Supplementary Table1 Biochemical comparison of commercial Se yeast preparations

Supplementary Table 1. Fold Changes are based on protein intensities as calculated using MaxQuant LFQ algorithm and only proteins with a significant change in abundance (p < 0.05; ≥ 2 fold change in abundance) are included. Positive numbers indicate increased abundance and negative figures indicated decreased abundance, relative to the levels in SELM-1. Qualitative differences are also included and indicated as unique to a specific product. Values in red represent proteins with a higher abundance in the Products 2, 3 or 4 relative to SELM-1 and green indicates a lower abundance of that protein relative to SELM-1 (quantitative or qualitative).

Fold Change Yeast Product 2 v. SELM-1 / Fold Change Yeast Product 3 v. SELM-1 / Fold Change Yeast Product 4 v. SELM-1 / Gene Name / Protein IDs / Peptides / Sequence coverage [%] / Mol. weight [kDa] / Protein Description /
2.5417 / ACB1 / YGR037C / 9 / 89.7 / 10.061 / Acyl-CoA-binding protein
Unique to Product 3 / ACC1 / YNR016C / 3 / 1.6 / 250.35 / Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
2.1162 / ACH1 / YBL015W / 12 / 30.4 / 58.711 / Protein with CoA transferase activity
Unique to SELM-1 / ACP1 / YKL192C / 2 / 20.8 / 13.943 / Mitochondrial matrix acyl carrier protein, involved in biosynthesis of octanoate
2.4062 / ACS1 / YAL054C / 19 / 24.4 / 79.14 / Acetyl-coA synthetase isoform
-2.1058 / ADE13 / YLR359W / 9 / 26.1 / 54.51 / Adenylosuccinate lyase, catalyzes two steps in the 'de novo' purine nucleotide biosynthetic pathway
Unique to Product 2 / ADE16 / YLR028C / 5 / 11.5 / 65.282 / Enzyme of 'de novo' purine biosynthesis, isozyme of Ade17p
2.1221 / ADE17 / YMR120C / 7 / 15.9 / 65.262 / Enzyme of 'de novo' purine biosynthesis, isozyme of Ade16p
Unique to SELM-1 / ADE2 / YOR128C / 3 / 5.6 / 62.339 / Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase
-2.6954 / ADH1 / YOL086C / 20 / 61.8 / 36.849 / Alcohol dehydrogenase
4.8329 / ADH2 / YMR303C / 14 / 37.1 / 36.731 / Glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase II
3.8602 / Unique to SELM-1 / ADH4 / YGL256W / 8 / 31.2 / 41.142 / Alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzyme type IV
5.4704 / ADH6 / YMR318C / 6 / 23.9 / 39.617 / NADPH-dependent medium chain alcohol dehydrogenase with broad substrate specificity
-2.4789 / ADO1 / YJR105W / 6 / 31.8 / 36.372 / Adenosine kinase, required for the utilization of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)
5.2213 / ADY2 / YCR010C / 3 / 16.3 / 30.726 / Acetate transporter required for normal sporulation
-2.9690 / -3.7902 / -2.4416 / AHP1 / YLR109W / 12 / 89.2 / 19.114 / Thiol-specific peroxiredoxin
-3.7649 / -17.6713 / AIM2 / YAL049C / 8 / 39.8 / 27.089 / Cytoplasmic protein involved in mitochondrial function or organization
-2.4435 / AIM21 / YIR003W / 15 / 31.1 / 74.762 / Protein of unknown function involved in mitochondrial migration along actin filament
-2.3771 / AIM31 / YML030W / 5 / 21.4 / 18.477 / Putative protein of unknown function
3.9127 / AIM38 / YNR018W / 5 / 18.8 / 25.344 / Putative protein of unknown function
2.8055 / AIM41 / YOR215C / 9 / 41.1 / 21.229 / Putative protein of unknown function
2.0078 / ALD4 / YOR374W / 22 / 58.6 / 56.723 / Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase
6.4126 / AMS1 / YGL156W / 11 / 11.8 / 124.5 / Vacuolar alpha mannosidase, involved in free oligosaccharide (fOS) degradation
8.0620 / APE3 / YBR286W / 14 / 26.1 / 60.137 / Vacuolar aminopeptidase Y, processed to mature form by Prb1p
-2.0876 / ARA1 / YBR149W / 11 / 53.8 / 38.883 / NADP+ dependent arabinose dehydrogenase, involved in carbohydrate metabolism
-3.6997 / ARG1 / YOL058W / 7 / 21.7 / 46.927 / Arginosuccinate synthetase
Unique to SELM-1 / 2.2160 / ARG3 / YJL088W / 4 / 13.9 / 37.845 / Ornithine carbamoyltransferase (carbamoylphosphate:L-ornithine carbamoyltransferase)
-2.6808 / ARG4 / YHR018C / 7 / 20.1 / 51.989 / Argininosuccinate lyase, catalyzes the final step in the arginine biosynthesis pathway
-2.6781 / ARO2 / YGL148W / 8 / 22.1 / 40.838 / Bifunctional chorismate synthase and flavin reductase
-2.3718 / ARO8 / YGL202W / 12 / 32.4 / 56.177 / Aromatic aminotransferase I
2.1400 / -2.5784 / ATP14 / YLR295C / 5 / 62.1 / 14.128 / Subunit h of the F0 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a large
6.5428 / 2.3687 / ATP15 / YPL271W / 5 / 90.3 / 6.7425 / Epsilon subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase
-2.1197 / ATP16 / YDL004W / 7 / 72.5 / 17.02 / Delta subunit of the central stalk of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase
-2.3172 / ATP18 / YML081C-A / 3 / 25.4 / 6.6877 / Subunit of the mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase
Unique to Product 4 / ATP3 / YBR039W / 3 / 11.9 / 34.35 / Gamma subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a large, evolutionarily conserved enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis
3.4719 / ATP5 / YDR298C / 8 / 50.5 / 22.814 / Subunit 5 of the stator stalk of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase
3.7586 / ATP7 / YKL016C / 11 / 54 / 19.809 / Subunit d of the stator stalk of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase
-3.1927 / -2.5465 / BGL2 / YGR282C / 12 / 52.4 / 34.118 / Endo-beta-1,3-glucanase, major protein of the cell wall, involved in cell wall maintenance
Unique to Product 4 / BIO2 / YGR286C / 5 / 21.6 / 41.884 / Biotin synthase, catalyzes the conversion of dethiobiotin to biotin
Unique to SELM-1 / BMH1 / YER177W / 14 / 50.6 / 30.091 / 14-3-3 protein, major isoform
Unique to SELM-1 / 2.8198 / BUL1 / YMR275C / 3 / 2 / 109.17 / Ubiquitin-binding component of the Rsp5p E3-ubiquitin ligase complex
-2.8802 / -3.6399 / CAB3 / YKL088W / 5 / 9.1 / 65.237 / Subunit of a phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase (PPCDC)
Unique to SELM-1 / CAP1 / YKL007W / 2 / 6.7 / 30.699 / Alpha subunit of the capping protein (CP) heterodimer (Cap1p and Cap2p)
-3.5496 / CCS1 / YMR038C / 5 / 25.3 / 27.33 / Copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase Sod1p, involved in oxidative stress protection
-2.7744 / CCW14 / YLR390W-A / 2 / 17.6 / 23.268 / Covalently linked cell wall glycoprotein, present in the inner layer of the cell wall
Unique to Product 3 / CDS1 / YBR029C / 2 / 4.2 / 51.822 / Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase (CDP-diglyceride synthetase)
-2.2374 / CHZ1 / YER030W / 5 / 43.8 / 17.462 / Histone chaperone for Htz1p/H2A-H2B dimer
Unique to Product 4 / CIT2 / YCR005C / 3 / 7.8 / 51.413 / Citrate synthase, catalyzes the condensation of acetyl coenzyme A and oxaloacetate to form citrate, peroxisomal isozyme involved in glyoxylate cycle
3.2375 / Unique to SELM-1 / CKS1 / YBR135W / 4 / 30.7 / 17.795 / Cyclin-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit and adaptor
2.0814 / 2.3985 / CLC1 / YGR167W / 16 / 53.6 / 26.531 / Clathrin light chain
Unique to SELM-1 / CMC4 / YMR194C-B / 3 / 57.5 / 8.2024 / Protein that localizes to the mitochondrial intermembrane space via the Mia40p-Erv1p system
-3.7915 / CMD1 / YBR109C / 13 / 97.3 / 16.135 / Calmodulin
Unique to SELM-1 / -3.1845 / CNB1 / YKL190W / 6 / 56 / 19.639 / Calcineurin B
Unique to Product 2 / COQ5 / YML110C / 2 / 8.5 / 34.684 / 2-hexaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methyltransferase, involved in ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) biosynthesis
2.5521 / COR1 / YBL045C / 12 / 35.2 / 50.227 / Core subunit of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex
2.2818 / -3.5356 / COX12 / YLR038C / 5 / 53 / 9.7878 / Subunit VIb of cytochrome c oxidase
-2.5626 / -4.3436 / COX13 / YGL191W / 4 / 29.5 / 15.021 / Subunit VIa of cytochrome c oxidase
2.2210 / COX23 / YHR116W / 5 / 38.4 / 17.318 / Mitochondrial intermembrane space protein that functions in mitochondrial copper homeostasis
-2.1744 / COX4 / YGL187C / 13 / 79.4 / 17.142 / Subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase
-5.4010 / COX6 / YHR051W / 9 / 54.7 / 17.341 / Subunit VI of cytochrome c oxidase
2.2891 / CPR6 / YLR216C / 4 / 14.3 / 42.071 / Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (cyclophilin)
-3.8510 / 4.7191 / CPS1 / YJL172W / 3 / 6.9 / 64.596 / Vacuolar carboxypeptidase yscS
-2.1230 / CRH1 / YGR189C / 9 / 17 / 52.757 / Chitin transglycosylase
-2.3369 / CRP1 / YHR146W / 12 / 29.5 / 51.115 / Protein that binds to cruciform DNA structures
-2.6407 / 2.6810 / CTA1 / YDR256C / 5 / 13.2 / 58.555 / Catalase A, breaks down hydrogen peroxide in the peroxisomal matrix formed by acyl-CoA oxidase (Pox1p) during fatty acid beta-oxidation
-2.2302 / CTT1 / YGR088W / 9 / 21.9 / 64.583 / Cytosolic catalase T, has a role in protection from oxidative damage by hydrogen peroxide
Unique to SELM-1 / CUE1 / YMR264W / 4 / 25.6 / 22.762 / Endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein that recruits the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubc7p
2.0335 / CYB2 / YML054C / 10 / 22.7 / 65.539 / Cytochrome b2 (L-lactate cytochrome-c oxidoreductase)
-5.3034 / CYC1 / YJR048W / 12 / 67 / 12.182 / Cytochrome c, isoform 1
2.3946 / 3.7046 / DAP1 / YPL170W / 4 / 44.1 / 16.757 / Heme-binding protein involved in regulation of cytochrome P450 protein Erg11p
-4.4841 / DDR48 / YMR173W / 16 / 65.3 / 46.233 / DNA damage-responsive protein, expression is increased in response to heat-shock stress or treatments that produce DNA lesions
-2.2201 / DED81 / YHR019C / 4 / 10.8 / 62.206 / Cytosolic asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase
2.4728 / DJP1 / YIR004W / 2 / 8.1 / 48.574 / Cytosolic J-domain-containing protein
5.4429 / DLD1 / YDL174C / 11 / 21.1 / 65.292 / D-lactate dehydrogenase, oxidizes D-lactate to pyruvate, transcription is heme-dependent, repressed by glucose, and derepressed in ethanol or lactate
Unique to Product 3 / DLD2 / YDL178W / 4 / 9.4 / 59.268 / D-lactate dehydrogenase, located in the mitochondrial matrix
Unique to Product 3 / DLD3 / YEL071W / 2 / 5.4 / 55.224 / D-lactate dehydrogenase
2.7937 / DOS2 / YDR068W / 2 / 8.4 / 35.964 / Protein of unknown function, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm
-2.4334 / DUG1 / YFR044C / 6 / 15 / 52.871 / Cys-Gly metallo-di-peptidase
-3.6170 / EBP2 / YKL172W / 4 / 8.9 / 49.734 / Required for 25S rRNA maturation and 60S ribosomal subunit assembly
-90.8434 / -7.3471 / ECM15 / YBL001C / 4 / 73.1 / 11.518 / Non-essential protein of unknown function, may have a role in yeast cell-wall biogenesis
2.6263 / Unique to SELM-1 / ECM19 / YLR390W / 2 / 22.3 / 12.515 / Putative protein of unknown function
Unique to SELM-1 / 3.5162 / ECM4 / YKR076W / 8 / 31.9 / 43.273 / Omega class glutathione transferase
Unique to SELM-1 / Unique to SELM-1 / Unique to SELM-1 / EFR3 / YMR212C / 3 / 5 / 89.19 / Protein required for Stt4-containing phosphoinositide kinase patch assembly
4.2439 / EGD1 / YPL037C / 6 / 42.7 / 17.02 / Subunit beta1 of the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) involved in protein targeting, associated with cytoplasmic ribosomes
2.2927 / EGD2 / YHR193C / 7 / 47.7 / 18.709 / Alpha subunit of the heteromeric nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC)
4.7701 / EMI5 / YOL071W / 4 / 28.4 / 19.042 / Subunit of succinate dehydrogenase
-2.1225 / ENO1 / YGR254W / 31 / 81.2 / 46.816 / Enolase I
-2.1858 / ENO2 / YHR174W / 33 / 84.7 / 46.914 / Enolase II
-2.0313 / ENT2 / YLR206W / 3 / 10.6 / 71.806 / Epsin-like protein required for endocytosis and actin patch assembly and functionally redundant with Ent1p
3.3217 / ERG10 / YPL028W / 12 / 42.7 / 41.728 / Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase (acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase)
Unique to SELM-1 / ESF1 / YDR365C / 2 / 3 / 72.409 / Nucleolar protein involved in pre-rRNA processing
2.3870 / ETR1 / YBR026C / 2 / 10 / 42.066 / 2-enoyl thioester reductase
-5.2863 / -3.8622 / EXG1 / YLR300W / 12 / 38.8 / 51.31 / Major exo-1,3-beta-glucanase of the cell wall
Unique to Product 2 / Unique to Product 3 / FAS1 / YKL182W / 6 / 3.9 / 228.69 / Beta subunit of fatty acid synthetase
4.0058 / FAS2 / YPL231W / 9 / 5.8 / 206.94 / Alpha subunit of fatty acid synthetase
Unique to Product 2 / Unique to Product 3 / FET5 / YFL041W / 2 / 5.6 / 70.879 / Multicopper oxidase, integral membrane protein with similarity to Fet3p
Unique to SELM-1 / FLC3 / YGL139W / 3 / 8.1 / 90.76 / Putative FAD transporter, similar to Flc1p and Flc2p
2.2265 / FMP21 / YBR269C / 8 / 54.3 / 15.504 / Putative protein of unknown function
Unique to Product 2 / Unique to Product 3 / Unique to Product 4 / FMP45 / YDL222C / 3 / 15.2 / 34.135 / Integral membrane protein localized to mitochondria (untagged protein)
Unique to Product 4 / FMP46 / YKR049C / 2 / 19.5 / 15.65 / Putative redox protein containing a thioredoxin fold
Unique to SELM-1 / FPR2 / YDR519W / 4 / 39.3 / 14.487 / Membrane-bound peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase), binds to the drugs FK506 and rapamycin
-2.8206 / GAS3 / YMR215W / 5 / 16 / 56.793 / Low abundance, possibly inactive member of the GAS family of GPI-containing proteins
-5.4184 / GAS5 / YOL030W / 9 / 25 / 51.869 / 1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase, has similarity to Gas1p
Unique to Product 2 / Unique to Product 3 / Unique to Product 4 / GCY1 / YOR120W / 6 / 20.8 / 35.079 / Putative NADP(+) coupled glycerol dehydrogenase
-16.4066 / GDH1 / YOR375C / 24 / 67.4 / 49.569 / NADP(+)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase
12.6964 / GDH3 / YAL062W / 13 / 31.5 / 49.627 / NADP(+)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase
Unique to SELM-1 / GFD1 / YMR255W / 2 / 12.8 / 21.571 / Coiled-coiled protein of unknown function, identified as a high-copy suppressor of a dbp5 mutation
-2.0275 / GIS2 / YNL255C / 8 / 60.1 / 17.103 / Translational activator for mRNAs with internal ribosome entry sites
Unique to Product 4 / GLC3 / YEL011W / 3 / 6.8 / 81.115 / Glycogen branching enzyme, involved in glycogen accumulation
2.1661 / 2.2113 / GLC8 / YMR311C / 12 / 58.5 / 26.649 / Regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (Glc7p)
2.5511 / GLN1 / YPR035W / 4 / 16.8 / 41.766 / Glutamine synthetase (GS)
-2.3076 / Unique to SELM-1 / GLO1 / YML004C / 5 / 19.3 / 37.208 / Monomeric glyoxalase I