Information Technology & Systems

Social Issues – Identity Theft


A new bank is starting up in Australia and you are in charge of internet banking and in particular keeping customers safe online. You have already been in discussion with a group of industry experts and have a good idea about identity theft and the problems it can cause.

TASK (7 Hours + Homework)

Part A: (30%)

You are to research the “Big Four” Banks in Australia (CBA, NAB, ANZ and Westpac) to find out what they are doing to keep their customers safe online.

Creating a table in Microsoft Word or Excel and dot pointing important issues is a good way to record your findings and making comparisons. You can research on more banks if you wish for extra thoroughness.

Part: (70%)

For the new bank you need to create a strategy to keep your customers safe online. You may base this on some of the best methods you have discovered in your research, as well as other methods you may be aware of.

You are to present your strategy in the form of a 30 Second Commercial that will be screened on TV making sure your new customers are aware of the security measures you have in place to keep their identity safe online. Searching for “identity theft” may give you some ideas.

To create the commercial you may use any software/hardware that you have available but the following may help:

§  Word Processor: To create your initial script.

§  Graphics Package (Fireworks, Photoshop) – Create a logo for the new bank; manipulate images.

§  Presentation Package (Photo Story, Power Point, Flash) – Make screen transitions and animations for your commercial.

§  Movie Makers (Movie Maker, Premiere) - Make text-overs and effects to add your commercial.

§  Audio – (Audacity) Record the 30 second voice over to go with your commercial. Also is a web service where you can get professional voice-overs made for free.


§  Part A – Comparison Chart: Crit 3,7

§  Part B – Commercial: Crit 3, 7

A public screening of your commercial to the rest of the class will be conducted at the end of the task.