuana and marijuana shops may begin growing marijuana one year after the passage of this bill. The entire text of this bill will go into effect two years after passage.

Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate

by Newton South High School

A Bill to Improve the Accountability of the Police Force


SECTION 1.A special prosecutor shall be created to handle cases of possible police misconduct.

SECTION 2.A.Special prosecutor shall be defined as a prosecutor whose sole job is to investigate and prosecute cases of police misconduct.

B.Police misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cases in which police knowingly violate the rights of citizens and cases in which unarmed civilians are seriously injured or killed by police.

SECTION 3.This bill shall be enforced by the Department of Justice.

SECTION 4.This bill shall go into effect six months after passage.

SECTION 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted for Congressional Debate by Milton Academy

A Bill to Identify North Korea as a State Sponsor of Terrorism to Properly Sanction the Country


Section 1.That the Democratic People's Republic of Korea be declared as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Section 2.A state sponsor of terrorism is defined according to section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act, and section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act.

Section 3.The Secretary of State shall oversee the implementation of this legislation.

  1. At the conclusion of each five (5) year consecutive period after implementation, the state department shall reevaluate this legislation and make appropriate recommendations to Congress based on the bill's necessity.

SECTION 4.This bill shall be implemented immediately upon passage.

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

\Introduced for Congressional Debate by Austin Lessin, Lincoln-Sudbury Regional HS.

A Bill To Ban Hydraulic Fracturing


Section 1.The practice of hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gases, or other natural resources, is hereby banned in the United States.

Section 2.Hydraulic fracturing shall be defined as the process of forcing high-pressure liquids into underground rocks to extract natural resources, primarily oil and natural gas.

Section 3.The Environmental Protection Agency shall be responsible for the implementation of this legislation.

SECTION 4.This law will take effect on January 1st, 2016.

Section 5.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,

Natick High Schoo

A Bill to Create a pathway to More Legal Immigration


Section 1

1). The USCIS is authorized to issue a new type of visa, known as a Star Card to illegal immigrants who were brought to this country before they were 16, and who can be defined as a citizen of good moral character who will not put a burden on the country. The USCIS is authorized to set a fee for the visa to be no higher then $600, and to set all documentationrequired for the application, along with a pathway to citizenship from a Star Card.

2). Three million dollar is granted to US bureau of Consular affairs a year to hire US consular Officers. This money is to be sourced from general government revenue. All of these officers are to be stationed at the National Visa Centerin Portsmouth New Hampshire, The use of the money is to be enforced by the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of State.

3) Two million dollars is granted to the USCIS to hire Immigration Services Officers and Immigration Services assistants. They are to be stationed at the USCIS offices with the longest processing times. The use of this money is to be enforced by the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security.

Section 2

Applications for the Star Card need to be accepted within 9 months of passage of this law, and the Bureau of Consular affairs and USCIS must have hired the new staff within 1 year of receiving the funds.

Section 3All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void Introduced by Chelmsford High School

Super Scenario

The bombing of an automobile used by the Cuban delegation to the United Nations rocked the news media last week. The chief assistant to the United Nations ambassador, along with the vehicle’s driver, had exited the vehicle moments before. The explosion too place outside a park on the Upper West Side, and injured a passing man, his child, and very badly injured their pet dog Laika. While the police are investigating, among the items seized at the location are a fountain pen, a cigar, and a wetsuit (not wet at the time of capture).