The Safety Committee:

Sue Cambron, Chair


EEL, Room 8


Amanda Brandt

Biological Science Lab Technician

LSPS, 217


Dennis Bucholtz, Chemical Hygiene Officer



SOILBuilding, Room 160


Heng-wei Cheng

Research Biologist

Poultry Building, Room 216


Larry Dunkle, Biosafety Officer (BSO)

Research Plant Pathologist

LILY Building, Room 1-339

494-6076 or LAB: 496-2416

Danielle Cooley, Loc Envir Ofcr (LEO)

Purchasing Agent

SOIL Building, RM 151


Amber Henderson

Biological Science Technician

Soil Building, Room 154


Brandi Schemerhorn

Research Entomologist

WSLRBuilding, Room 230


Steve Scofield, Radiation Protection Officer (LRPO)

Research Geneticist

LILYBuilding, Room 2-323


Brenda Hofmann

Biological Science Technician (Soils)

SOILBuilding, Room 132


Jan Overton, Ad Hoc Member

Administrative Officer

SOIL Building, Room 151


Location Safety Committee Mission

To work together as a team for the express purpose of identifying hazards in the ARS workplace before accidents occur (in both facility and project processes).

Once hazards are identified, we then hope to minimize our employee’s risk by changing exposure to the hazards, by education (increasing awareness), administering (rules), or by engineering (reconfiguring) the hazards out of the workplace.


We want all ARS Employees and cooperating staff to know that they can call anyone on the Location Safety Committee anytime they have a concern.

If you feel anxiety about talking to your immediate supervisor about a potential hazard, then you should know that the Safety Committee is here to help you address your concerns. (Remember it is illegal and foolish for a supervisor to ignore concerns and retaliate against those who have “blown the whistle” on safety violations.)

Please take advantage of the phone numbers and email addresses provided in this brochure for each of the Location Safety Committee members.

Location of Safety Committee Meetings

The Safety Committee meets at least bi-monthly at predetermined places. The meetings are open for anyone to attend. Contact your Unit representative for location.

Location Safety Website:

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc. should contact USDA’s TAR-GETCenter at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTD)

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-@, WhittenBuilding, 14th and Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice or TTD). USDA is an equal opportunity employer.

Do you have an idea you would like to see the Safety Committee explore or present training? If so, please pass your ideas on to the Location Safety Committee.


Take advantage of all training offered by the Safety Committee and Purdue that may be useful to you or those you supervise.

Contact the Safety Committee for available training information and watch for email updates and notification.

Member of the National Safety Council

Location Safety Phone: 765 496-3355

January 2010