
Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is ______the Deputy Superintendent Registrar conducting the ceremony today and with me is ______the Registrar.

On behalf of ______and ______I would like to thank all of you for coming here to witness their marriage. It means a great deal to them that you are here with them to share in their happiness today.

Marriage is a lifelong promise, based on love. By getting married, two people make a permanent commitment to one another. They promise to share their lives together and they promise to overcome whatever difficulties they may face.

For ______and ______being together gives the future both meaning and purpose; it means that dreams and hopes can become a reality and the joys and sorrows of life can be shared.

(Suitable place for a reading)

______and ______, today you will exchange vows to make permanent that commitment and unite you as husband and wife. The words you will say to each other are a formal and public pledge of your love for each other.

But before you are joined in matrimony, it is my duty to remind you both of the solemn and binding character of the ceremony of marriage. Marriage according to the law of this country is the union of two people voluntarily entered into for life, to the exclusion of all others.

And now I’m going to ask each of you, in turn, to declare that you know of no legal reason why you may not marry each other.

I declare – that I know of no legal reason – why I, ______, may not be joined in marriage – to ______.

You have gathered your family and friends about you to join in your celebration, so I ask you now in their presence:

______, will you take ______to be your wife/husband and will you remain faithful to her/him for the rest of your life together?

Answer: I will

Repeat for Bride/Groom

(Suitable place for a reading)

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for ______and ______to make their marriage vows and exchange rings, in your presence.

Please repeat after me:

I give you this ring – as a token of my love – and our commitment to each other, – and in the presence of our family and friends, – I ______– take you ______– to be my wedded wife/husband, – to love and to cherish – for the rest of our lives together.

______and ______, you have both made the declarations prescribed by law and you have made solemn promises to each other, symbolised by the exchange of rings and in the presence of your guests gathered here today. May the love and commitment you have shown today stay with you in your life together.

It now gives me great pleasure to declare that you are husband and wife/wife and wife/husband and husband together.

Congratulations to you both!

(Signing of the marriage register followed by presentation of the marriage certificate and ceremony close)

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