Wuhan Polytechnic University

Application Formfor Foreign Students

International Office


No.68, Xue Fu South Road,Chang Qing Gardon,

Wuhan , HuBei,

Fax: +86-27-83912601 Tel: +86-27-83912601/83912602 430023, P. R. China

Surname / Given Name / Photo
Name in Chinese
(if any) / Gender / □Male
Nationality / Date of Birth
(yyyy/mm/dd )
Place of Birth / MarriageStatus / Religion
Private Passport No. / Private Passport Expiration Date
Current Occupation and Working Company or Studying Institution
Permanent Mailing Address
(Home Country Address) / /Tel: E-mail: Fax:
CurrentMailing Address in China (If available) / Tel: Cell Phone:
Education History(Start with the high school you graduated from):
Name of School, College, University / Field of Study / Date of Attendance(from/to) / Diploma/Degree/Certificate
Current Chinese language level / Non (Beginner) Fair Good Excellent HSK Test Result
Skills and Hobbies
Application Category
(Expected level of study) / □ Language student □Undergraduate □Master
□ Exchange student □ others:
Subject of study in China / Enrollment date
Duration ofStudy / From To
Parent, Spouse or otherperson to contact in case of an emergency:
Name / Relationship / Occupation / Tel. / E-mail
Recommending agency
Name, Tel., Fax, E-mail
Person to contact on your behalf in China:Name/Address/Tel/ Fax/E-mail
Guarantor’s Name, Address, Tel., Fax, Email
Date of Arrival
(yyyy/mm/dd )
Accommodation reservation / Request for a dorm on campus( ) Arrival Date (yyyy/mm/dd):
I hereby affirm that:
【1】All the information in this form is true and correct;
【2】I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of Wuhan Polytechnic University .
Date: Applicant’s Signature:

Applicant should submit the following documents with this application form:

【1】 The Highest Educational Level Certificate/Diploma(copy)

【2】 Transcript of Academic Record

【3】 Photocopy of Private Passport

【4】 Recommendation Letters from Two Professors (For graduate application)

【5】 Guardian’s Guarantee (For applicant under 18 years of age)

【6】 If you are currently studying in China, please provide: A photocopy of your visa or residence permit in China.

AnincompleteApplication Form or failuretosubmitthesupportingdocumentsmentioned above may delay the process of your application.

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