Grade :VIII

II-TERM (October, 2015 – February, 2016)

ENGLISH / MCB :Unit 4 - Films
Unit 5- Environment
Unit 6- Mythology
Unit 7- Mystery
Lit. Reader :10- Thank You, M’am
11-Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
12-The Cop and the Anthem
13-The Peacock
14-The Merchant of Venice
Writing- Dialogue writing, Poster making, Article, Film Review.
Grammar- Reported Speech, Conditionals, Use of could, may, and might, Editing .
MATHEMATICS / L – 7 , Factorisation
L – 8 , Linear Equation in One Variable
L – 9 , Comparing Quantities
L – 10 , Compound Interest
L – 11 , Direct and Inverse Proportions
L – 13 , Practical Geometry
L – 15 , Areas
L – 16 , Volumes and Surface Areas
L – 17 , Data Handling
SCIENCE / Physics:
L-16 Light
L-17 Refraction and dispersion of light
L-18 Universe
L-13 Sound
EVS: L-4 Renewable energy sources
EVS: L- 10 Over utilization of resources
L-6 Combustion and flame
EVS: L-8 Industry
L-19 Pollution of air and water
L-15 Chemical effects of electric current
EVS : L- 9 Industrial waste and management
L-7 Conservation of plants and animals
EVS: L- 3 Human population growth
L-8 Cell structure and functions
L-9 Reproduction
L-10 Reaching the age of adolescence
Chapter-9 Reforms, Reformers and Women
Chapter-11 The National Movement
Chapter 12: Independent India
Chapter-5 The Judicial System
Chapter-8Controlling Marginalization
Chapter 9: Public facilities
L-6- Agriculture Types of farming
L-7- Major Agricultural crops.
L-8- Industries
L-9- Major Industries
L-11- Human Resources
UAE Sst:
UAE S.St. Page No.38-75
ARABIC / الفئران تأكل الحديد
هدية مناسبة
طاعة الوالدين
عادات صحية مفيدة
أميرة البحار السبعة
اختبار الوحدة
ISLAMIC STUDIES / Lesson No.2 Be Patient
LessonNo.3 Pray, Recite and Give charity
Ja’far and the king of Abyssinia
A Threat from the North
Lesson No.2 Gods true religion
Lesson No.3: The successful business
Lesson No.1 Salatul Jama’a
Lesson No.2 Salatul Jumu’ah: The Friday Prayer
Lesson No.3: Eid prayers
Prayer in times of difficulty
MORAL SCIENCE / Chapter 12. How Much Land does a Man Need
Chapter 13. Abu Ben Adhem
Chapter 14.People with Special Need
Chapter 16. Anyway
Chapter 17Socrates-A Seeker of Truth
Chapter 18. Gems of India
Chapter19. Right Of Duties
Chapter 20. Pollution
Chapter 21. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish Chapter 22. Learning Life Skills
COMPUTERS / L-6 Introduction to Flash
L-7 Networking and E-Commerce
L-8 Advanced Algorithms and Flowcharts
L-9 Introduction to Dreamweaver CS6

FRENCH / Lesson 6 : chez les Grands.
L’objet directe, la conversation: au restaurant.
Lesson 7 : le cabinet de travail de M. LeGrand.
L’objet indirect. La devision des magasins et les differentes sections.
Lesson 8 : La poste .
Connaitre les different services de la poste.
Grammaire; l’imparfait. Les pronoms relatifs.
Lesson 9 : Les animaux.
Ecrire un texte comparative. Connaitre et apprendre les noms des animaux.
Grammaire: Les adverbs, les pronoms relatifs.
Lesson 10: Un marriage a la champagne.
Grammaire: Le conditionnel present.Le participle present.
Revision et applications.