The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Clarendon School

Minutes of the meeting of the Governing Body held at the school on

Thursday 2nd October 2014 at 7.00pm.

Constitution, Membership and Attendance

LEA - 1 / PARENTS - 3 / CO-OPTED - 6 / STAFF –2
Kate Howard / Beryl Redgrave / Liz Calwell / John Kipps
Alexandra Obiago / Jo Dixon / Yvonne Coney
Vacancy / Robert Harvey
Neda Hormozi
Lyn Hunt
Maurice Press

bold = absent

Apologies: Liz Calwell, Lyn Hunt

Absent without apologies:

Also attended: Helen Bridge - Clerk

1.3 / Apologies
Liz Calwell and Lyn Hunt both sent their apologies. Sarah Bright, Head of the Gateway Centre also sent her apologies.
The chair noted that Vicky Baker had stepped down from her role as staff governor. The chair had sent a card from governors thanking her for her really positive contribution to the Governing Bodies work. Governors extended a warm welcome to Yvonne Coney, new staff governor, and they introduced themselves to her.
The chair noted that a large number of papers had been circulated in advance of the meeting so she assumed that governors had read them and invited discussion and comments accordingly. / Action
2.1 / Declaration of Interests
Governors that hadn’t already done so were asked to complete the annual declaration of interests form that had been circulated in advance of the meeting.
3.2 / AOB
Governors raised the question of governor skills audit to be discussed under AOB
The statutory notices circulated by the school concerning imminent changes to the school’s categorisation would also be discussed. / Action
4.5 / Membership of Governing Body
The chair welcomed Yvonne Coney as new staff governor and governors suggested that Lyn Hunt would be a good mentor for her. The head agreed and undertook to talk to Lyn about this.
The chair noted that the governor section of the website needs updating to reflect all recent changes to the governing body. The chair undertook to contact Audrey McConnon to action this. Yvonne Coney undertook to send her pen portrait to Audrey McConnon for inclusion on the website.
The head informed governors that there had been no response to the advertisement for a parent governor. The head undertook to approach some potential parents directly.
The chair noted that Alex Obiago and Yvonne Coney need to sign the final page of the School Governing Body Code and they are to be passed to the head for filing.
Jo Dixon was re-elected as chair for a period of office until the first full governing body meeting of the academic year 2015-16. Liz Calwell and Maurice Press were elected as joint vice chairs for a period of office until the first full governing body meeting of the academic year 2015-16. The chair noted that after a long and sterling service, this would be Liz Calwell’s last year as Clarendon Governor. / JK
/ Review of Committee Structure, Membership and Link Governors
The draft lists of committee membership and link governor roles had been circulated in advance of the meeting (Attached at A). The chair noted that Liz Calwell would act as link governor with regard to safeguarding and the school council and these should be added to the link governor role list.
The chair noted that Liz Calwell had circulated her monitoring system for link governors and all governors should regularly feed back to Liz on their actions.
The chair reminded governors that in order to ease workload, a new committee structure of 6 committees had been proposed and approved by governors at the recent strategy day.
It was noted that Angela Field would act as clerk for the finance committee and clerks for the other committees would be appointed once the meeting dates and times were finalised.
Alex Obiago agreed to join the Premises/Health and safety and the Pupils’ Pastoral Wellbeing committee. Yvonne Coney agreed to join the Pay and Personnel and the Pupil Achievement and Curriculum committee. Jo Dixon would join the Pupils’ Pastoral and Wellbeing committee and would not be a member of the Partnerships and Pupil Achievement and Curriculum Committee as these 2 committees are to meet on a Thursday morning when she has another commitment. The clerk undertook to amend and recirculate the committee membership and link governor role documents with the minutes.
The chair proposed that the school should have an appeals panel pool of governors to draw on in order to deal with issues of pupil discipline, pay appeals, staff grievance and staff discipline. Neda Hormozi, Maurice Press and Bob Harvey agreed to be part of the appeals panel pool. The chair noted that Liz Calwell should also be a member of the pool. The head highlighted to governors that the appeal panel had not sat for at least the last 10 years.
Governors questioned the head as to whether link governors should visit Newhouse and the Gateway Centre as part of their link governor responsibilities. The head confirmed that while there was a separate link governor for the satellite provisions this should be the case. The head noted that Dave Francis, head of Newhouse, would like to welcome visitors from after the half term break. / HB
6.2 / Minutes of the Last Meeting
7.17 – The chair noted that this should read shift towards ‘speaking therapies’ rather than speech and language therapies.
This change having been noted, the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th June 2014 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the chair.
7.7 / Matters Arising
1.6 The head informed governors that the school was now using the ‘Outstanding’ logo. He expressed his disappointment at the fact that the local press didn’t report about the recent achievement of the Ofsted outstanding grade however he informed governors that he now has a good working relationship with the borough head of communications which would prove to be a useful link in the future.
7.6 The head informed governors that the school has still not received the year 7 catch up funding despite repeated promises from the borough. Governors were dismayed to hear this.
7.18 This point is still outstanding.
7.20 A format for governors for monitoring pupil behaviour using sleuth data needs to be picked up by the Pupil’s Pastoral Wellbeing committee.
8.4 The head noted that no members of the public attended the recent public consultation although the head and chair had attended.
10.2 The head informed governors that the school had been appointed a temporary Education Welfare Officer (EWO) but he was yet to meet him/her. The chair questioned the head as to whether this was a service that was worth paying for. The head confirmed that this service was not beneficial and that school family support workers would be able to fulfil the role. The head undertook to investiagte as to whether the school could opt out of this part of the SPARK package. Governors suggested that if any savings were possible it might enable additional funding for more valuable family support work.
11.3 The chair noted that her letter to Rob Henderson with regard to taking on the management of Newhouse had been circulated to governors at the end of the summer term. / MP
8.5 / Committees
The clerk undertook to list all 6 committees by name on the governing body meeting agenda and minutes regardless of whether they had met or not.
The chair informed governors that the Pay and Personnel committee had met recently to review the pay policy (Attached at B). The head expressed frustration that the STPCD document and been issued in September (rather than May) – governor support have informed the government on governors behalf that this is unacceptable. It was noted that unions disagree with a move to performance related pay therefore a borough model has been adopted which gives the option of enhanced pay progression for exceptional performance.
Governors agreed unanimously to adopt the pay policy.
Governors agreed the following dates for this academic years committee meetings –
Pupil Achievement and Curriculum
Thursday 23rd October 2014 (moved from 16/10) 8.30am
Thursday 5th March 2015 8.30am
Thursday 4th June 2015 8.30am
Governors proposed to change the time from 8am to 8.30am.
Neda Hormozi undertook to check the new October date with LizCalwell.
Thursday 23rd October 2014 10.15am
Thursday 5th March 2015 10.15am
Thursday 4th June 2015 10.15am
Governors proposed to change the time from 9.45am to 10.15am.
Neda Hormozi undertook to check with Liz Calwell that these dates and times are OK with her and also to discuss the possibility of holding the Partnerships meeting first.
Pay and Personnel
Tuesday 11th November 2014
Monday 23rd February 2015
Monday 1st June 2015
Premises, Health and Safety
The head to check suitable dates/times with Dave Francis
Finance and Pupil's Pastoral Wellbeing
No dates were set – Governors proposed to hold these committee meetings consecutively on the same day - probably a Monday – the head undertook to check dates/times with Steve Llewellyn / HB
9.9 / School Development Plan
The school development plan documentation had been circulated in advance of the meeting (Attached at C).
The head highlighted to governors that last year the focus had been on the impending Ofsted visit and the achievement of an outstanding grade. All major objectives had been met with regard to redevelopment and progress in English and Maths and the outstanding Ofsted grading in the summer term was the ‘icing on the cake’.
The head highlighted that this year there would be 9 priorities that reflected the CLARENDON acronym. He also highlighted the fact that the priority 9 document had now been completed and would be circulated to governors.
The head led governors through the main tasks within the school development plan for the Gateway Centre.
Priority 2 – the document should read AFC, not AFL. Also on page 3 the document should read stage not sage. The head undertook to make these amendments.
Governors questioned the head as to the meaning of ‘Golden Book’. The head informed them that every child receives a Golden Book in year 11, which is a collection of their best pieces of work throughout their school life.
Priority 6 – Governors questioned the head as to whether TA’s should be included here – they suggested that TA’s need to be supported in supporting teachers. The document should read AFC not AFL and on page 2 the document should read that the ‘final version should be on the website by 1/10/14’ (not 1/7/14). The head undertook to action these changes.
In relation to CPD, the chair questioned the head as to whether there was any subject specific training available for special schools. The head informed governors that there were some local opportunities that need to be picked up on.
The chair highlighted to governors that each committee should review the school development plan priorities to see what is relevant to their committee’s monitoring responsibilities. / JK
10.4 / Headteachers Report
The new format of the Headteachers report to governors had been circulated in advance of the meeting (Attached at D).
The head led governors through the new report in detail
Highlights of the report included –
2.3 There will be an increase in the number of English lessons for all pupils going forward.
2.4 Two pupils had received the Jack Petchey Award (£200 to spend on their class or school) so far this year.
3.1 A curriculum map had been published on the website for each class for each term to enable greater home/school partnership. Where necessary this would also be sent home in hard copy. Governors questioned the head as to whether parents/carers would understand it. The head confirmed that the design came from a parent support organisation and the school would use it for a year and ask for feedback from parents at the end of the year.
3.2 The head confirmed that governor representation at the Parent Interview evening on the 27th November 2014 would be useful.
3.3 The head asked governors to put the dates for special events for parents/carers in their diaries.
4.2 Local Offer – the head asked governors to review the local offer on the website and feed back their views to him. Governors highlighted to the head the usefulness of the school having a twitter account. Maurice Press offered to help set this up.
4.4 Governors agreed to the head removing the ‘name’ column from this section to respect potential privacy issues in a public document and to replace it with number of staff . Governors noted that the appropriate forum for more detailed discussions would be the Pay and Personnel Committee.
5.3 Governors questioned the head as to whether this section should include ‘discriminatory comments’. The head agreed that it should, while this might need co-ordinating with the SLEUTH categories used.
The head asked governors for their feedback on the new format of the report. Governors agreed that the report was more targeted and focussed and proposed that this should remain the format for this year with the above amendments having been made and with a future review of effectiveness and practicality. Governors thanked the head acknowledging his hard work on the new format. / Action